Monday, April 19, 2010

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Entertainment event, "Children on the Square".

Location: Lusciano (Church Square)
Period: May 9, 2010 from 18:00 to 22:00
Purpose: Entertainment Events.

Please note that on 09 May 2010 from 18:00 to 22:00, Church Square in the cultural association "La Bussola" intends to implement an event for purposes of "entertainment" called "Children in the Piazza." Notify
that the event did not for profit and that will be carried out as follows:
- beginning at 18:00 with the presentation of the project by a representative of the Bussola e proseguirà con l’utilizzo di gonfiabili – teatrino – trampoliere – sparafuoco – animatrici – musica – preparazione di popcorn e zucchero filato in omaggio ai bambini.
- si posizionerà un gazebo e un “banchetto di raccolta” (offerta) che il ricavato verrà offerto al Parroco della Chiesa “SS. Maria Assunta” di Lusciano, a titolo di beneficenza;
- si concluderà alle ore 22:00 con la distribuzione di un dono “ricordo” ai bambini presenti e con un omaggio floreale alle mamme presenti visto che tale giornata è la ricorrenza della “festa della mamma”.
- Verrà prodotto un book fotografico che potrà essere viewed at our headquarters in Via Costanzo No. 56 - Lusciano.

- for this occasion are asked to activate SSLL the ban on driving in the media section of the street Costanzo (intersection with Via P. Togliatti) which takes place in the Church for as long as necessary.
In advance thank you.
Lusciano there April 12, 2010

Kate Ground Full Sets

The COMPASS Programme projects and events, "the cultural association" La Bussola "for the year 2010. The undersigned

Dell'Aversano Orabona Luciano as President of the cultural "Compass" located in the street Lusciano Costanzo 56C.F. No.: 90026830613 email: cell: 333 1935657:
to SS.LL. the program of projects and events for the year 2010 that will carry the same social and cultural purposes in support of the territory and the community;
to time, undertakes the organization:
- an event for entertainment purposes and "Children in Piazza ", with a request for legal assistance from the municipality and in the month of May;
- meeting - debate cultural purposes on a topic of interest "feminine" with local legal aid to be made in May or June;
- event for purposes of aggregation (festival) with a request for legal aid and municipal contributions to be made in June or July: "Welcome Summer ";
- purpose sports event (marathon 10 km) and requests for legal assistance and the municipality, to be carried out in September;
- events of solidarity to be made in the year 2010: together with national initiatives through" Banquet collection "in favor of scientific research;
- cultural event with a request for legal aid to be carried out in September: "Farewell Summer";
- cultural event with the purpose of preventive healthcare, to take place in November with a request for legal aid;
- awareness raising event with pupils of primary school, open letter to Mr. Mayor of Lusciano to be carried out in December for Christmas;
- Any other business.
I declare that the association "Compass" _
not pursued for profit and does not distribute profits to shareholders;
_ is properly constituted and registered with private act registered with the Inland Revenue by the 13th day of Aversa / 01/10 n ° 236 III _
not part of the joint politico-administrative of any party;
_ not been subjected to measures of prevention and there are no ongoing proceedings at its own expense for the application of preventive measures
also states:
_ that personal data collected will be treated, including by computer, advertising and exclusively under the
proceedings for which this declaration is made;
_ to make use, in the granting of municipal patronage, the symbol and name of the City of Lusciano together with the symbol of
'Association "the bush";
_ publicity of financing in the manner agreed in advance with supporter del progetto.

Lusciano lì 02 aprile 2010

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Confronto tra i candidati, scende in campo “La Bussola”.

Lusciano. A soli dieci giorni dalla sua comparsa nel panorama cittadino, l’associazione culturale “La Bussola” si rende subito protagonista di un’iniziativa all’insegna del “confronto e della discussione costruttiva”. E’ previsto, infatti, per sabato mattina, alle ore 10, l’Incontro-Dibattito intitolato “Le ragioni del voto”. Incontro che vedrà protagonisti tutti i candidati al Consiglio provinciale di Caserta nel Collegio 17 (Lusciano-Parete) e che avrà come location il Palazzo Ducale di Lusciano. "As we had occasion to say at the opening of our new cultural subject, we have set the goal is to help restore dignity to a strong country and a region too often forgotten and neglected. Engage our forces through a comparison with organizations, institutions, individuals and associations. Saturday's event must be viewed from the standpoint of a comparison peaceful, fair and constructive. In this regard we have provided to send invitations to all who will represent the college at Provincials in late March. We would like to point out, however, that it is not our intention to be "ingested" into unproductive and sterile political disputes. We convinced of the need to promote a discussion on the importance to vote free from any influence and simply based on programs, projects and ideas, "they tell the leaders of" The Compass ". To open the proceedings of the meeting the greetings of the mayors of Lusciano and Wall, Luciano and Luigi Verrengia factor. They have already confirmed participation, the following candidates: Augusto Abategiovanni (UDC), Domenico Carpentier (MPA), Pietro Ciardiello (Pd), Salvatore Falco (We South), Joseph Mariniello (Zinzi President), Gino Pellegrino (Udeur), Luciano Petrillo (Democrats with Stella), Francesco Pezzella (left), Raffaele Pezone (IDV) Louis Rome (PDL). A moderate the debate Marie Mingione.

"Nuova Gazzetta di Caserta", March 11, 2010

The Meanings Behind Jelly Braclets

Compass "directs" the citizens of the Editorial

Lusciano 01/04/2010 - Continuation of the activities of "The Compass". After the success of the public debate organized by the association, at the Palazzo Ducale in Lusciano, a comparison between the candidates moderated by TV journalist Marie Mingione Moon and the presence of the first citizens of their common factor Luciano and Luigi Verrengia, the components of ' Association are preparing for the next events. "The comparison with interventions in a quota period of time and specified from time to time by a special display, as is the case in the United States of America - said the director of the association Ruggiero factor - has been a success in terms of objective and interest is not excluded that it will re-present circumstances similar content. Many topics and issues of major social impact that the association La Bussola therefore explore in depth the coming events, to the territory of trying to provide insights and benchmarks. " Connect the output of the provincial elections lle-Wall, So far the comment factor that comes after the first initiative organized by the association. A baptism took place at the height of campaign for the association, according to the premises and the task at hand, will not fail to pay homage to its name by offering guidance and opportunities of aging civil conscience of citizens and Agro Lusciano.

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The Cultural Association "The Compass" is organizing a meeting between the candidates for the American Council of the Province of Caserta College Lusciano - Wall.

involve the territory of city life and administration, by promoting an open debate on all questions of major relevance. This is the objective of the association "La Bussola" Lusciano of which, at 10 am Saturday, March 13, requested the institutional authorities, the cultural and political institutions, citizenship and the press to a meeting with candidates in local elections for the ride to the Province of Caserta, in the college 17 (Lusciano-Wall). A true American confrontation, during which all aspirants to the chair of the provincial councils to take action, answer questions from reporters. At the heart of the debate will be above all: their own agenda and plans for the territory.
A few weeks after the inauguration of the "Compass", therefore, the president Luciano Dell'Aversano Orabona, Raffaele Cotugno honorary president, the vice presidents and Michele Generoso Abategiovanni Castiello, Abate Luciano secretary, treasurer Luigi Sagliocco e i consiglieri Filippo Costanzo, Giuseppe De Cicco, Ruggiero Fattore, Corrado Ioffredo, Nicola Mottola e Biagio Pizzorusso hanno voluto dare ascolto alle esigenze della cittadinanza, mediante l'iniziativa dal titolo: «Programmi e problematiche del territorio». A portare, sabato, i loro saluti saranno anche i sindaci di Lusciano, Luciano Fattore, e di Parete, Luigi Aurelio Ennio Verrengia.

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launch event Feb. 28 2010

Lusciano. Una copiosa cornice di pubblico ha assistito all’inaugurazione dell’Associazione Culturale “La Bussola”, la cui sede è situata nella centralissima Via Costanzo. Un nuovo soggetto culturale nato dalla passione e dall’impegno di un gruppo di amici e che si prefigge the aim of spreading knowledge in order to exploit the territory, history, traditions, culture and solidarity. To celebrate the ritual of blessing, of course, Don Marcelino Cassandra, who has captured the attention of the participants with an impassioned speech and energetic. "Culture is the most powerful weapon to fight this cancer that afflicts our society: the Camorra. Only by spreading the culture and principles of law in our territory will be reborn, "said Don Marcellino. "We fully share the words of the pastor and in this respect we are very pleased with the initiatives of the administration. Initiatives hanno consentito a personaggi come don Tonino Palmese, autentico baluardo a difesa della cultura e della legalità, di testimoniarci la sua lotta ed il suo impegno quotidiano. La nostra associazione, attraverso un confronto costruttivo con enti, istituzioni, cittadini e associazioni, cercherà di dare il proprio piccolo ed umile contributo. L’intento è quello di ridare forte dignità ad un paese che ha una grande storia e una importante tradizione”, afferma il Presidente Luciano Dell’Aversana Orabona. Alla cerimonia di inaugurazione era presente l’intera classe politica luscianese, rappresentata dal Sindaco Luciano Fattore e dai capigruppo di opposizione in Consiglio Petrillo, Abategiovanni e Verolla. Particolarmente entusiasta initiative seemed the Mayor Luciano Factor: "Those who have followed my campaign know the value and importance that I attach to the culture. In this regard the emergence of associations designed to give new life to the cultural fabric of the country is a first step towards that much desired "normal" that we intend to pursue. I do not think that these new forms of associations to be "non-party." Indeed. The policy, in the noblest sense of the word, can and must cover everyone, more so those who, like the forms of associations, are intended to promote meetings, events and initiatives for the protection of interest and Citizenship, concludes the cardiologist.

"Nuova Gazzetta di Caserta", March 4, 2010