Monday, February 7, 2011

Aiki Jiu Jitsu Dvds Courses

ideas ideas ideas ... Carnival! The photograph

A carnevale... ogni scherzo vale!
Ma non oggi!

Oggi invece cercherò di mettere nero su bianco qualche idea facilmente realizzabile per "affrontare" questi giorni dove travestirsi è assai lecito...

L'idea di questo post, è partita da Mammamicia , che in un commento, qualche post fa, mi chiedeva suggerimenti per un vestito da indiana...
ordunque, io quest'anno non cucirò vestiti (ne abbiamo un baule pieno e basta solo pescare!)
e, il vestito da indiana della Generale l'avevo comperato qualche anno fa (per pochi euro al lidl)...

Di sicuro però, non è difficoltoso replicarlo, anche per chi ha poca dimistichezza con la macchina da cucire.

Per il completo, bisogna procurarsi della maglina (viscosa, polyestere... che hanno il vantaggio di non aver bisogno di rifiniture ): stoffa di maglina beige in quantità necessaria a ricavarne una tunica e dei pantaloni; una striscia di maglina marrone (10 cm possono bastare se la stoffa è alta dai 150 ai 180 cm) e della passamaneria colorata.
(Se poi, in qualche scatola avete della stoffa "scamosciata" sarebbe proprio il massimo...)

Si può usare come base/modello, una maglietta e dei pantaloni morbidi del soggetto a cui vogliamo fare il vestito.

Il lavoro risulterà più facile se creeremo un modello di tunica a "T" (tipo saio).
Ecco un veloce schizzo di come dovrebbe essere...

(I tratteggi nel secondo schizzo, rappresentano i lati da cucire...)

* Per la tunica: bisogna piegare la stoffa in due (mettendo right sides together) and pin, put the shirt on top of the cloth into the neck on the side of the fold of the fabric, staple all around in order to secure the fabric.
At this point, with a pen, mark the edges but taking an additional margin of 5 cm.
also marks the "margins" of the neck. We will need it later to create the "hole" to pass the head.

Remove the shirt, draw the cloth (always in duplicate) within the boundary marked and cut into about 1 cm (also 2 cm) at the outer segment drawn in pen.

Al centro del lato lungo (le braccia, dove abbiamo la piega doppia del tessuto e abbiamo già segnato lo scollo), sempre tenendo in doppio il tessuto ritagliare lo scollo leggermente a V. (Fatelo piccolo si fa sempre in tempo ad allargare!).

A questo punto, cucite esattamente sopra il tratto a penna, il bordo inferiore della manica ed il lato della tunica  (vedi tratteggio nello schizzo sopra). Togliete gli spilli, rivoltate e la tunica è fatta!

* Per i pantaloni: procedete allo stesso modo: stoffa spillata in doppio, appoggiate i pantaloni che avete preso come model (leaving a margin of not less than 5 cm), stapled, having marked the 5 cm margin all around more, remove the pants pattern, stapled the fabric within the margin marked, cut about 1 cm from the edge and sew the long sides of the legs (as outlined above).

Turn the top edge of 5 cm and sew. Remember to leave a space to pass the elative pants that will keep firmly in life.

Try them, adjust the length and then apply a brown knit top edge of at least 7-8 cm (or less or more depending on the amount of cloth you have available) on the final leg (in so that the edge of the trousers, matched to the underside of the strip), sewing the top side only.
After sewing, proceed to cut the fringe from the bottom up (see picture of the dress of the General).

do the same thing for the jersey tunic by applying a strip of brown around the neck, wrists and bottom edge of the tunic.
Council to apply the strip and then cut the fringes for a fast and easy sewing!

At this point, you can also apply the colored braid, or decorate the dress as we like!

The basis of this suit, it can actually be used for a variety of costumes, if you look at what the Mostrilli (from Robin Hood or Peter Pan) is made the same way, varying only the decorations, the lengths , accessories ....

Even my dress an elephant (who I did see here ) base is made in the same way ...

Other ideas for the dress?

° A tutorial on all Italian HandMadeCreativity ...

HubPages degrees on this model with explanations.

and accessories?

Looking good, wigs with braids and hats can be found for a few euro in a shop, and then ...
robbed the jewelry holder: green colored beaded necklaces and bracelets, many-colored;
leather bags or leather fringe;
and why not, maybe a doll, wrapped in a sling / mei tai colored .. .

if you wish to use recycled materials, you can always avail of these links for some ideas:
° from HomeMadeMamma , how to make an Indian headdress with paper and cardboard ...
here and also the pdf 's Blue Tree, which she points out.

° An Indian warrior, however, needs a bib ... so if you have time, look at this page Art & Craft (found with google and translated), is not that great? ° It

on this page FamilyCrafts (already translated), there are several links to many other jobs in the Indian theme ...
... and some less traditional costume?
On the web there are many, you just need to decide what to do ...
I am very much liked these ...

* Fee for All Things , a monkey disguise ... troppooo carinoooo ...

* the girls go crazy for this tutu with fairy / princess, created by The Cottage Home ... *
also Whimsy Wildflowers & find a similar tutorial to make it.

* Goat-Notes from a disguise for the whole family ... the shark, so it becomes very nice!

* and apin of Delia Creates ? ... In a meadow of flowers would look great!

Well, now you just need to make a decision and go ... I, I hope all these ideas, may be helpful and that the pseudo-Indian dress of my tutorial / a is understandable.
any doubt, you know ... I'm here! Allegra week ... Beta


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