Monday, April 19, 2010

Kate Ground Full Sets

The COMPASS Programme projects and events, "the cultural association" La Bussola "for the year 2010. The undersigned

Dell'Aversano Orabona Luciano as President of the cultural "Compass" located in the street Lusciano Costanzo 56C.F. No.: 90026830613 email: cell: 333 1935657:
to SS.LL. the program of projects and events for the year 2010 that will carry the same social and cultural purposes in support of the territory and the community;
to time, undertakes the organization:
- an event for entertainment purposes and "Children in Piazza ", with a request for legal assistance from the municipality and in the month of May;
- meeting - debate cultural purposes on a topic of interest "feminine" with local legal aid to be made in May or June;
- event for purposes of aggregation (festival) with a request for legal aid and municipal contributions to be made in June or July: "Welcome Summer ";
- purpose sports event (marathon 10 km) and requests for legal assistance and the municipality, to be carried out in September;
- events of solidarity to be made in the year 2010: together with national initiatives through" Banquet collection "in favor of scientific research;
- cultural event with a request for legal aid to be carried out in September: "Farewell Summer";
- cultural event with the purpose of preventive healthcare, to take place in November with a request for legal aid;
- awareness raising event with pupils of primary school, open letter to Mr. Mayor of Lusciano to be carried out in December for Christmas;
- Any other business.
I declare that the association "Compass" _
not pursued for profit and does not distribute profits to shareholders;
_ is properly constituted and registered with private act registered with the Inland Revenue by the 13th day of Aversa / 01/10 n ° 236 III _
not part of the joint politico-administrative of any party;
_ not been subjected to measures of prevention and there are no ongoing proceedings at its own expense for the application of preventive measures
also states:
_ that personal data collected will be treated, including by computer, advertising and exclusively under the
proceedings for which this declaration is made;
_ to make use, in the granting of municipal patronage, the symbol and name of the City of Lusciano together with the symbol of
'Association "the bush";
_ publicity of financing in the manner agreed in advance with supporter del progetto.

Lusciano lì 02 aprile 2010


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