Sunday, November 1, 2009

Watch South Park Free Stream Iphone

La Rivoluzione contro il Medioevo

Roseto degli Abruzzi: Friday, October 9, 2009 was presented the book "The Revolution against the Middle Ages "by Pietro Ferrari

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meaning Of Plastic Braclets

Nuova Roseto replica in merito al PUT di Roseto degli Abrzuzzi

Replica on Urban Traffic Plan:

With the publication in newspapers of the councilor Frattari statements regarding the approval of the traffic plan, the New Rose Garden Association and Youth Action-Young Italy designed to clarify some of these issues.

"We have learned through the press, statements by the councilor Frattari" intervenes Paolo Antonelli of New Rose Garden "which is the intention of the administration Di Bonaventura bring short-term City Council discussion of urban traffic plans to conclude the process necessary for final approval of the same. First, we reiterate what has already been reported in past, ie the severity of the huge delay in the approval process is completed: 11 years have passed since in 1998 the then Government commissioned the firm gave Crisci Syntagma of Perugia to draft the plan. An excessive delay that had a severe impact our city which has since been a progressive development without, however, that this has been accompanied by the necessary interventions in roads to remove traffic problems, a shortage in parking lots, etc. ... "

'L' Councillor Frattari announced that soon will replace the seven traffic lights on roundabouts SS 16 to facilitate a smoother flow of traffic ", says Fabrizio Fornaciari, President of Youth Action - Young Italy. "Here we record yet another delay because the work was to begin in the third quarter of 2009 (July-September) and now everything is stopped, then the government, with declarations of its leaders, is lagging even behind the timetable interventions from the same program. All this speaks volumes about how much longer i will have to wait to see done Rosetani roundabouts. With regard to the foothills for now is not programmed any cost for its implementation. "

"in the plan were also identified some areas of private property that should be devoted a parking space is not explained in any way if, as and when the council took over those areas from individuals, "said Raffaele Di Bonaventura, president of the New Rose Garden. "Finally," says Di Bonaventura, "we hope that the proposals are accepted in the comments that various people, including our Association, have submitted to ensure that the Plan as an important tool in urban traffic can foster real rationalization of transportation and not represents yet another act of the majority in the council. "

Roseto degli Abruzzi, there

hereby you Best regards.

Association New Roseto
Action Youth-Young Italy Roseto

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wissam Abouzgheib Religion

Piano Urbano Traffico Roseto

What is the PUT?
Fabrizio Fornaciari

The PUT (Urban Traffic Plan) is a tool available to local authorities to regulate the sector of transportation in terms of structure of the flow of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian and cycle, for construction of new infrastructure for the roads (roundabouts, bicycle lanes, etc ...) for the identification of areas devoted exclusively to pedestrian traffic, to create various types of parking, etc. ...

The adoption of the PUT is laid down. 36 of the New Highway Code (Legislative Decree No. 285/92) for "Municipalities with population over 30,000 inhabitants and for those people who have less significant issues related to the movement and where it is found, even in limited periods year, a special tourist numbers "as in our Rose Garden. The town of Roseto
with Council Resolution No. 103 of 25.03.1998 has given the responsibility for the preparation of the company PUT Syntagma srl \u200b\u200bin Perugia.
The bureaucratic process that led the City Council to get the adoption of the PUT was very long considering the numerose discussioni nelle riunioni di Giunta e nella Commissione Edilizia Urbanistica ( vedi testo delibera Giunta Comunale N° 146 del 05.12.2008 ).

Arriviamo quindi alla presentazione del P.U.T. che si è tenuta al Palazzo del Mare in data 14.03.09, al successivo deposito di trenta giorni presso gli uffici comunali per consentire ad ogni singolo cittadino di presentare eventuali osservazioni atte ad emendare il P.U.T. Il 15 aprile è decorso il termine dei trenta giorni, il prossimo passo sarà la discussione in Consiglio Comunale che dovrà procedere alla approvazione definitiva, con la possibilità però di rinvio in sede tecnica per le modifiche necessarie.
L’amministrazione comunale published on the official website of the City ( ) a "general report " which outline the objectives to be carried out and actions (http://www.comune. - \u200b\u200b report in PDF format).

criticisms and proposals of the New Rose Garden.

New Roseto We have studied the draft submitted by the municipal PUT and we found a number of problems that would arise if certain actions were made and have, within the six observations, formulated interesting proposals.
Administration has divided the areas of intervention in different areas and we have submitted comments regarding the same issue: the actions in the "staging area" (parking ), "industry issue - the compact city area to the west of Via Nazionale" ( movement " inland "area between Via Nazionale and Via Adriatica, Via Mazzini and Via Rosselli )," quality of life "(the nterventi acts to improve the quality of life in the road here requesting assistance for the improvement of the Ancients pathways and their integration into PUT) "sector-movement downtown area" ( variation of the directions of the so-called "inland" ) and finally we have also formulated a "general comment" that includes both the car parks, and the connection between capital and Roseto Montepagano populated localities of the country and Cologne.

In our view, as shown in the exposure of each individual observation, the PUT is a serious lack of well planned and malicious: does not solve the basic necessities of our city, parking: There are new parking areas of the furnace but without ex- has indicated any type of agreement with private owners of those areas, then remain mere hypotheses on paper. Provides for the partial change of direction of so-called "inland" resulting in serious inconvenience to citizens, to suppliers of retailers who have to unload their goods at the various businesses of the "inland" includes the inability to take the secondary road ( area between the railway line Via Nazionale and ) to the left in Via Nazionale from going south, provides for the construction of seven roundabouts still, after eleven years of bureaucratic procedures, feasibility study, so far from being realized.

We are involving a national, well informed and listening to their opinions, to avoid the work envisaged within plan: a strong penalty in the center of our city, instead of being relaunched as attractive commercial, cultural and social is going backwards and could deteriorate even more because of wrong choices.

Help us, please send an e-mail with your contribution, suggestion, criticism, let us know your opinion

Report (html)
  1. Observation: isettore circulation area center
  2. Note: interventions in the area stop
  3. Comment: measures of urban quality
  4. observation: general observation
  5. Note: the rationalization of the entry points on the Via Nazionale
  6. Note: area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale

attended to submit comments:
  • Paolo Antonelli,
  • Davide Di Bonaventura, Raffaele Di Bonaventura
  • ,
  • Francesco Di Giuseppe, Fabrizio
  • Fornaciari,
  • Liberatore Merlitti.

Multiplication Chart Excel

Interventi nel settore della circolazione aRoseto degli Abruzzi


interventions that are proposed for the sector are mainly aimed at resolving traffic congestion and danger 'by looking at the same time, to redistribute traffic to avoid long waits at intersections, traffic lights and no, that weigh the balance of noise and air pollution and lower the threshold of tolerance of motorists.

The first action and design 'was to census the points of conflict that have been resolved, where possible, through the modulation of a different attitude circulatory also took into account the reali vie d’ingresso ed uscita dalla città. Di intesa con i tecnici dell’Amministrazione Comunale, sono state dunque elaborate proposte che riguardano sia la viabilità principale, in particolare l’asse di via Nazionale, di via Salara ed Adriatica, la zona dei lungomare, quella della città compatta ad ovest di via Nazionale.

Nei paragrafi successivi verranno descritti gli interventi proposti, mostrati complessivamente nella tavola che segue. In tale elaborato, per chiarezza grafica, sono state riportate solo le MODIFICHE all'assetto circolatorio; laddove esistano situazioni su cui il piano non interviene (es. sensi unici attuali), si deve ritenere valida la configurazione attuale anche se, non riportata sulla carta.

5.1 Sistemazione e fluidificazione dell’asse di via Nazionale La via Nazionale – S.S. 16, attraversa il centro urbano di Roseto per tutta la direzione longitudinale, dividendo, insieme alla ferrovia, la città in tre zone:
  • 1. l’area della città compatta, disteso fra le colline e via nazionale;
  • 2. la zona a ridosso della ferrovia, fra quest’ultima e la statale;
  • 3. la zona del lungomare, oltre la ferrovia fino alla costa.
L’asse di via Nazionale è caratterizzato dalla presenza di 7 impianti semaforici a ciclo fisso nel tratto compreso fra le intersezioni di via Salara e della S.S. 16. La maggior parte intersection is also characterized by left turns to and from the secondary, which reduce not just the flow circulation. It is proposed that the fluidity of the road with construction of roundabouts at some significant nodes. On the map provided by the municipality is therefore verified the technical feasibility of the following accommodation roundabout
  • - Via Nazionale - Via Salaria (already proposed in the preliminary version of the plan);
  • - Via Nazionale - FS road from the underpass in graft Via Nazionale and Trieste on the waterfront;
  • - Piazza node Hungary
  • - Via Nazionale - SP 19 for Montepagano (già prevista nella versione preliminare del piano);
  • - via Nazionale – via Emilia;
  • - via Nazionale – via Palermo (da concordare con l’amministrazione, viste le ridotte dimensioni del sottopasso);
  • - S.S. 16 (via Nazionale) – S.P. di Cologna.

La presenza di punti di inversione diffusiporteranno a regolare l’assetto della circolazione con divieto di svolta a sinistra lungo tutto l’asse di via Nazionale. Restano esclusi dal progetto di eliminazione degli impianti semaforici le intersezioni di via Marche, dove è presente il sottopasso ciclopedonale (occorre proteggere l’attraversamento ciclabile), via Doria, via Filipponi (absolute lack of space), the last two intersections may, as an alternative to the traffic controller, be settled under the above and no left turn; Underpass Via Marche Thaulero by the planned pedestrian suggested turning the traffic light Pedestrian traffic lights in a call, wanting to stop vehicular traffic only in limited periods of the year or week, can be expected to double traffic light cycle, which functions as a simple plant called pedestrian zones in the intervals of interest.

5.2 The system object nodes

5.2. Intersection a square knot on the Marco Polo Marco Polo Square viability dal lungomare converge sulla via Nazionale; il sottopasso presente rappresenta l’unica via di accesso all’area dei lungomari per i veicoli pesanti, fatta eccezione per l’opera presente nella zona sud del territorio comunale, in prossimità
della foce del Vomano. La vicinanza del nuovo accesso dal lungomare al nodo di via Salara, fa prevedere elevati volumi di traffico, in Sottopasso di piazza Marco Polo quanto la nuova viabilità realizza un collegamento diretto e preferenziale verso la direttrice dell’autostrada. L’intervento di sistemazione del nodo prevede la realizzazione di una rotatoria non sormontabile, con anello circolatorio di raggio interno 10 m (al limite della striscia orizzontale di corsia interna) e 18 m external dimensions such circolabilità also to ensure a good heavy vehicles and articulated buses. For the presence of a building of the mountains, it is necessary to deboning the roundabout to the direction of continuity of Via Nazionale, in any case, the turning radius, the minimum set at 19 to 20 m, provide a superior feature of the branches of access.

5.2.2 Location of the node between the waterfront and the viability of Trieste 'out of the new railway underpass The proposal highlights the possibility' of a graft with a roundabout solution between the new road 'from the railway underpass, south of Rose Garden and the practicability 'of waterfront via Trieste. The roundabout has the characteristics of compact mini-roundabout with a diameter of 20 meters and the central part surmountable to ensure the inclusion of the trajectories of heavy vehicles and / or coaches.

5.2.3 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Salara The node in question is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, both for those Highway, considering the high levels of congestion present on the SS Adriatica 16, most of the drivers who intend to travel along the coast, for distances greater than
- 30 km, prefer to access the motorway A 14 take the highway. The arrangement of node, traffic lights today, with the construction of the roundabout is not possible using the built-up areas adjacent to the confluent branches, sea side, by contrast, requires the presence of buildings to minimize the expansion of the roadway from its current level. The circulatory loop has inner and outer radii (measured at the edge of the lane), respectively of 12 and 20 m, and is perfectly adequate for heavy vehicles and articulated, the three branches are all single lane access, this configuration provides a node capability of more than 2500 vehicles / h and therefore adapted to circulating flows. The construction of the roundabout requires modest expropriation and the removal of some existing trees. The intervention was created by the Province of Teramo.

5.2.4 Intersection Node square Piazza Hungary Hungary, now no traffic lights, can, depending on the intent of the plan, a privileged access to both the residential area upstream of the National (and the sports field ) that is sandwiched between the National and the railroad, and finally, to the waterfront south of the driveway through the underpass via Giulio Cesare. In light of this consideration has been studied by the installation of the roundabout junction, considered the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe roundabout has been provided for a ring of inner radius and outer circulation of 8 and 16 m, however, appropriate to the movement of vehicles heavy branches of access, single-lane widths are not less than 4.5 m lanes, which adds value to the dock area on both sides.

The implementation of the roundabout could also be a useful moment to the urban redevelopment of the entire square, with the enhancement of green areas and the urban system.

5.2.5 Intersection Via Nazionale - Via Adriatica Via Adriatica (SP 19) is the major route linking the center of Roseto and Montepagano; the intersection at the junction of that street on the SS 16 shows high levels of congestion, particularly evident during the summer months. It proposes the creation of a roundabout compatta sormontabile con anello a singola corsia di raggio interno 3.0 m ed esterno 11.5 m. L’accesso all’anello circolatorio avviene attraverso rami a semplice corsia, della larghezza utile non inferiore a 3.5 m, ai quali si aggiunge 1 m di banchina. La realizzazione della rotatoria presuppone la sola occupazione di piccole aree libere nel quadrante sud.

5.2.6 Intersezione via Nazionale – via Emilia La realizzazione del nuovo sottopasso carrabile in corrispondenza di via Emilia, in sostituzione di un passaggio a livello soppresso, ha restituito a tale viabilità un ruolo primario nei collegamenti fra la statale Adriatica e l’area del lungomare Trieste. La regolazione semaforizzata del nodo di confluenza su via National leads in the summer months, a low quality of service it is therefore considered appropriate to suggest the arrangement with the roundabout junction concerned, given the lack of space it is proposed the installation of the roundabout junction with surmountable compact, circular ring, characterized by ray Underpass Via Emilia to maneuver large for trajectories crossing the Via Nazionale, and small turning radius for maneuvering input - output from Via Emilia, in fact, given the geometry of the railway underpass, the secondary road system is intended to be covered only by light vehicles, characterized by turning-ray content. The single-lane roundabout ring has an inner radius of 3.00 m and exterior of 11.5 m.

5.2.7 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Via Palermo Palermo is the first useful link from the main road towards the seafront for vehicles coming from Giulianova, whereas in the estimates of the municipal administration, is included in the development of the hotel offer 'area near the underpass, it is considered appropriate to strengthen the connection node via Palermo on Via Nazionale. This intersection, immediately adjacent to the bridge over the river Borsacchio, also represents a sort of "northern gate of the city: the layout of the node through the roundabout is able to provide the opportunity, through the creation of a significant intervention in urban, to give recognition to the intersection, and allow drivers to "take" immediate entry into the urban center of Roseto. Given the characteristics of "mixed" intersection, between urban and suburban node, the dimensions of the roundabout were chosen with reference to the average values \u200b\u200bused in two configurations: the ring rotation semisormontabile, single-lane, has an inner radius of 7.25 m to 16.75 m and outside, the branches of exit and entrance, single lane, have a minimum width of 3 m plus 1 m of quay, and on the main roads, both on the secondary.

5.2.8 Assumptions of accommodation for the subdivision road north of Cologne and Roseto (Borsacchio) The subdivision covers an area over which the current PRG provided for making a variant of the SP road to Cologne country and this road joins today on the SS16 Adriatica at a point to poor visibility and safety, as coincident with a bump. Immediately south of the graft is placed in a road network of PRG, the connection between the SS 16 and the sea. In relation to the situation described, and the need for action to the safety of SP for Cologne, were evaluated two alternatives:
exceeded viability of PRG in variant of Cologne and the SP - the strengthening of the final stretch of the same on the current path;
confirmation of the viability of PRG, which covers the area of \u200b\u200bhousing development, with - the possible detection of an alternative route to that provided in the planning instrument. The first alternative is not actually practical, since the coupling of the SP to Cologne on the SS 16 presents critical elements and are difficult to overcome poor security and the presence of a ditch in the vicinity of the crossing and, consequently, a hill SS 16, drastically reduces the scope of assistance applicable to the safety of the intersection: the realization of a roundabout, in fact, contrasts with the reduced visibility, resulting in unsatisfactory levels of security.

It is therefore necessary to implement a variant of the SP itself, the path of this variant, according to the characteristics of the road project, can be studied by developing alternative solutions to that of PRG. Essential for the proper design of the intervention is the distinction and functional separation of the main roads from those of the sector, noting in the study of knots roads the conditions of existing legislation, which recognizes the connection between traffic levels immediately after, avoiding the direct link between String functions are very distant from each other (eg viability of the sector Traffic interquartiere etc.). In the final stretch of variation, the SP for Cologne is called to play a dual role: that of interurban road system, for relations attested in Cologne, and the collector distributor road system to the sector, for access to the building of housing development and this road does not act as the subdivision road, but is the means for connecting roads to the main roads of the same subdivision. It is therefore necessary that the variant maintains the SP, for all development, distinct characteristics of the roads sector, adhering as far as possible to the types of urban and rural secondary roads, in line with le indicazioni del D.M. 5/2001, ed in relazione al traffico previsto, si ritiene che una sezione a due corsie di larghezza non inferiore a 3 m possa risultare soddisfacente al fine della regolarità circolatoria; la carreggiata stradale sarà completata con marciapiedi di larghezza minima 1.5 m; in relazione alla funzione di collegamento extraurbano, non è da prevedere la possibilità di sosta su strada, che riduce drasticamente la fluidità circolatoria.

Rispetto alla soluzione di PRG, che taglia in diagonale l'area di lottizzazione, sono state individuate ulteriori possibili soluzioni per il tracciato della variante alla S.P.; le soluzioni proposte, non esaustive rispetto al quadro dei tracciati potenziali, mirano a ridurre interference of the main roads with the sector itself. The solutions are characterized by the presence of a spoke pattern with planimetric axis in not less than 50 m, so that the design speed and the corresponding level of security are maintained in line with the norms.

The study of the subdivision may propose additional solutions provided in line with the guidelines set forth herein. The viability of the sector will be connected to the main roads with intersections T, preferably at right angles and points of good visibility. The coupling of the variation of the SS 16 will be achieved by means of a roundabout, whose location will allow the future inclusion of PRG road towards the seafront, the proposed solution involves the construction of a circulatory loop of 7.5 m, with docks on both sides of a width of 0.5, the inner radius of the ring is 10 m, while the outer one is 17.5 m; these values \u200b\u200bwere considered suitable for Local Authorities, including in relation to the small percentage of heavy traffic making turning movements from the SS 16 to the SP to Cologne.

The current path terminal of SP for cologne, after the realization of the variant, will be devoted solely to local reports, given the presence in a roundabout, you can rearrange the connections to the SS 16 and the viability of the project so to allow the sun maneuvers right turn, significantly increased levels of security than the current situation. As for the variation in path, shown in the table to follow, we chose the idea of \u200b\u200bless impact of sull'assetto urban sector, subject to the mobility needs of the area.

5.2.9 Solutions for the traffic junction of Via Galliani in the graft, the intersection between the SS 150 and SS 150 Via Galliani, situated in the locality of Saint Lucia in the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi, is a critical point by point of view of movement due to its configuration at grade. In fact, the coupling to the SS 150 (Via Moretti) is characterized by Via Galliani by poor visibility due to the presence of buildings and intersections SS 150 - Via Galliani fences near the intersection. The study aims to fluidization of the intersection is currently controlled by traffic light area the subject of intervention by proposing three possible solutions:
  • - immediate solution through reorganization of the node always regulated by traffic light;
  • - mid-term solution with the redesign critical intersection roundabout and the establishment of one-way streets that define routes required;
  • - long-term solution that takes into account the large-scale reconfiguration of the entire area adjacent intersection.

In detail, the immediate solution provides an immediate solution, as shown in the table followed by the reorganization of the intersection by placing the enlargement of the SS150 Via Galliani. There are two lanes, with radii of 7 and 10 m, both for those coming from Roseto degli Abruzzi you enter in Via Galliani, both for those coming from the latter are entered in the SS 150 in the direction of Teramo. The intersection of Via Galliani will still be regulated by traffic light. To make this arrangement will be required to demolish an abandoned building west of the intersection and expropriation a portion of land to the east is also leading to the displacement of a small votive altar.

Derelict building to be demolished on the SS 150 tracts of land to be expropriated a result of implementation of lane dedicated for home Via Galliani, the building area of \u200b\u200bproperty subject of expropriation will be far from the same lane of 1.18 m side Via Galliani, and 8.75 m, side SS150. Since the current lane width on the SS 150 is equal to 4 meters, one could assume the insertion, near the intersection of storage lanes for left turn to a width of 2.70 meters. Solution The solution provides mid-term the inclusion in
intersection, a roundabout and compact surmountable for the regulation and the smooth flow of traffic. The three branches of access, a single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation of 7.5 ring me docks SS 150 direction Roseto degli Abruzzi 0.25 m. The inner radius of the ring is 1.75 m, the outer one is 9.25 m for a total diameter of 18.50 m (table below). The radii are in the south of the intersection of 25 m, while the rays in correspondence Via Galliani 15 but varies from 9.5 m.

The implementation of the roundabout will require, as the immediate solution, the demolition of the abandoned building west of the intersection. The portion of land to be expropriated to the east of the intersection will be less than that necessary for the immediate implementation of the intervention leading to greater distances of the building owned by Chambers Street Delfico road (at least 2 m). You may need to avoid creating problems for the proper functioning of the roundabout, delete access Delfico Street (currently a two-way traffic) to the SS 150 by establishing a unique way to get out. The current long-term solution requires the General Plan in a southerly direction parallel to the existing path, a variant of the SS 150 for ANAS which is seeking financial sources. Role of intervention in the state will be affected by flows much smaller, substantially easing the intersection in this study. As a long-term solution extract PRG (2001): variant proposal may therefore be proposed the establishment of a sudden variation in the north in order to remove traffic from the SS 150 Via Galliani also in anticipation of housing development that will affect the area.


The three proposed solutions are of a degree of difficulty and increasing financial commitment. From the feasibility of rapid solution that provides for the demolition of the building still occupation of a strip of private land, you get to the possible inclusion of a roundabout and compact surmountable that thins the node to avoid the queues and pollution at the intersection. The solution of the roundabout should nevertheless provide a share of ANAS as the SS 150 is to be managed by this session after a period in the province of Teramo.

5.2.10 Accommodation traffic area ex Autogas and graft on the SP 150 SS 16 Following a request received by the Town Council of this Society in Roseto degli Abruzzi to express an opinion on the technical feasibility of
demands made by the Building Commission all’Impresa Felicione – Di Febo & C. S.n.c. che attualmente sta realizzando il complesso alberghiero nell’area ex Autogas e sulla fattibilità tecnica della rotatoria da realizzare su progetto della Provincia di Teramo, sull’innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16, è stato effettuato, in data 11-05-2006, un sopralluogo sulle aree interessate dagli interventi suddetti, che ha portato alle seguenti considerazioni. Sistemazione viabilità area ex AUTOGAS La Commissione Edilizia, nella pratica n. 48/2004, richiede all’impresa:
  • “1) La strada (proseguimento di via N.Sauro) senza parcheggi laterali, avente la possibilità della doppia corsia;
  • 2) La creazione a small roundabout (junction of confluence) for roads and access points provided.

At present access to the complex Access to the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro seafront hotel is from Trieste and the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro, currently one-way down towards the seafront. It is believed that this organization circulatory one-way should be maintained. The inclusion of a roundabout, as suggested by the Building Commission, not only contributes to improved smooth flow of traffic in the vicinity of access to the complex, but also a redesign and a regulation of internal roads in the area between the hotel complex and the building intended for residential housing on the south of the area.

Access to the Lungomare Trieste (southbound) Access to the Lungomare Trieste (North) The solution prepared from Syntagma involves the insertion of a roundabout to regulate access while maintaining the current one-way down the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro and parking along the street. In the solution presented, the four branches of access, single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation loop of 8 m, including 0.5 m of quays on both sides. The inner radius of the ring is 4.5 m, the outer one of 12,5 m per un diametro complessivo di 25 m . Nell' ipotesi progettuale è garantita la continuità del percorso pedonale sul Lungomare. La realizzazione della rotatoria richiede l’abbattimento del muretto in mattoni posto a confine dell’area, nonché la rimozione delle alberature poste sul marciapiede.

Area interessata dall’inserimento della rotatoria Area compresa tra l’edificio destinato a civile abitazione fotografata dall’interno del parcheggio del complesso (nella foto) e il complesso alberghiero, interessata da una alberghiero nuova viabilità interna a seguito della realizzazione della rotatoria Nuova rotatoria della Provincia di Teramo - innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16 L’intersezione tra Via Nazionale and Via Salaria is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, and for those highway.

The Province of Teramo has prepared the final draft of a new roundabout at the intersection of
SS 150 (Via Salaria) and SS 16 (Via Nazionale) to solve the criticality of the node. The roundabout is characterized by a ring of circulatory inner radius of 12 m (measured at the edge of the lane) and an outer radius of 20 m (including shore side) of the three branches are all within easy access lane. This configuration provides a capacity of top node a 2500 veicoli/h e pertanto adeguata ai flussi circolanti. Sia le isole divisionali sia l’isola centrale non sono sormontabili.

Allo stato attuale, lungo il ramo di confluenza costituito da via Salara, a ridosso della futura rotatoria, sono presenti due accessi, uno su via Mazzola e l’altro sull’area di proprietà confinante con Piazza Olimpia. Per il corretto funzionamento della rotatoria risulta oltremodo opportuno eliminare gli accessi o, se questo risultasse di difficile attuazione, impedire, mediante cordolatura insormontabile lungo l’asse di via Salara, la svolta a sinistra nell’area di proprietà per le provenienza da Pescara e Ancona e la svolta a sinistra in via Mazzola per la provenienza da via Salara. The release and / or removal of access areas, in the vicinity 'of roundabouts should be kept at a distance of at least 50 to 60 meters. Grafts in the vicinity 'of the roundabout are dangerous and likely to affect the fluidity of the node.

5.2.1 a solution for the junction between Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Via Oglio The intersection of Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Oglio has a critical path for those who come from Europe Avenue, turn right into via Tronto. The reduced radius of curvature (R = 5 m), in fact, leads people along Viale Europa to widen the path and invade the opposite lane. The design solution involves the insertion of a cordolatura that by reducing the road section near the intersection from 7.75 to 6 meters, allows for an increase in the range of up to 7 meters for the continuous right turn. For coming from via Tronto, it offers the obligatory right turn without crossing the intersection. Those who wish to go to Europe must take the Ring boulevard adjacent circulation consists of street and alley Oglio Europe. The table below shows the design scheme proposed for the intersection.

5.3 access for heavy vehicles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront access for heavy vehicles and higher than 3.5 m area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront, until the abolition of level crossings, were of transport by Emilia and Marche, the elimination of crossings at grade, determined by the FS in the context of development interventions of the Adriatic, determines the need to identify alternative routes for the movement of heavy vehicles.

The underpass in the Piazza Marco Polo is the only permeability suitable for the movement of heavy vehicles, the traffic-related graft is placed in proximity of Via Salaria Via Nazionale, and is therefore instrumental to the traffic flow from the south and highway. In the Philippines, and promenades and squares Ponno would for a vehicle "entered" in the promenades through the underpass Via Marco Polo, of reversing the march and "exit" from the same underpass. For the waterfront Trento is necessary to make a point for the reversal of direction of heavy vehicles at the end of the promenade Trento, as close as possible to the area via Palermo.

5.4 Arranging promenades of the town of Roseto launched a competition of ideas on the arrangement of promenades, whose proposal won a path of re-extended from the mouth of the river Vomano (south) and the stream Borsacchio (a north). The project involves, in terms of transport, vehicular circulation, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.

The system of promenades is divided into three areas:
  • 1. the south, between the pier and Vomano;
  • 2. the downtown area, to the gardens of the Villa Comunale
  • 3. the north, up the creek Borsacchio.
For zone 1 the project involves the movement of vehicular traffic and cycling close to the railway, the current via the Danube, giving priority to pedestrian flows on the final stretch of the waterfront Trento.

In Zone 2 the circulatory system involves the use of waterfronts Rome / Celommi and parallel via C. Colombo, the system is located along the path C. Colombo, in adherence to the railways; pedestrian connections, cut the two vehicle axles at several points, according to a direction from the railroad to the sea.

In zone 3 are provided by PRG new hotel establishments along the coast, while the road network is developed in the space between the resorts and the Lungomare Trieste railway; connections to the national team are represented by the two underpasses in via Palermo and Via Makarska, the system runs in adherence to the path home station.

the stretch of waterfront Celommi Rome and were developed over time, different assumptions of accommodation. Among the proposals, and 'has also been suggested the transformation of the waterfront, and in particular, via Roma, in pedestrian axis, introducing a circulatory one-way loop through and via the promenade Celommi C. Colombo, on the stretch between Genzano and off via the Philippines. The seafront promenade Celommi Lungomare Roma Celommi was reduced to one-way in square Filippone - Ponno square, and reorganized with the introduction of a lane and a parking area to plug the sea side. Then, with custody of the executive planning were, in fact, pass the options discussed and to date has been made a new arrangement which comprises:
  • - in the creation of a pedestrian trail within the waterfront promenade including ;
  • - in the maintenance of two-way traffic on Via Celommi;
  • - the arrangement of Green, a horse via Roma, with the provision of some parking lots;
  • - in the preservation of the existing Via Roma.

The following is a summary of entries made by technicians, including a site plan and a series of typological sections aimed at understanding the intervention and its integration within the plan of mobility '.

5.5 Conflict Resolution circulatory

5.5.1 area via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni is considered possible, the disposal at the traffic light junction via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni through the creation of a movement roundabout way through Tuscany and Piedmont, this arrangement provides for the transformation of one-way movement of the stretch of road between Mezzopreti Via Manzoni and Via Toscana, Via Piemonte Toscana of Via Manzoni and Via, and the reversal of the one way traffic in Via Manzoni, one of the nodes via Mezzopreti and Via Piemonte.

5.5.2 Area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale The circulatory system in force in the city center (compact city), bordered by the Via Nazionale (not included), Adriatica (not included), Mazzini (included) Rosselli (not included), now provides a system of one-way streets with the presence of numerous points of conflict to the point of conflict is defined a point where you have the intersection of vehicle trajectories. The points of conflict can be reduced or eliminated by a suitable reorganization of the circulatory system, which limits the nodes where it is possible to "cut" of the current vehicle, returning the intersection maneuvers confluences and divergences.

The reorganization of the circulatory system is functional in other interventions in the areas of movement and mobility of pedestrians and cyclists: the rationalization of the entry points on Via Nazionale, where the operations of crossing and turning left from the secondary road network is concentrated in nodes arranged with roundabouts or traffic lights, undertaking pedestrian and bicycle corridors of protected, serving schools in the area between the hill and via Manzoni.

5.6 Systems hectometres

In view of the bank of the town of Roseto location between the sea and the mountains, is an important opportunity for the inclusion of alternative mobility systems hectometres and fully automatic systems to integrate with vehicle mobility and cycle - pedestrian. In particular, the plan proposes a system that connects via hectometres Latin, and more generally the city center, parking area and roads adjacent to the modal shift of the "ancient furnaces" (Project) and a system to link with the sea Monte Pagano (see table "Interventions in the field of movement").

6. PROJECTS new road infrastructure in the town of Roseto

The development project's context in terms of mobility ', the city planning and structural assumptions of new roads' by the Province of Teramo and Anas, allowed to develop, feasibility ', specific studies on new interventions in the roads infrastructure of the whole area. I am therefore resulting hypotheses, new roads interventions relating to:
  • - option north of the building of Roseto degli Abruzzi also called Osterreich ' of the ancient furnaces (City of Roseto)
  • - feasibility 'of the variant to the former SS 150, Via Salaria (province of Teramo);
  • - feasibility variant of the SS 16 (Anas).

The plans below show the routes and / or corridors project developed for each of the three measures mentioned above. The analysis of the path, referred to the SS 150, were conducted on the basis of the projects provided by the province of Teramo and as identified in the General Variation of PRG - PRG 2001 in table " components structuring the area and identification of strategic actions ".


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Interventi per la sosta a Roseto degli Abruzzi


Data analysis showed that resting Roseto has, overall, a good supply of parking, however, distributed differently from the expectations of motorists. The quantification of demand to stop by and meet 'was calculated based on the scenario, that of August, which are reflected in the highest level of crowding and taking into account, simultaneously, the design strategies to be pursued.

The table above shows that the current allocation of parking spaces in the city of Roseto degli Abruzzi is able to satisfy global demand expressed. There is however a significant number of people dissatisfied (in prohibition) or inadequately met (tolerance) despite the large number (2327) of unused parking regulations. The first project action that we intend to implement, comes from the pursuit of two objectives: to download the central areas, particularly in the area 4 appears to be the only really burdened by the problem of an inadequate supply of parking to strong demand expressed and provide a response in terms of new allocations of parking spaces, to permit the elimination of parking that is currently operating ban.

In the short term this application is estimated at approximately 500-600 parking spaces, in the medium - long term, taking account of urban development and tourism in the city, it is considered necessary to endow the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi other 800 to 900 parking spaces, which will be located in trade and report parking and parking for residents. Unlike other towns on the Adriatic coast, Roseto degli Abruzzi still has large undeveloped areas, many of which are owned by the municipality, on the other hand, areas once occupied by abandoned production activities (Autogas area, furnace beads, catarrh Diodorus), near the city center, are the subject of detailed plans for recovery, to return to the city and urban life in advanced areas of land degradation. At the same time, the revision of the key planning instrument of the city, the General Plan, provides an opportunity to plan properly and adequately to the needs not only current but also future needs of areas for parking vehicles.

The project identifies a portion of the compact city, roughly coincident with that
in which they were conducted surveys of parking, by the processes which trigger the relocation of long stay which must be done in the outer parking areas (parking exchange ), to protect and connect with shuttle-bus service.

Given the availability of sites in areas of the promenade outside the town, would be more convenient for stopping:
  • south, the area adjacent to the viability of the underpass via Marco Polo;
  • north, the area almost completely undeveloped, including routes between Pisa and Taranto.

E 'was used the average time interval in which materialize the maximum load conditions. It must be stressed, however, that in some areas there are significant periods in which they were counted more 'car of those present from 19.00 to 20.00.

The first, easily accessible from the main road from the Adriatic Highway, has a dual significance, as well as being functional to the long stay, there is almost close to the sports facilities, so that it keeps a high level of attractiveness in the winter months. The second, located near the end of the promenade is accessible directly through the underpass from Via Nazionale Via Palermo (without the need for users coming from or going to the north, crossing the town), this location is also strategically the development plans and hotel accommodations provided in the area close to Via Palermo. With regard to the parking report, have been proposed seven different locations which may in the long run, to satisfy a demand for parking more limited in termini temporali, e che ha necessita’ di essere effettuata in maniera piu’ diretta rispetto al continuo urbano attrattivo. Si tratta di quattro nuove localizzazioni (le fornaci Branella, Catarra e Diodoro e l’area dell’Autogas ad est della ferrovia), di piazza della Repubblica in fase di ultimazione e i parcheggi di progetto su via D’Annunzio e nell’area “ex Monti” interessata da un programma di ristrutturazione urbanistica (PRUSST “La città lineare della Costa”). Piazza della Repubblica E’ opportuno che nei piani particolareggiati relativi alle aree sopra menzionate, vengano previste aree sufficienti non solo alla domanda di sosta generata dalle opere edilizie in progetto, ma also to the users of the central area, located walking distance from these locations.

Overall it is considered necessary to provide an offer of parking report at least 400 to 500 cars in total, to be distributed, primarily among the areas Autogas and "ex Mountains" (20% - 25%), Piazza Area of \u200b\u200bex Monti redevelopment Republic and via D'Annunzio (15% - 20%), Branella furnaces (25% - 30%) and phlegm (30% - 35%), in particular, among the four settlements provided , one of the furnaces catarrh, placed at a distance from the pedestrian attractors many poles in the city, is characterized by improved accessibility, with the construction of the roundabout at the intersection of Via Nazionale - Via Adriatica, for this reason it is considered that it should be the main contributor to the supply of parking report.

The parking for residents is a problem concentrated in the months of the summer season, when the tourist influx to prevent the inhabitants diparcheggiare their car near the residence, considered the naturadei land, and ineconomicità the construction of small car parks, which moreover, are rarely used in winter months, but it is believed that the solution for the residents to be found by locating the reserved areas in the interstitial spaces of the mesh fabric of the city in which, according to surveys conducted, it expresses the demand for residential parking in more consistent and often ban. It 's the area bounded by national roads and streets and Manzoni Piave and the Adriatic. Under this act could be considered the possibility of reserving some of the residents parking spaces provided to the Republic Square and central areas of the furnaces.

Among the proposals for the area and stop there, 'Finally, the identification of an area to be given to the camper-stop, located in the south of the city' near 'an area which, having already served by the equipment necessary, may make it more 'easy task to make it functional.


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Interventi di moderazione del traffico aRoseto degli Abruzzi

3. INTERVENTIONS traffic calming

In order to achieve the integrated approach of moderation and promotion of traffic mobility systems' Alternatively, the nodes were identified and the lines of road on which the action is real calming measures traffic which, in turn, have two objectives: one on their own and to make possible alternative means of transport to take place safely.

The traffic calming measures, designed for those roads where traffic is weighing heavily, and, not surprisingly, appear to be the most accidents, will be carried out with devices that have a value of urban design and involving a significant reduction in the speed of vehicles as they feel that the motorist is through an urban place to connotation.

It is, in particular, to draw slight narrowing of the road (corresponding to as many enlargements of sidewalks on which to produce, for example, treatments to small green), to create gentle slopes, to locate or identify whether traffic island flower beds at the which vary the treatment of road surface with proper carpet making it possible to qualitatively enhance the city.

For the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi, it was decided to use these types of interventions in some parts dangerous today, as the area in front of Liberty Square, Liberty Square at the Villa Comunale, Piazza della Repubblica and Via Thaulero, characterized by significant pedestrian flows, in which case it is appropriate to make crosswalks with pedestrian or traffic island. Further action regarding the area surrounding the nursery, elementary and middle west of Via Manzoni, planned work consists of narrowing the carriageway, chicanes and raised pedestrian crossings, the latter can also be made by alternating the parking on both sides of the road.

have enclosed a number of cards representative of the types of interventions proposed, its precise definition and location covered by the content of the General Plan of Urban Traffic, and can be developed through detailed plans and executive plans. As for the crossings, which are also very dangerous, that the way National form with roads on it that you enter (especially the SS 150 and SP 19), the creation of a chain of roundabouts in close distance on average, is not only a valuable means of resolving circulatory problems, but if ipsa produces an appropriate traffic calming measures, since all the roundabouts prevedono la precedenza all’anello circolatorio.


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Interventi di qualità urbana a Roseto degli Abruzzi


La locuzione “qualita’ urbana” racchiude molti significati che si riferiscono in parte alla citta’ costruita (l’area storica, il continuo urbano, le periferie) ed in parte ai cittadini-utenti che nella citta’ lavorano, si incontrano, si muovono.

Per quanto attiene all’ambiente costruito, la ri-qualificazione di parti di citta’ ben determinate ed il rapporto citta’-periferia, sostituitosi to the historic city-country opposition need to be addressed in terms of quality 'urban redesign through targeted public parks, the location of particular street furniture, the quality' of building structures, to involve the infrastructure of mobility ' , both public and private.

For citizens, however, the quality 'urban, more' generally better quality 'of life, is achieved through a strategic organization of the times of the city' accessibility and a 'balanced response to different functions and services.

The minute that you can save a citizen to go to a party another of the city 'or to bring, in time, the suburbs to area attractions contribute to recovery of the' urban. The quality 'urban, however, is not' just that. It is 'an opportunity, a behavioral style that must be the base of the various actions that an administration can' put in place to become the main goal.

Even when you do not speak openly of those actions re-qualification of which it was said previously, and 'to search quality' in urban planning any action. As we 'mentioned above, the action that is described here di seguito sono stati divisi in diversi paragrafi. Quelli di qualita’ urbana sono, tuttavia, interventi che tagliano trasversalmente tutte le categorie di intervento.

4) Per esempio, la proposta relativa all’istituzione di corone rotatorie in corrispondenza delle intersezioni piu’ difficili, non solo risolve problemi dal punto di vista della circolazione ma diventa occasione per dotare la citta’ di Roseto degli Abruzzi di nuove porte (all’esterno) e di nuovi nodi (all’interno) che contribuiscano a rafforzare l’identita’ della citta’. Lo stesso ragionamento si puo’ fare per gli interventi di moderazione del traffico che, mentre risolvono i problemi causati dalla eccessiva velocita’ vehicles and the loss of certain roads on the recognizability 'of mixed use - pedestrian and vehicular - enrich the city' of new furniture and new scenarios of quality '.

Before moving on to the next paragraph, which describes an operation of quality 'urban, one relating to the detection of cyclo-protected pedestrian corridors, particularly significant for the city' of Roseto degli Abruzzi because of its orographic and needs expressed by citizens and tourists interviewed, attention is drawn on the assumption of advanced design for Piazza della Liberta '.

The proposal was' to put a square system Della Liberta '(up to the front of the station) and the stretch of waterfront between the square and square Ponno Filippone (formerly' pedestrian currently made during the summer evenings), connecting the plaza to the waterfront through the existing pedestrian underpass of the railway .

This 'would lead to the definition of a significant area from Piazza Ponno to pedestrians, set in the heart of downtown and that overcomes the limitations normally imposed by the presence of the railroad, the structure of these cities' built along the Adriatic Sea.

2.1 cycling and pedestrian corridors protected

scenario planning, which aims, mainly oriented to alternative modes of mobility ', research and evaluate the modulation of a new organization of the center resulting in the identification of protected routes to be allocated to pedestrians and bicycles. The goal 'that, in fact, to balance the allocation of modal shifts in city and especially in the urban area, which is currently biased towards the private car. Please note that the cycle routes are classified in relation to different degrees of separation to be achieved between bicycles and other vehicles in three categories, which can be associated with standards features and functionality. The first category

achieves complete separation of vehicular traffic than motor bicycles, the main features are: separate roadway (curb of minimum width 70 cm), and possibly paving particular care of characteristic color, signage. The second set of routes is placed at a level slightly lower, with the following features: lane reserved for bicycles on the roadway, bounded by horizontal bar, floor any color
distinctive signage.

The third category of courses, then, does not offer a specific space set aside for bicycles, which must then travel to promiscuity with other vehicles. Along these routes established which is adequate signage that warn other traffic components of the presence of bicycles and imposes a discipline of movement (low speed limits', etc.). which safeguards the safety of cyclists.

intervention project that aims - to be considered in detail in the detailed plan - identifies a cycle route, serving the waterfront. In particular, the path connecting the two sections of the waterfront Trento (Piazza Ponno internal path to the "Mion Grand Hotel") and Trieste (Piazza path internal to the Philippines "Marina") through the stretch of waterfront known as Roma, in the inner reality to the line of the coast. The cycle

that runs along the waterfront, connecting each part of the city on the opposite side of the railroad through the underpass via Marche, with cycle path, it is believed, therefore, for greater protection for cyclists, crossing the Via Nazionale (via intersection Marche - Via Nazionale), keep the traffic controller, modulating a phase of protected green (possibly named) for the crossing of pedestrians and bicycles.

The system of cycle routes is completed through the arc via Thaulero - Via Latina, which provided for pedestrian should not, however, exclude the passage of bicycles. This stretch, as well as the waterfront Rome provides for the total separation of traffic flows from those paths (first category); bicycle crossings with traffic lights can not be detected by an appropriate color of the paving, where the cycle track is raised above street level, it is suggested to treat the intersections with vehicular traffic with the construction of raised pedestrian crossings and narrowing the carriageway and this action is part of traffic calming schemes, and is described in the section dedicated to that theme. In sections where the bike paths share the roadway must be provided with a curb of separation, beveled corners and a height not exceeding 10 cm, the paving of the bike path will take a characteristic color.

The width of bicycle lanes should not be less than 150 for a one-way tracks and 200 cm for two-way tracks, the cycle paths should have a width not less than 300 cm, and these dimensional requirements, which stem from considerations about the bulk of cyclists, the maneuvering space required to keep your balance and avoid obstacles to the free ones, can not always be met, especially in the case of inclusion of cycle routes on existing road. In any case, the minimum width of the runway should not be less than 150 cm, the restrictions will be properly marked. Other operations on cycling: the establishment of a route between the node SS 16 - SS 150 and the "Factory Rolli" and a marginal route, "the path of the furnaces, which links the three furnaces beads, catarrh and Diodorus.

have also proposed two lanes outside the town of Roseto that line the river courses and the Tordino Vomano. The bicycle is not ', however, the only alternative way to dwell on which the design point of view. The city 'of Roseto degli Abruzzi has shown, in fact, through interviews, to devote special attention to the pedestrian. However, not 'always possible areas reserved for pedestrians, and then completely off-limits to any kind of traffic. The interventions that are proposed are intended to "limit" the use of private vehicles in areas that are allowed access only to residents and authorized personnel. Should therefore distinguish between the pedestrian areas from those that are modulated with limited traffic, as regards extension and hours of operation, according to the needs of citizens, tourists and traders without losing sight of the main objective and that 'what, you repeats, the means of protecting individual generators of pollutants audible, visual and exhaust most urban areas' congested. Inside

intervention for the promotion of mobility 'alternative pedestrian, and a special attention' was reserved for that user so-called "weak" (the elderly, subject to capacity 'motor impairments), with particular reference to children. "Environmentalists are using environmental indicators, that 'phenomena, those organizations that help us to monitor the health or degradation of our environment. Lichens, for example, change their properties if the environment is being polluted, the fireflies do not come back, so 'the swallows as well and so' on. For the City 'the child may' be regarded as a sensitive environmental indicator: if in the city 'meet children playing, walking alone means that the city 'and' sound, if in the city 'means that children do not meet the City' and 'sick. "(from Francesco Tonucci, The City' children, Laterza Roma-Bari ).

intervention is proposed that moves from the identification of a route along which enable children to move safely, with respect to motor vehicles, and with the ability 'to do without adult accompaniment. In particular, it refers to routes from home to school and, therefore, that portion of the city 'to the west of the Via Alessandro Manzoni, which are located in all schools of the city'. The draft outlines a network service to schools, a path (see table below), which also has two slots on the Via Nazionale, which covers almost entirely via Manzoni putting in
connection in terms of pedestrian protection, with the parallel Via Puglia, and so
Napoleon. In relation to the will of the municipal administration to proceed with the pedestrian street of Via Latina Thaulero - via Latin, these traits can be a valuable service to the pedestrian system connecting schools with the Via Nazionale and the waterfront.

Along the roads that provide protected pedestrian routes, you will need to make raised platforms (difference from the road surface of the roadway to 15 cm) to prevent the misuse of car parking suitably large (1.2 m minimum, any narrowing can be admitted only locally, and in the event that the sidewalk exists on both sides), and treated with floors that make a recognizable itinerario1 drawing attention of all citizens, especially motorists, to the fact of being near a corridor used by children. At the road crossing the usual pedestrian crossing will be replaced by a different treatment of the road surface breaking the continuity of the driveway to put the driver seat in terms of feeling like someone is going through and forces, therefore, proceed with extreme caution.

2.2 The new pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bVia Garibaldi

In the frame of the planned measures are also part of the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bVia Garibaldi and Via Napoli, route linking the Piazza della Repubblica, the Villa Comunale, home of the library and several Filippone and cultural boulevard, road link with the Waterfront. The project encourages pedestrian movements to improve safety, offering the ability to easily stop in Via Garibaldi facility dedicated to the Republic Square (phase 1)

In this regard could be made in the corridors of pedestrian "logos" on the ground can of evidenziare la sicurezza del percorso: simbolo verde per corridoi in sicurezza totale, arancio per caratterizzare l'attenzione dell'utente e rosso per situazione di pericolo. 10 di ultimazione), e costituisce, unitamente a quelli sopra elencati, una rete continua ed attrezzata per gli spostamenti a piedi. L’amministrazione comunale sta già sviluppando delle ipotesi progettuali mirate ad approfondire questo tema. Pedonalizzazione di via Garibaldi e di via Napoli

2.3 Il Piano del Traffico e il D.P.R. n.503 del 1996

Garantire la mobilità e l’accessibilità del territorio non è un fattore esclusivamente legato al mezzo di locomozione o all’offerta infrastrutturale ma ha anzi una componente Qualitative made the killing grounds of physical or functional commonly referred to as "architectural barriers" to protect, in particular, weak user.

will pass the physical obstacles that limit a source of distress or preventing the fluid use of space or equipment to anyone in particular for those who, for whatever reason, have a reduced or impaired mobility, there is a strategic goal of PGTU of Roseto. 11 The design choices, therefore, are in harmony with the instructions contained in the Decree of the President of the Republic n.503 of 24 July 1996. In particular, the proposed pedestrian Via Garibaldi and Via Napoli that legislation provides] ... at least one accessible path that could allow the use of lifting equipment where necessary, the use of services, social, environmental and use even for people with reduced or impaired mobility or sensory impairment.

characteristics of the routing, paving, in particular, shall be construed consistent with the rules contained in paragraphs 4.2.1, 4.2.2., 8.2.1, and 8.2.2. Decree of the Minister of Public Works June 14, 1989, n.236, for which:
  • (4.2.1.) - In the outdoor areas until the access of buildings should preferably be at least one path in plan with such characteristics to allow the mobility of persons with reduced or impaired motor skills, and allowing them the direct usability of equipment and services of the parking spaces outside, where required. The courses must submit a performance as simple as possible and adjust in relation to the main access and be free of bottlenecks, furniture, barriers of any kind that will reduce the width of passage or that may cause injury. Their width should be sufficient to ensure the mobility and, in places not too far apart, even the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair. Where a footpath is adjacent to areas not paved, it is necessary un ciglio da realizzare con materiale atto ad assicurare l'immediata percezione visiva nonché acustica se percorso con bastone. Le eventuali variazioni di livello dei percorsi devono essere raccordate con lievi pendenze ovvero superate mediante rampe in presenza o meno di eventuali gradini ed evidenziate con variazioni cromatiche. In particolare, ogni qualvolta il 12 percorso pedonale si raccorda con il livello stradale, o è interrotto da un passo carrabile, devono predisporsi rampe di pendenza contenute e raccordate in maniera continua col piano carrabile, che consentano il passaggio di una sedia a ruote. Le intersezioni tra percorsi pedonali e zone carrabili devono essere opportunamente segnalate anche ai non vedenti.
  • (4.2.2.) - La pavimentazione the pedestrian path must be non-slip. Any difference in level between the constituent elements of a pavement must be contained so as not to hinder the transit of a person in a wheelchair. The gratings used in the pavement must have a mesh with gaps that do not impede or danger, as compared to the wheels, the support of clubs and the like.
  • (8.2.1.) - The pedestrian route must have a minimum width of 90 cm and have, to allow the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair, enlargements of the route, to be implemented at least in plan, each 10 m of linear development (see Section 8.0.2 for the size room to maneuver). Any change of direction from the path rettilineo deve avvenire in piano; ove sia indispensabile effettuare svolte ortogonali al verso di marcia, la zona interessata alla svolta, per almeno 1,70 m su ciascun lato a partire dal vertice più esterno, deve risultare in piano e priva di qualsiasi interruzione. Ove sia necessario prevedere un ciglio, questo deve essere sopraelevato di 10 cm dal calpestio, essere differenziato per materiale e colore dalla pavimentazione del percorso, non essere a spigoli vivi ed essere interrotto, almeno ogni 10 m da varchi che consentano l'accesso alle zone adiacenti non pavimentate. La pendenza longitudinale non deve superare di norma il 5%; ove ciò non sia possibile, sono ammesse pendenze superiori, purché realizzate in conformità a quanto previsto al punto 8.1.11.. Per pendenze del 5% è necessario prevedere un ripiano orizzontale di sosta, di profondità di 13 almeno 1,50 m, ogni 15 m di lunghezza del percorso; per pendenze superiori tale lunghezza deve proporzionalmente ridursi fino alla misura di 10 m per una pendenza dell'8%. La pendenza trasversale massima ammissibile è dell'1%. In presenza di contropendenze al termine di un percorso inclinato o di un raccordo tra percorso e livello stradale, la somma delle due pendenze rispetto al piano orizzontale deve essere inferiore al 22%. Il dislivello ottimale tra il piano di percorso ed il piano del terreno o delle zone carrabili ad esso adiacenti è di 2,5 cm. Allorquando il percorso si raccorda con il livello stradale o è interrotto da un passo carrabile, sono ammesse brevi rampe di pendenza non superiore al 15% per un dislivello massimo di 15 cm. Fino ad un'altezza minima di 2,10 m dal calpestio, non devono esistere ostacoli di nessun genere, quali tabelle segnaletiche o elementi sporgenti dai fabbricati, che possono essere causa di infortunio ad una persona in movimento.
  • (8.2.2.) - Per pavimentazione antisdrucciolevole si intende una pavimentazione realizzata con materiali il cui coefficiente di attrito, misurato secondo il metodo della British Ceramic Research Association Ltd. (B.C.R.A.) Rep. CEC.6/81, sia superiore ai seguenti valori di 0.40 per elemento scivolante cuoio su pavimentazione asciutta e 0.40 per elemento scivolante gomma dura standard su pavimentazione bagnata. I valori predicted friction must not be modified dall'apposizione topcoat polishing or protection, if any, should be applied on the materials before the test. The assumptions of the pavement condition (dry or wet) should be taken according to the normal conditions of the place where it is placed in work. The layers support the flooring must be fit to endure over time and overload the floor and laid down to ensure the long-term locking of the elements constituting the floor itself. The constituent elements of a pavement joints must be less than 5 mm, prepared with durable materials, be flat with 14 ribs any thickness greater than 2 mm. Gratings inseriti nella pavimentazione devono essere realizzati con maglie non attraversabili da una sfera di 2 cm di diametro; i grigliati ed elementi paralleli devono comunque essere posti con gli elementi ortogonali al verso di marcia.


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Il progetto del piano urbano traffico


Il Piano della mobilità è uno strumento di pianificazione del territorio che, basandosi sulla puntuale e critica analisi dello stato attuale e muovendosi all’interno dei diversi settori della mobilità pubblica e privata, delinea strategie operative ed individua interventi di progetto.

In prima istanza, ciò allows the City Council to direct its actions towards the search for a model of sustainable mobility and compatible with the demand expressed by those who gravitate to the city and in the second instance, to define the scope of those project interventions that will find a level of more detail in further detailed plans.

The plan then identifies a series of design strategies, which for the sake of explicitness are presented as belonging to different categories of intervention: in particular, the areas of most interest to the plan are those of the 'quality' urban ' "Traffic calming", "industry issue" and "staging area".

All these interventions, however, are characterized by a strategy and operational logic, drawn up in consultation between designers and client administration. In each case the contents of the plan should not be considered neither exhaustive nor strictly binding on the City Council, in particular for measures to specific, and in the field of road remains valid system of orders, through which one can also make the that any improvements in the implementation of the contents of the plan may be necessary.

The plan is also a very dynamic instrument, as updates are required by law every two years, by which to accept and review content and projects based on the new instances in which time you can create or edit.

2) With the approval of the Urban Mobility Plan by drawing up detailed plans for urban transport, the design strategies proposed interventions focus will be defining micro circulation, parking and urban quality. In the table "Interventions in the field of movement" have been identified and perimeter areas on which to develop such detailed plans by dividing the town of Roseto area in North Central area and South area

This document arises from the integration of the contents of the first preparation of the report technical design of the Mobility Plan of Roseto degli Abruzzi with the matters emphasized in subsequent meetings by the client and technical writers of the PRG to adapt in various parts of the instrument PLANNING to the needs of the city, represented by the Municipal Administration.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Funbrain Cheats For Planetary Pinball

La relazione tecnica del piano urbano traffico


  • 1. PROJECT
  • 2. quality interventions' URBAN
  • 2.1 The cycling and pedestrian corridors protected
  • 2.2 The new pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bVia Garibaldi
  • 2.3 The Traffic Plan and the 1996 Presidential Decree n.503
  • 3. INTERVENTIONS traffic calming
  • 5.1 Systems and fluidization of the axis of Via Nazionale
  • 5.2 The system object nodes
  • 5.2.1 Intersection of Piazza Marco Polo
  • 5.2.2 Location of the node between the Marina Trieste and viability 'out of the new railway underpass
  • 5.2.3 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Salara
  • 5.2.4 Intersection Piazza Ungheria
  • 5.2.5 Intersection Via Nazionale - Via Adriatica
  • 5.2.6 Intersection Via Nazionale - Via Emilia
  • 5.2.7 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Palermo
  • 5.2.8 Hypothesis of accommodation for the subdivision road north of Cologne and Roseto (Borsacchio)
  • 5.2.9 Solutions to the traffic junction of Via Galliani graft in the SS 150
  • 5.2.10 Accommodation traffic area ex Autogas and engagement on the SP 150 SS 16
  • 5.2.11 Solution for the junction between Viale Europa, Via Tronto
  • via Oglio
  • 5.3 Access of heavy vehicles in the waterfront
  • 5.4 Arranging the promenades
  • 5.5 Conflict Resolution circulatory
  • 5.5.1 Area Mezzopreti way - via Manzoni
  • 5.5.2 Area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale
  • 5.6 Systems hectometres
  • 6. PROJECTS new road infrastructure in the town of Roseto 48
  • Report
  • Plant

Schwinn Johnny G Comp Spin Bike

Pianta della viabilità interna del centro di Roseto degli Abruzzi

portion relating to the internal roads in the center of Roseto degli Abruzzi affected by the work and attached to the documentation

Airwalk Aggressive Inline Skate

delibera sul piano urbano traffico

We propose the resolution on urban traffic plan of the municipality of Roseto degli Abruzzi:

========= 0 =========

Municipal Council Resolution no.146 OF 05/12/2008
Roseto degli Abruzzi, 02/10/2009 The Secretary
RAG. Flavia De Vincentiis COUNCILLOR P
Risultato legale il numero degli intervenuti, il Presidente dichiara aperta la discussione sull'argomento in
Soggetta a controllo N Soggetta a comunicazione S
Immediatamente eseguibile S Soggetta a ratifica N
acknowledging that the proposed resolution under Article 49 of Legislative Decree
. 18.8.2000, n. 267, were expressed the following opinions:
HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT CONCERNED regarding the regularity
technique: a favorable opinion; Arch Lorenzo Patacchini
ACCOUNTING MANAGER for the regularity
accounting: a favorable opinion; F. Antoinette Spoor to

- What Circular No 2575 of 08.08.1986, the Ministry of Works Public
defines the Urban Traffic Plan as a tool for technical and administrative
to improve the mobility of people and things;
- Article. 36, D. Lgs 30.04.1992, n. 285 (New Highway Code) requires,
to municipalities with a resident population of more than 30,000 inhabitants or municipalities
with a resident population of less than thirty thousand inhabitants who register, including
times of the year, a special tourist influx, or are
affected by major problems of traffic, the preparation of the Urban Traffic Plan;
- that with action taken by the Ministry of Public Works, in consultation with the Ministry of Environment
and the Department of Communities and Local Government, implementing the above
art. 36 of the New Highway Code have been issued the "Guidelines
for the preparation, adoption and implementation of the Urban Traffic Plan", published in Official Gazette dated 24.06.1995
- which by resolution of the Town Council No 459 of 08.08.1997 was approved
the notice of appointment for the preparation of the Urban Traffic Plan;
- that the Town Council by resolution No 103 of 25.03.1998
was assigned the task to prepare the PUT Roseto degli Abruzzi to the company
Syntagma Ltd Perugia
- that on 02.12.1998 rep. No 4734 has been concluded the contract that governs the relationship with the firm
Syntagma Ltd.;
- that on 11.11.1999, at city hall, it was broadcast
CD Rom copy of the preliminary plan, which was considered by the Planning Commission in
date 02.05.2000;
- that on 01.07.2000 with footnote 16563 has been sent, the Syntagma Soc
srl comments to the preliminary plan;
- which by resolution of the Town Council No 297 of 21.09.2000 has been accepted for
redefinition of the contents of the delivery date agreed with the above-mentioned contract
Council Resolution No. 146, 5/12/2008 - Page 2 - The town of Roseto degli Abruzzi
- that on 28.11.2000 the prot. 28145 has been restored, the company responsible,
the final version of the Mobility Plan;
- that the proposed Mobility Plan was subsequently supplemented on 06.04.2004 at
prot. 7571, dated 10.01.2007 to prot. 578 and finally concluded on 25.01.2007 at
prot. 2093;
- the Mobility Plan was submitted on 16.12.2002, 14.04.2005, 17.06.2008 and 08.07.2008
examination of the Council Committee of the PRG, the
which gave its opinion on 08:07 .2008;
- that on 16.07.2008 the Construction Planning Commission gave its opinion
at the same time asking for an update of the Plan;
- that on 02.10.2008 until prot. 24796 the firm which has put the final version
Mobility Plan, updated to the findings of the Building Committee and Town Planning
composed of the following documents: general report
prot. 24796 of 02.10.2008;
pl. 1 - action in movement prot. 24796 of 02.10.2008;
pl. 2 - prot stop action in the field. 24796 of 02.10.2008;
- that the plan identifies a number of design strategies related to different categories
intervention, in particular, the areas of most interest are those of:
"urban quality", "traffic calming", " service sector " and "staging area
- that on 28.10.2008 with letter prot. 7237 asked the opinion of The Municipal Police Command
- that on 29.10.2008 the company responsible is asked to make corrections and clarifications to the plan put
on 02.10.2008;
- that on 3:11 .2008 with footnote 932/08 Control of the PM puts the opinion
- that on 20.11.2008 the prot. 29854 is returned to the Mobility Plan

updated with all the modifications and clarifications required, consisting of the following documents: general report
prot. No 29854, 20.11.2008;
pl. 1 - action in the field of movement prot. No 29854, 20.11.2008;
pl. 2 - prot stop action in the field. No 29854, 20.11.2008;
deemed necessary the adoption of the Plan of the Municipality of
Roseto degli Abruzzi
Given the mobility plan put on 20/11/2008 prot. 29854;
view of the art. 36, D. Lgs 30.04.1992, n. 285 (new Highway Code;
view of the "Guidelines for the preparation, adoption and implementation of the Urban Traffic
" issued by the Ministry of Public Works, in cooperation with the Ministry
Council Resolution No. 146, 05-12 -2008 - Page 3 - the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi
Environment and the Department of Communities and Local Government,
published in the Official Gazette of 24.06.1995;
D. Given the Legislative Decree 267/2000;
1) the premise is an integral and substantial part of this act and shall be grounds under
L. 241/90 as it stands;
2) to adopt, in the art. 36, D. Lgs 30.04.1992, n. 285 (
new Code of the Road), the mobility plan of the municipality of Roseto degli Abruzzi, put
definitely on 20.11.2008 and consists of the following projects:
- general report prot. 29854, 20.11.2008;
- table. 1 - action in movement prot. 29854, 20.11.2008;
- table. 2 - prot stop action in the field. 29854, 20.11.2008;
3) to acknowledge that, pursuant to the directive of the Ministry of Public Works
on the drafting, adoption and implementation of the Urban Traffic Plan, published
the ordinary supplement to Official Gazette No. 146, 24.06.1995,
Plan will be filed with the secretary of the municipality for thirty days
consecutive, with the simultaneous publication of notice for public viewing and
can submit comments;
4) to acknowledge that, subsequently, the City Council will decide on the proposal
Plan and any comments made,
5) to mandate al Dirigente IV Settore per gli adempimenti connessi all’adozione
del presente atto.
Dato per letto, confermato e sottoscritto.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Piano Urban Traffic in Roseto degli Abruzzi - 6

Spett.le Comune di Roseto Degli Abruzzi
Piazza della Repubblica 64026 Roseto degli Abruzzi

to '
Geom. Franco Di Bonaventura

and Urban Sector IV pc
Private building design
Roseto degli Abruzzi, 04/14/2009

Affiliation: Committee " New Roseto "

Adopted by resolution of the Town Council No 146 of 12.05.2008
ministerial directives published in the Official Gazette No. 77, 24/06/1995
Drafting of the Urban Traffic (PUT) under Article. 36 of the New Highway Code (Legislative Decree No. 285 of 30/04/1992)


observation concerning " area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale "

The SV reported that "the circulatory system in force in the urban center (city compact) bounded by the Via Nazionale (not included), Adriatica (not included), Mazzini (included) and Rosselli (not included), now provides a system of one-way streets with the presence of numerous points of conflict ... these can be reduced or eliminated by an appropriate restructuring dell’assetto circolatorio, che limiti i nodi in cui è possibile il “taglio” delle correnti veicolari, riducendo le manovre di incrocio in confluenze e divergenze”.


la revoca della proposta di variazione del senso di marcia di tutte le vie interessate alle modifiche comprese nella cosiddetta “città compatta”. Con la presente si ritiene che una eventuale variazione dei sensi di marcia di tale portata comporti un notevole disagio per i cittadini, ma soprattutto penalizzi i commercianti disincentivando l’accesso diretto alla cosiddetta “città compatta” di eventuali acquirenti e fornitori. Nello specifico si ritengono inopportune envisaged changes would result in the enormous inconvenience to the entry of vehicles for the transport of goods serving the many shops in the area.

took part in the submission of comments:
  • Paolo Antonelli,
  • Davide Di Bonaventura, Raffaele Di Bonaventura
  • ,
  • Francesco Di Giuseppe, Fabrizio
  • Fornaciari,
  • Liberatore Merlitti.