Monday, February 28, 2011

Order Mariano's Margarita Bucket

"An ogre is between U.S."

Don Scotti Corinne

The Mass Sunday

lights on for Yara

" I'm sure someone has not told you everything, not in bad faith, but with the belief that talking would have hampered the discovery of Yara, now is the time to be told everything , "it said Giovanni Valsecchi, the head of the dozens of volunteers who have been trying for three months Yara. " Now more than ever we must be careful our kids," he added.
"We have always felt orc speak in fables, now we know what they are and how far a man can get. And we are worried, how can you not be worried, knowing that there is such an ogre that runs between us? . "Don Corinne Scott, pastor of Brembate di Sopra, recounts a dream in his homily. The ogre knocks on his door at night and wakes him up. The pastor, a good Christian, apparently in hopes repentance, hoping that the 'Ogre that he goes to confession and then hand over to law enforcement. But the orcs that killed the girls hardly repent: they are well hidden and hide their secrets until the next victim.
almost certainly the track of the "two men "was a track Falas. A neighbor had reported seeing, on the night she disappeared, " two men arguing heatedly in the street where the family lives Gambirasio. spoke in Italian." Marina Abeni, that November afternoon was wearing walking her two dogs. "I am also scared - he said - because these people were very misleading. One, in particular, who was in a hurry to leave and pulled away the other . She had also launched an appeal on Facebook: "Let see if it has nothing to do, so at least you clarity." An appeal fell on deaf ears.
Yara Gambirasio trust of those who attacked. And 'this is the track that is gaining increasing ground between investigators who are investigating the death of thirteen of Brembate di Sopra, near Bergamo. She would never have moved away voluntarily with a stranger, keep on repeating all those who knew her. After the release of Mohammed Fikri searches were distributed by the reconstruction of what happened on the afternoon of the disappearance, in the short path between the gym and the home as a way Morlotti Rampinelli.
Just in the gym, according to investigators, was found the first 'anomaly' of the story. Yara, dopo aver consegnato uno stereo alle sue istruttrici, avrebbe utilizzato un'uscita che è nella direzione opposta a quella di casa. I cani specializzati hanno puntato tutti su quella uscita. Anche se nessuno l’ha vista andarsene di là dalla palestra, non può essere un caso. Se davvero Yara è uscita da quella porta 'inconsueta', deve esserci un motivo e la risposta più plausibile è anche quella più semplice: Yara doveva incontrare qualcuno di cui si fidava.
Poco dopo le 18.30 Yara ha scambiato un sms con l'amica Martina, alla quale ha dato appuntamento per una gara di ginnastica la domenica successiva. Ed ecco la seconda ‘anomalia’. Subito dopo il suo telefonino Mapello snaps the antenna, a village next to Brembate, but off-road than the usual route back home Gambirasio. As it happens next to the scientific body has found the sim card and battery. LG, Yara's cell phone, no trace. It was stolen by some "the Jackal", or the murderess has not removed to reveal its location? The second hypothesis seems the most likely. Probably the attack took place not far from the gym. Then the ogre is headed for Mapello and the way it was keen to remove the battery to leave no traces in the "cells" of the area. If it went really well then the ambush was premeditated. At this point reached Chignolo locations and prevailed on the body. The remains of the thirteen were found with the tissues almost completely cleaved but intact, and even the clothes were all in place, even the red rubber band in her hair. In short, Yara has kidnapped, stunned, and then maybe he has finished in the waste field where it was found.
That narrow tuft of grass in one hand, the last desperate attempt to defend themselves and cling to life, Yara, is another crucial element. The girl died in an attempt to resist an attempt to violence, probably of a sexual nature, among the bushes of the field via Bedell, a few minutes after his exit from the gym Brembate.

Igor Patruno


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