Monday, February 28, 2011

WiewiÓrka Syberyjska Burunduk

1.2.3. Sights ----> ready go! Photo Hunt 2011, party!

1 * Something. .. refined

sweet, caster ... Refined ...
white sugar!
... and Paris in the background,
further note of refined ...

... the game is hunting , good fun for everyone!


Twisted Bowels In Babies

I Love Hunting ... Scc only though!

... Scc on the hunt again:
tomorrow officially open the Photo Hunt 2011 ...
I participate again this year, and you?

If you want to see the hunting of 2010 found here!


Order Mariano's Margarita Bucket

"An ogre is between U.S."

Don Scotti Corinne

The Mass Sunday

lights on for Yara

" I'm sure someone has not told you everything, not in bad faith, but with the belief that talking would have hampered the discovery of Yara, now is the time to be told everything , "it said Giovanni Valsecchi, the head of the dozens of volunteers who have been trying for three months Yara. " Now more than ever we must be careful our kids," he added.
"We have always felt orc speak in fables, now we know what they are and how far a man can get. And we are worried, how can you not be worried, knowing that there is such an ogre that runs between us? . "Don Corinne Scott, pastor of Brembate di Sopra, recounts a dream in his homily. The ogre knocks on his door at night and wakes him up. The pastor, a good Christian, apparently in hopes repentance, hoping that the 'Ogre that he goes to confession and then hand over to law enforcement. But the orcs that killed the girls hardly repent: they are well hidden and hide their secrets until the next victim.
almost certainly the track of the "two men "was a track Falas. A neighbor had reported seeing, on the night she disappeared, " two men arguing heatedly in the street where the family lives Gambirasio. spoke in Italian." Marina Abeni, that November afternoon was wearing walking her two dogs. "I am also scared - he said - because these people were very misleading. One, in particular, who was in a hurry to leave and pulled away the other . She had also launched an appeal on Facebook: "Let see if it has nothing to do, so at least you clarity." An appeal fell on deaf ears.
Yara Gambirasio trust of those who attacked. And 'this is the track that is gaining increasing ground between investigators who are investigating the death of thirteen of Brembate di Sopra, near Bergamo. She would never have moved away voluntarily with a stranger, keep on repeating all those who knew her. After the release of Mohammed Fikri searches were distributed by the reconstruction of what happened on the afternoon of the disappearance, in the short path between the gym and the home as a way Morlotti Rampinelli.
Just in the gym, according to investigators, was found the first 'anomaly' of the story. Yara, dopo aver consegnato uno stereo alle sue istruttrici, avrebbe utilizzato un'uscita che è nella direzione opposta a quella di casa. I cani specializzati hanno puntato tutti su quella uscita. Anche se nessuno l’ha vista andarsene di là dalla palestra, non può essere un caso. Se davvero Yara è uscita da quella porta 'inconsueta', deve esserci un motivo e la risposta più plausibile è anche quella più semplice: Yara doveva incontrare qualcuno di cui si fidava.
Poco dopo le 18.30 Yara ha scambiato un sms con l'amica Martina, alla quale ha dato appuntamento per una gara di ginnastica la domenica successiva. Ed ecco la seconda ‘anomalia’. Subito dopo il suo telefonino Mapello snaps the antenna, a village next to Brembate, but off-road than the usual route back home Gambirasio. As it happens next to the scientific body has found the sim card and battery. LG, Yara's cell phone, no trace. It was stolen by some "the Jackal", or the murderess has not removed to reveal its location? The second hypothesis seems the most likely. Probably the attack took place not far from the gym. Then the ogre is headed for Mapello and the way it was keen to remove the battery to leave no traces in the "cells" of the area. If it went really well then the ambush was premeditated. At this point reached Chignolo locations and prevailed on the body. The remains of the thirteen were found with the tissues almost completely cleaved but intact, and even the clothes were all in place, even the red rubber band in her hair. In short, Yara has kidnapped, stunned, and then maybe he has finished in the waste field where it was found.
That narrow tuft of grass in one hand, the last desperate attempt to defend themselves and cling to life, Yara, is another crucial element. The girl died in an attempt to resist an attempt to violence, probably of a sexual nature, among the bushes of the field via Bedell, a few minutes after his exit from the gym Brembate.

Igor Patruno

Free Southpark Streaming


2 November 6, 2010 : Yara Gambirasio around 18.30 out of the sports hall of Brembate di Sopra, but after 15 minutes his phone is already off. A file is opened for kidnapping by the prosecutor of Bergamo.
November 28: While the search continues by the police, part of the mobilization of volunteers to extend the area of \u200b\u200bresearch. A nineteen year old in the country, Enrico Tironi, said he saw the girl talking with two men near a red car dented the evening of his death. The investigators, however, believe the story of the young unreliable .
November 30: The focus is on a construction site in Mapello, on the border with Brembo, which is building a shopping center and where investigators are led by specialist sniffer dogs
December 3: a black jacket like that Yara was wearing at the time of death is found on the advice of a woman who said he had seen throw the window of a speeding car a bag, but the track fails
December 4: The Moroccan Mohammed Fikri, 22, a worker in the yard where they had concentrated the research was stopped on a ship bound for Morocco . A suspicious investigators the decision to leave work and home and suddenly embark for Africa
December 6 : charges against Fikri falter. Intercepted a few sentences he thought he had found the solution to the yellow, but some Arabic words translated poorly and a ticket to Morocco in his pocket for some time they drop the idea of \u200b\u200ban escape. A peep Brembate Under the sign: "Out of the Moroccans Italy "
December 7 : Mohammed Fikri is released from prison and released
December 8: follow the track of "knowledge" : the girl would never have moved away from the gym with strangers
December 12: shows the hypothesis of a possible kidnapping related to the work environment Fulvio Gambirasio, the father The whose firm had relationship with a company involved with the Camorra a. The company was also used in the construction of the shopping center Mapello, where the searches were aimed from the beginning. Fulvio Gambirasio rejects the idea that it had no enemies or hide the facts from
Dec. 21: Check the 'Swiss track " : Announcement of the police on a Swiss site
December 22 : found a pair of shoes in a hedge . Investigators: "I am not of Yara"
December 26: continue the research even in the snow remains standing hypothesis of seizure
December 28: The parents of Yara addressed an appeal to the kidnappers : "Give us back our daughter. We implore the mercy of those people who hold Yara "
January 15: The parents of Yara ask the press blackout . This was announced by the mayor of Brembate di Sopra reading a short statement released by the family of the young
January 20: Yara is sought in the province of Udine in a rugged mountainous area. Searches are taken following an anonymous tip the police received a medium of Bergamo
26 febbraio : il cadavere di Yara viene rinvenuto in un campo di Chignolo d'Isola , a una decina di chilometri dal luogo della scomparsa...
da Il Corriere della Sera - redazione online

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Rilievi della polizia scientifica

Rilievi della polizia scientifica

Quel campo vicino casa

Ecco il racconto di Ilario Scotti, l’uomo che verso le 15.30 di sabato   ha trovato il corpo della piccola Yara .
"Non avrei mai voluto vedere quello che ho visto e f atico a esprimerlo a parole. La notte non ho dormito, sono ancora molto scosso.  Pensavo di trascorrere un tranquillo pomeriggio di distensione dedicandomi al mio passatempo preferito, l'aeromodellismo, e invece ho trovato something that no one would ever want to find. What Chignolo d'Isola is a field where I go, because there do not bother anyone. What has happened is merely the outcome of the case, a fortuitous event. I was testing a model to which I had modified it and it was happening. The plane made an unusual trajectory, it flew well, so I did get off the field, to prevent a fall likely to cause damage irreoarabili. Then I penetrated into the field to retrieve the model . When I found about five feet, five feet away I noticed something among the brushwood. The first impression was that of aver visto un mucchio di stracci buttati lì da qualcuno. Ma appena mi sono reso conto che era una persona, non ho esitato e ho subito chiamato il 113"

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Rilievi della polizia scientifica

Rilievi della polizia scientifica

Quel campo vicino casa
Here is the story of Hilary Scott, the man around 15.30 on Saturday found the body of the little Yara .

"I never wanted to see what I saw f atic to express it in words. The night I did not sleep, I'm still very shaken . I spend a quiet afternoon relaxing dedicating myself to my favorite pastime, the model airplanes, and instead I found something that nobody would ever want to find. Chignolo What d'Isola is a field where I go, because there do not bother anyone. What has happened is merely the outcome of the case, a fortuitous event. I was testing a model to which I had modified it and it was happening. The plane made an unusual trajectory, it flew well, so I did get off the field, to prevent a fall likely to cause damage irreoarabili. Then I penetrated into the field to retrieve the model . When I found about five feet, five feet away I noticed something among the brushwood. The first impression was that he saw a pile of rags thrown in by someone. But soon as I had that she was a person, I did not hesitate and I immediately called the 113 "

Forum Darmowy Hosting

Weekend imaginative craft and recycling} {

weekend of chores and creations that just passato...
d'altronde, freddo e pioggia hanno imperversato
e si stava troppo bene in casa al calduccio...

Che cosa è uscito dalle mie manine?

Un quadro portagioie per Be...
da sempre nella lista delle cose da fare,
finalmente ci sono riuscita...

cornice rossa e stoffina ikea,
rete da conigliera
(grazie Alpha per l'aiuto e, non dimenticarti i gancetti!),
assemblato il tutto... e, fatto!

Che finalmente io trovi un po' d'ordine in quella camera?

... some other special ...

And then?

Some circles want to use again ...
some strip that chiffon fabric, a little 'fantasy ...

and here, two new circles, new ...
that now found in the shop Artesanum

qualche ulteriore particolare...
la rosellina su quello azzurro,
il fiore uncinettato su quello rosa...

In realtà, ci sarebbe un terzo cerchietto:
sottile, rivestito in rosa, con due piccoli fiori uncinettati...
ma non sono neanche riuscita a fotografarlo, ha già preso il volo!

Come pure questo...
finito e... venduto!

Non lo trovate carinissimo? 

two thin circles, this tape coated with white polka dot blacks.
Once wrapped on itself has created this delightful effect "plumule" ...
decorated (or recycled) with mother of pearl to create the petals of a flower ...

nice and trendy without being over the top!

As for this creation?
Thank you All for your suggestions, criticisms (I have not deleted any Giurin giuretta) and appreciation ... some of the "flaws" that you notavate, I think were caused by the photo that did not allow good to see some details, in fact, about the closures, I left my comment specification ... so, so, so ...

I decided that ...

the series will remain exactly as is!

These days, I left a bit to settle 'the matter, while always keeping an eye on and
I realized that my friend is sure to like it this way.
Moreover, thinking she was born ...

Thanks again to all for your involvement that has made me much pleasure and do not worry, I will get involved again!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stories By Guyspencer


Several photos (note these are strong images), presumably related to a hospital in Tripoli, were circulated on Facebook by the Movement of young Libyans. Equally disturbing and horrific the next video, uploaded to YouTube by ibnomar2005 in on Monday, where we see the high presence of soldiers and mercenaries in the streets of capitale.

Il filmato successivo, pubblicato da   feb17libyans   martedì riguarda invece un gruppo di manifestanti anti-regime nel distretto di Dahra, sempre a Tripoli. Lo slogan urlato   viene tradotto come: "Qui, siamo qui! I libici sono tutti qui!"

Taken from Global Voices Online

120-55 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens Ny 11424

The photo of Sunday, February / 3

outside is still cold and the weather is boring ...
we bring it home ...

Joyful Sunday to you. Beta

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Adult Star, Pinky, Movie Clips>adult


Gambirasio Yara, the excavation site

Police scientific work

Gambirasio Yara, the excavation site

Gambirasio Yara, the excavation site

People rushed after the circulation of the news

Police scientific work

The police blockades at Chignolo d'Isola

Police scientific work

Gambirasio Yara, the excavation site

Bedell Street: Yara's body was found on the left of the road