interventions that are proposed for the sector are mainly aimed at resolving traffic congestion and danger 'by looking at the same time, to redistribute traffic to avoid long waits at intersections, traffic lights and no, that weigh the balance of noise and air pollution and lower the threshold of tolerance of motorists.
The first action and design 'was to census the points of conflict that have been resolved, where possible, through the modulation of a different attitude circulatory also took into account the reali vie d’ingresso ed uscita dalla città. Di intesa con i tecnici dell’Amministrazione Comunale, sono state dunque elaborate proposte che riguardano sia la viabilità principale, in particolare l’asse di via Nazionale, di via Salara ed Adriatica, la zona dei lungomare, quella della città compatta ad ovest di via Nazionale.
Nei paragrafi successivi verranno descritti gli interventi proposti, mostrati complessivamente nella tavola che segue. In tale elaborato, per chiarezza grafica, sono state riportate solo le MODIFICHE all'assetto circolatorio; laddove esistano situazioni su cui il piano non interviene (es. sensi unici attuali), si deve ritenere valida la configurazione attuale anche se, non riportata sulla carta.
5.1 Sistemazione e fluidificazione dell’asse di via Nazionale La via Nazionale – S.S. 16, attraversa il centro urbano di Roseto per tutta la direzione longitudinale, dividendo, insieme alla ferrovia, la città in tre zone:
La presenza di punti di inversione diffusiporteranno a regolare l’assetto della circolazione con divieto di svolta a sinistra lungo tutto l’asse di via Nazionale. Restano esclusi dal progetto di eliminazione degli impianti semaforici le intersezioni di via Marche, dove è presente il sottopasso ciclopedonale (occorre proteggere l’attraversamento ciclabile), via Doria, via Filipponi (absolute lack of space), the last two intersections may, as an alternative to the traffic controller, be settled under the above and no left turn; Underpass Via Marche Thaulero by the planned pedestrian suggested turning the traffic light Pedestrian traffic lights in a call, wanting to stop vehicular traffic only in limited periods of the year or week, can be expected to double traffic light cycle, which functions as a simple plant called pedestrian zones in the intervals of interest.
5.2 The system object nodes
5.2. Intersection a square knot on the Marco Polo Marco Polo Square viability dal lungomare converge sulla via Nazionale; il sottopasso presente rappresenta l’unica via di accesso all’area dei lungomari per i veicoli pesanti, fatta eccezione per l’opera presente nella zona sud del territorio comunale, in prossimità
della foce del Vomano. La vicinanza del nuovo accesso dal lungomare al nodo di via Salara, fa prevedere elevati volumi di traffico, in Sottopasso di piazza Marco Polo quanto la nuova viabilità realizza un collegamento diretto e preferenziale verso la direttrice dell’autostrada. L’intervento di sistemazione del nodo prevede la realizzazione di una rotatoria non sormontabile, con anello circolatorio di raggio interno 10 m (al limite della striscia orizzontale di corsia interna) e 18 m external dimensions such circolabilità also to ensure a good heavy vehicles and articulated buses. For the presence of a building of the mountains, it is necessary to deboning the roundabout to the direction of continuity of Via Nazionale, in any case, the turning radius, the minimum set at 19 to 20 m, provide a superior feature of the branches of access.
5.2.2 Location of the node between the waterfront and the viability of Trieste 'out of the new railway underpass The proposal highlights the possibility' of a graft with a roundabout solution between the new road 'from the railway underpass, south of Rose Garden and the practicability 'of waterfront via Trieste. The roundabout has the characteristics of compact mini-roundabout with a diameter of 20 meters and the central part surmountable to ensure the inclusion of the trajectories of heavy vehicles and / or coaches.
5.2.3 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Salara The node in question is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, both for those Highway, considering the high levels of congestion present on the SS Adriatica 16, most of the drivers who intend to travel along the coast, for distances greater than
- 30 km, prefer to access the motorway A 14 take the highway. The arrangement of node, traffic lights today, with the construction of the roundabout is not possible using the built-up areas adjacent to the confluent branches, sea side, by contrast, requires the presence of buildings to minimize the expansion of the roadway from its current level. The circulatory loop has inner and outer radii (measured at the edge of the lane), respectively of 12 and 20 m, and is perfectly adequate for heavy vehicles and articulated, the three branches are all single lane access, this configuration provides a node capability of more than 2500 vehicles / h and therefore adapted to circulating flows. The construction of the roundabout requires modest expropriation and the removal of some existing trees. The intervention was created by the Province of Teramo.
5.2.4 Intersection Node square Piazza Hungary Hungary, now no traffic lights, can, depending on the intent of the plan, a privileged access to both the residential area upstream of the National (and the sports field ) that is sandwiched between the National and the railroad, and finally, to the waterfront south of the driveway through the underpass via Giulio Cesare. In light of this consideration has been studied by the installation of the roundabout junction, considered the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe roundabout has been provided for a ring of inner radius and outer circulation of 8 and 16 m, however, appropriate to the movement of vehicles heavy branches of access, single-lane widths are not less than 4.5 m lanes, which adds value to the dock area on both sides.
The implementation of the roundabout could also be a useful moment to the urban redevelopment of the entire square, with the enhancement of green areas and the urban system.
5.2.5 Intersection Via Nazionale - Via Adriatica Via Adriatica (SP 19) is the major route linking the center of Roseto and Montepagano; the intersection at the junction of that street on the SS 16 shows high levels of congestion, particularly evident during the summer months. It proposes the creation of a roundabout compatta sormontabile con anello a singola corsia di raggio interno 3.0 m ed esterno 11.5 m. L’accesso all’anello circolatorio avviene attraverso rami a semplice corsia, della larghezza utile non inferiore a 3.5 m, ai quali si aggiunge 1 m di banchina. La realizzazione della rotatoria presuppone la sola occupazione di piccole aree libere nel quadrante sud.
5.2.6 Intersezione via Nazionale – via Emilia La realizzazione del nuovo sottopasso carrabile in corrispondenza di via Emilia, in sostituzione di un passaggio a livello soppresso, ha restituito a tale viabilità un ruolo primario nei collegamenti fra la statale Adriatica e l’area del lungomare Trieste. La regolazione semaforizzata del nodo di confluenza su via National leads in the summer months, a low quality of service it is therefore considered appropriate to suggest the arrangement with the roundabout junction concerned, given the lack of space it is proposed the installation of the roundabout junction with surmountable compact, circular ring, characterized by ray Underpass Via Emilia to maneuver large for trajectories crossing the Via Nazionale, and small turning radius for maneuvering input - output from Via Emilia, in fact, given the geometry of the railway underpass, the secondary road system is intended to be covered only by light vehicles, characterized by turning-ray content. The single-lane roundabout ring has an inner radius of 3.00 m and exterior of 11.5 m.
5.2.7 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Via Palermo Palermo is the first useful link from the main road towards the seafront for vehicles coming from Giulianova, whereas in the estimates of the municipal administration, is included in the development of the hotel offer 'area near the underpass, it is considered appropriate to strengthen the connection node via Palermo on Via Nazionale. This intersection, immediately adjacent to the bridge over the river Borsacchio, also represents a sort of "northern gate of the city: the layout of the node through the roundabout is able to provide the opportunity, through the creation of a significant intervention in urban, to give recognition to the intersection, and allow drivers to "take" immediate entry into the urban center of Roseto. Given the characteristics of "mixed" intersection, between urban and suburban node, the dimensions of the roundabout were chosen with reference to the average values \u200b\u200bused in two configurations: the ring rotation semisormontabile, single-lane, has an inner radius of 7.25 m to 16.75 m and outside, the branches of exit and entrance, single lane, have a minimum width of 3 m plus 1 m of quay, and on the main roads, both on the secondary.
5.2.8 Assumptions of accommodation for the subdivision road north of Cologne and Roseto (Borsacchio) The subdivision covers an area over which the current PRG provided for making a variant of the SP road to Cologne country and this road joins today on the SS16 Adriatica at a point to poor visibility and safety, as coincident with a bump. Immediately south of the graft is placed in a road network of PRG, the connection between the SS 16 and the sea. In relation to the situation described, and the need for action to the safety of SP for Cologne, were evaluated two alternatives:
exceeded viability of PRG in variant of Cologne and the SP - the strengthening of the final stretch of the same on the current path;
confirmation of the viability of PRG, which covers the area of \u200b\u200bhousing development, with - the possible detection of an alternative route to that provided in the planning instrument. The first alternative is not actually practical, since the coupling of the SP to Cologne on the SS 16 presents critical elements and are difficult to overcome poor security and the presence of a ditch in the vicinity of the crossing and, consequently, a hill SS 16, drastically reduces the scope of assistance applicable to the safety of the intersection: the realization of a roundabout, in fact, contrasts with the reduced visibility, resulting in unsatisfactory levels of security.
It is therefore necessary to implement a variant of the SP itself, the path of this variant, according to the characteristics of the road project, can be studied by developing alternative solutions to that of PRG. Essential for the proper design of the intervention is the distinction and functional separation of the main roads from those of the sector, noting in the study of knots roads the conditions of existing legislation, which recognizes the connection between traffic levels immediately after, avoiding the direct link between String functions are very distant from each other (eg viability of the sector Traffic interquartiere etc.). In the final stretch of variation, the SP for Cologne is called to play a dual role: that of interurban road system, for relations attested in Cologne, and the collector distributor road system to the sector, for access to the building of housing development and this road does not act as the subdivision road, but is the means for connecting roads to the main roads of the same subdivision. It is therefore necessary that the variant maintains the SP, for all development, distinct characteristics of the roads sector, adhering as far as possible to the types of urban and rural secondary roads, in line with le indicazioni del D.M. 5/2001, ed in relazione al traffico previsto, si ritiene che una sezione a due corsie di larghezza non inferiore a 3 m possa risultare soddisfacente al fine della regolarità circolatoria; la carreggiata stradale sarà completata con marciapiedi di larghezza minima 1.5 m; in relazione alla funzione di collegamento extraurbano, non è da prevedere la possibilità di sosta su strada, che riduce drasticamente la fluidità circolatoria.
Rispetto alla soluzione di PRG, che taglia in diagonale l'area di lottizzazione, sono state individuate ulteriori possibili soluzioni per il tracciato della variante alla S.P.; le soluzioni proposte, non esaustive rispetto al quadro dei tracciati potenziali, mirano a ridurre interference of the main roads with the sector itself. The solutions are characterized by the presence of a spoke pattern with planimetric axis in not less than 50 m, so that the design speed and the corresponding level of security are maintained in line with the norms.
The study of the subdivision may propose additional solutions provided in line with the guidelines set forth herein. The viability of the sector will be connected to the main roads with intersections T, preferably at right angles and points of good visibility. The coupling of the variation of the SS 16 will be achieved by means of a roundabout, whose location will allow the future inclusion of PRG road towards the seafront, the proposed solution involves the construction of a circulatory loop of 7.5 m, with docks on both sides of a width of 0.5, the inner radius of the ring is 10 m, while the outer one is 17.5 m; these values \u200b\u200bwere considered suitable for Local Authorities, including in relation to the small percentage of heavy traffic making turning movements from the SS 16 to the SP to Cologne.
The current path terminal of SP for cologne, after the realization of the variant, will be devoted solely to local reports, given the presence in a roundabout, you can rearrange the connections to the SS 16 and the viability of the project so to allow the sun maneuvers right turn, significantly increased levels of security than the current situation. As for the variation in path, shown in the table to follow, we chose the idea of \u200b\u200bless impact of sull'assetto urban sector, subject to the mobility needs of the area.
5.2.9 Solutions for the traffic junction of Via Galliani in the graft, the intersection between the SS 150 and SS 150 Via Galliani, situated in the locality of Saint Lucia in the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi, is a critical point by point of view of movement due to its configuration at grade. In fact, the coupling to the SS 150 (Via Moretti) is characterized by Via Galliani by poor visibility due to the presence of buildings and intersections SS 150 - Via Galliani fences near the intersection. The study aims to fluidization of the intersection is currently controlled by traffic light area the subject of intervention by proposing three possible solutions:
In detail, the immediate solution provides an immediate solution, as shown in the table followed by the reorganization of the intersection by placing the enlargement of the SS150 Via Galliani. There are two lanes, with radii of 7 and 10 m, both for those coming from Roseto degli Abruzzi you enter in Via Galliani, both for those coming from the latter are entered in the SS 150 in the direction of Teramo. The intersection of Via Galliani will still be regulated by traffic light. To make this arrangement will be required to demolish an abandoned building west of the intersection and expropriation a portion of land to the east is also leading to the displacement of a small votive altar.
Derelict building to be demolished on the SS 150 tracts of land to be expropriated a result of implementation of lane dedicated for home Via Galliani, the building area of \u200b\u200bproperty subject of expropriation will be far from the same lane of 1.18 m side Via Galliani, and 8.75 m, side SS150. Since the current lane width on the SS 150 is equal to 4 meters, one could assume the insertion, near the intersection of storage lanes for left turn to a width of 2.70 meters. Solution The solution provides mid-term the inclusion in
intersection, a roundabout and compact surmountable for the regulation and the smooth flow of traffic. The three branches of access, a single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation of 7.5 ring me docks SS 150 direction Roseto degli Abruzzi 0.25 m. The inner radius of the ring is 1.75 m, the outer one is 9.25 m for a total diameter of 18.50 m (table below). The radii are in the south of the intersection of 25 m, while the rays in correspondence Via Galliani 15 but varies from 9.5 m.
The implementation of the roundabout will require, as the immediate solution, the demolition of the abandoned building west of the intersection. The portion of land to be expropriated to the east of the intersection will be less than that necessary for the immediate implementation of the intervention leading to greater distances of the building owned by Chambers Street Delfico road (at least 2 m). You may need to avoid creating problems for the proper functioning of the roundabout, delete access Delfico Street (currently a two-way traffic) to the SS 150 by establishing a unique way to get out. The current long-term solution requires the General Plan in a southerly direction parallel to the existing path, a variant of the SS 150 for ANAS which is seeking financial sources. Role of intervention in the state will be affected by flows much smaller, substantially easing the intersection in this study. As a long-term solution extract PRG (2001): variant proposal may therefore be proposed the establishment of a sudden variation in the north in order to remove traffic from the SS 150 Via Galliani also in anticipation of housing development that will affect the area.
The three proposed solutions are of a degree of difficulty and increasing financial commitment. From the feasibility of rapid solution that provides for the demolition of the building still occupation of a strip of private land, you get to the possible inclusion of a roundabout and compact surmountable that thins the node to avoid the queues and pollution at the intersection. The solution of the roundabout should nevertheless provide a share of ANAS as the SS 150 is to be managed by this session after a period in the province of Teramo.
5.2.10 Accommodation traffic area ex Autogas and graft on the SP 150 SS 16 Following a request received by the Town Council of this Society in Roseto degli Abruzzi to express an opinion on the technical feasibility of
demands made by the Building Commission all’Impresa Felicione – Di Febo & C. S.n.c. che attualmente sta realizzando il complesso alberghiero nell’area ex Autogas e sulla fattibilità tecnica della rotatoria da realizzare su progetto della Provincia di Teramo, sull’innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16, è stato effettuato, in data 11-05-2006, un sopralluogo sulle aree interessate dagli interventi suddetti, che ha portato alle seguenti considerazioni. Sistemazione viabilità area ex AUTOGAS La Commissione Edilizia, nella pratica n. 48/2004, richiede all’impresa:
At present access to the complex Access to the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro seafront hotel is from Trieste and the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro, currently one-way down towards the seafront. It is believed that this organization circulatory one-way should be maintained. The inclusion of a roundabout, as suggested by the Building Commission, not only contributes to improved smooth flow of traffic in the vicinity of access to the complex, but also a redesign and a regulation of internal roads in the area between the hotel complex and the building intended for residential housing on the south of the area.
Access to the Lungomare Trieste (southbound) Access to the Lungomare Trieste (North) The solution prepared from Syntagma involves the insertion of a roundabout to regulate access while maintaining the current one-way down the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro and parking along the street. In the solution presented, the four branches of access, single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation loop of 8 m, including 0.5 m of quays on both sides. The inner radius of the ring is 4.5 m, the outer one of 12,5 m per un diametro complessivo di 25 m . Nell' ipotesi progettuale è garantita la continuità del percorso pedonale sul Lungomare. La realizzazione della rotatoria richiede l’abbattimento del muretto in mattoni posto a confine dell’area, nonché la rimozione delle alberature poste sul marciapiede.
Area interessata dall’inserimento della rotatoria Area compresa tra l’edificio destinato a civile abitazione fotografata dall’interno del parcheggio del complesso (nella foto) e il complesso alberghiero, interessata da una alberghiero nuova viabilità interna a seguito della realizzazione della rotatoria Nuova rotatoria della Provincia di Teramo - innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16 L’intersezione tra Via Nazionale and Via Salaria is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, and for those highway.
The Province of Teramo has prepared the final draft of a new roundabout at the intersection of
SS 150 (Via Salaria) and SS 16 (Via Nazionale) to solve the criticality of the node. The roundabout is characterized by a ring of circulatory inner radius of 12 m (measured at the edge of the lane) and an outer radius of 20 m (including shore side) of the three branches are all within easy access lane. This configuration provides a capacity of top node a 2500 veicoli/h e pertanto adeguata ai flussi circolanti. Sia le isole divisionali sia l’isola centrale non sono sormontabili.
Allo stato attuale, lungo il ramo di confluenza costituito da via Salara, a ridosso della futura rotatoria, sono presenti due accessi, uno su via Mazzola e l’altro sull’area di proprietà confinante con Piazza Olimpia. Per il corretto funzionamento della rotatoria risulta oltremodo opportuno eliminare gli accessi o, se questo risultasse di difficile attuazione, impedire, mediante cordolatura insormontabile lungo l’asse di via Salara, la svolta a sinistra nell’area di proprietà per le provenienza da Pescara e Ancona e la svolta a sinistra in via Mazzola per la provenienza da via Salara. The release and / or removal of access areas, in the vicinity 'of roundabouts should be kept at a distance of at least 50 to 60 meters. Grafts in the vicinity 'of the roundabout are dangerous and likely to affect the fluidity of the node.
5.2.1 a solution for the junction between Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Via Oglio The intersection of Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Oglio has a critical path for those who come from Europe Avenue, turn right into via Tronto. The reduced radius of curvature (R = 5 m), in fact, leads people along Viale Europa to widen the path and invade the opposite lane. The design solution involves the insertion of a cordolatura that by reducing the road section near the intersection from 7.75 to 6 meters, allows for an increase in the range of up to 7 meters for the continuous right turn. For coming from via Tronto, it offers the obligatory right turn without crossing the intersection. Those who wish to go to Europe must take the Ring boulevard adjacent circulation consists of street and alley Oglio Europe. The table below shows the design scheme proposed for the intersection.
5.3 access for heavy vehicles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront access for heavy vehicles and higher than 3.5 m area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront, until the abolition of level crossings, were of transport by Emilia and Marche, the elimination of crossings at grade, determined by the FS in the context of development interventions of the Adriatic, determines the need to identify alternative routes for the movement of heavy vehicles.
The underpass in the Piazza Marco Polo is the only permeability suitable for the movement of heavy vehicles, the traffic-related graft is placed in proximity of Via Salaria Via Nazionale, and is therefore instrumental to the traffic flow from the south and highway. In the Philippines, and promenades and squares Ponno would for a vehicle "entered" in the promenades through the underpass Via Marco Polo, of reversing the march and "exit" from the same underpass. For the waterfront Trento is necessary to make a point for the reversal of direction of heavy vehicles at the end of the promenade Trento, as close as possible to the area via Palermo.
5.4 Arranging promenades of the town of Roseto launched a competition of ideas on the arrangement of promenades, whose proposal won a path of re-extended from the mouth of the river Vomano (south) and the stream Borsacchio (a north). The project involves, in terms of transport, vehicular circulation, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
The system of promenades is divided into three areas:
In Zone 2 the circulatory system involves the use of waterfronts Rome / Celommi and parallel via C. Colombo, the system is located along the path C. Colombo, in adherence to the railways; pedestrian connections, cut the two vehicle axles at several points, according to a direction from the railroad to the sea.
In zone 3 are provided by PRG new hotel establishments along the coast, while the road network is developed in the space between the resorts and the Lungomare Trieste railway; connections to the national team are represented by the two underpasses in via Palermo and Via Makarska, the system runs in adherence to the path home station.
the stretch of waterfront Celommi Rome and were developed over time, different assumptions of accommodation. Among the proposals, and 'has also been suggested the transformation of the waterfront, and in particular, via Roma, in pedestrian axis, introducing a circulatory one-way loop through and via the promenade Celommi C. Colombo, on the stretch between Genzano and off via the Philippines. The seafront promenade Celommi Lungomare Roma Celommi was reduced to one-way in square Filippone - Ponno square, and reorganized with the introduction of a lane and a parking area to plug the sea side. Then, with custody of the executive planning were, in fact, pass the options discussed and to date has been made a new arrangement which comprises:
The following is a summary of entries made by technicians, including a site plan and a series of typological sections aimed at understanding the intervention and its integration within the plan of mobility '.
5.5 Conflict Resolution circulatory
5.5.1 area via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni is considered possible, the disposal at the traffic light junction via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni through the creation of a movement roundabout way through Tuscany and Piedmont, this arrangement provides for the transformation of one-way movement of the stretch of road between Mezzopreti Via Manzoni and Via Toscana, Via Piemonte Toscana of Via Manzoni and Via, and the reversal of the one way traffic in Via Manzoni, one of the nodes via Mezzopreti and Via Piemonte.
5.5.2 Area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale The circulatory system in force in the city center (compact city), bordered by the Via Nazionale (not included), Adriatica (not included), Mazzini (included) Rosselli (not included), now provides a system of one-way streets with the presence of numerous points of conflict to the point of conflict is defined a point where you have the intersection of vehicle trajectories. The points of conflict can be reduced or eliminated by a suitable reorganization of the circulatory system, which limits the nodes where it is possible to "cut" of the current vehicle, returning the intersection maneuvers confluences and divergences.
The reorganization of the circulatory system is functional in other interventions in the areas of movement and mobility of pedestrians and cyclists: the rationalization of the entry points on Via Nazionale, where the operations of crossing and turning left from the secondary road network is concentrated in nodes arranged with roundabouts or traffic lights, undertaking pedestrian and bicycle corridors of protected, serving schools in the area between the hill and via Manzoni.
5.6 Systems hectometres
In view of the bank of the town of Roseto location between the sea and the mountains, is an important opportunity for the inclusion of alternative mobility systems hectometres and fully automatic systems to integrate with vehicle mobility and cycle - pedestrian. In particular, the plan proposes a system that connects via hectometres Latin, and more generally the city center, parking area and roads adjacent to the modal shift of the "ancient furnaces" (Project) and a system to link with the sea Monte Pagano (see table "Interventions in the field of movement").
6. PROJECTS new road infrastructure in the town of Roseto
The development project's context in terms of mobility ', the city planning and structural assumptions of new roads' by the Province of Teramo and Anas, allowed to develop, feasibility ', specific studies on new interventions in the roads infrastructure of the whole area. I am therefore resulting hypotheses, new roads interventions relating to:
The plans below show the routes and / or corridors project developed for each of the three measures mentioned above. The analysis of the path, referred to the SS 150, were conducted on the basis of the projects provided by the province of Teramo and as identified in the General Variation of PRG - PRG 2001 in table " components structuring the area and identification of strategic actions ".
The first action and design 'was to census the points of conflict that have been resolved, where possible, through the modulation of a different attitude circulatory also took into account the reali vie d’ingresso ed uscita dalla città. Di intesa con i tecnici dell’Amministrazione Comunale, sono state dunque elaborate proposte che riguardano sia la viabilità principale, in particolare l’asse di via Nazionale, di via Salara ed Adriatica, la zona dei lungomare, quella della città compatta ad ovest di via Nazionale.
Nei paragrafi successivi verranno descritti gli interventi proposti, mostrati complessivamente nella tavola che segue. In tale elaborato, per chiarezza grafica, sono state riportate solo le MODIFICHE all'assetto circolatorio; laddove esistano situazioni su cui il piano non interviene (es. sensi unici attuali), si deve ritenere valida la configurazione attuale anche se, non riportata sulla carta.
5.1 Sistemazione e fluidificazione dell’asse di via Nazionale La via Nazionale – S.S. 16, attraversa il centro urbano di Roseto per tutta la direzione longitudinale, dividendo, insieme alla ferrovia, la città in tre zone:
- 1. l’area della città compatta, disteso fra le colline e via nazionale;
- 2. la zona a ridosso della ferrovia, fra quest’ultima e la statale;
- 3. la zona del lungomare, oltre la ferrovia fino alla costa.
- - Via Nazionale - Via Salaria (already proposed in the preliminary version of the plan);
- - Via Nazionale - FS road from the underpass in graft Via Nazionale and Trieste on the waterfront;
- - Piazza node Hungary
- - Via Nazionale - SP 19 for Montepagano (già prevista nella versione preliminare del piano);
- - via Nazionale – via Emilia;
- - via Nazionale – via Palermo (da concordare con l’amministrazione, viste le ridotte dimensioni del sottopasso);
- - S.S. 16 (via Nazionale) – S.P. di Cologna.
La presenza di punti di inversione diffusiporteranno a regolare l’assetto della circolazione con divieto di svolta a sinistra lungo tutto l’asse di via Nazionale. Restano esclusi dal progetto di eliminazione degli impianti semaforici le intersezioni di via Marche, dove è presente il sottopasso ciclopedonale (occorre proteggere l’attraversamento ciclabile), via Doria, via Filipponi (absolute lack of space), the last two intersections may, as an alternative to the traffic controller, be settled under the above and no left turn; Underpass Via Marche Thaulero by the planned pedestrian suggested turning the traffic light Pedestrian traffic lights in a call, wanting to stop vehicular traffic only in limited periods of the year or week, can be expected to double traffic light cycle, which functions as a simple plant called pedestrian zones in the intervals of interest.
5.2 The system object nodes
5.2. Intersection a square knot on the Marco Polo Marco Polo Square viability dal lungomare converge sulla via Nazionale; il sottopasso presente rappresenta l’unica via di accesso all’area dei lungomari per i veicoli pesanti, fatta eccezione per l’opera presente nella zona sud del territorio comunale, in prossimità
della foce del Vomano. La vicinanza del nuovo accesso dal lungomare al nodo di via Salara, fa prevedere elevati volumi di traffico, in Sottopasso di piazza Marco Polo quanto la nuova viabilità realizza un collegamento diretto e preferenziale verso la direttrice dell’autostrada. L’intervento di sistemazione del nodo prevede la realizzazione di una rotatoria non sormontabile, con anello circolatorio di raggio interno 10 m (al limite della striscia orizzontale di corsia interna) e 18 m external dimensions such circolabilità also to ensure a good heavy vehicles and articulated buses. For the presence of a building of the mountains, it is necessary to deboning the roundabout to the direction of continuity of Via Nazionale, in any case, the turning radius, the minimum set at 19 to 20 m, provide a superior feature of the branches of access.
5.2.2 Location of the node between the waterfront and the viability of Trieste 'out of the new railway underpass The proposal highlights the possibility' of a graft with a roundabout solution between the new road 'from the railway underpass, south of Rose Garden and the practicability 'of waterfront via Trieste. The roundabout has the characteristics of compact mini-roundabout with a diameter of 20 meters and the central part surmountable to ensure the inclusion of the trajectories of heavy vehicles and / or coaches.
5.2.3 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Salara The node in question is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, both for those Highway, considering the high levels of congestion present on the SS Adriatica 16, most of the drivers who intend to travel along the coast, for distances greater than
- 30 km, prefer to access the motorway A 14 take the highway. The arrangement of node, traffic lights today, with the construction of the roundabout is not possible using the built-up areas adjacent to the confluent branches, sea side, by contrast, requires the presence of buildings to minimize the expansion of the roadway from its current level. The circulatory loop has inner and outer radii (measured at the edge of the lane), respectively of 12 and 20 m, and is perfectly adequate for heavy vehicles and articulated, the three branches are all single lane access, this configuration provides a node capability of more than 2500 vehicles / h and therefore adapted to circulating flows. The construction of the roundabout requires modest expropriation and the removal of some existing trees. The intervention was created by the Province of Teramo.
5.2.4 Intersection Node square Piazza Hungary Hungary, now no traffic lights, can, depending on the intent of the plan, a privileged access to both the residential area upstream of the National (and the sports field ) that is sandwiched between the National and the railroad, and finally, to the waterfront south of the driveway through the underpass via Giulio Cesare. In light of this consideration has been studied by the installation of the roundabout junction, considered the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe roundabout has been provided for a ring of inner radius and outer circulation of 8 and 16 m, however, appropriate to the movement of vehicles heavy branches of access, single-lane widths are not less than 4.5 m lanes, which adds value to the dock area on both sides.
The implementation of the roundabout could also be a useful moment to the urban redevelopment of the entire square, with the enhancement of green areas and the urban system.
5.2.5 Intersection Via Nazionale - Via Adriatica Via Adriatica (SP 19) is the major route linking the center of Roseto and Montepagano; the intersection at the junction of that street on the SS 16 shows high levels of congestion, particularly evident during the summer months. It proposes the creation of a roundabout compatta sormontabile con anello a singola corsia di raggio interno 3.0 m ed esterno 11.5 m. L’accesso all’anello circolatorio avviene attraverso rami a semplice corsia, della larghezza utile non inferiore a 3.5 m, ai quali si aggiunge 1 m di banchina. La realizzazione della rotatoria presuppone la sola occupazione di piccole aree libere nel quadrante sud.
5.2.6 Intersezione via Nazionale – via Emilia La realizzazione del nuovo sottopasso carrabile in corrispondenza di via Emilia, in sostituzione di un passaggio a livello soppresso, ha restituito a tale viabilità un ruolo primario nei collegamenti fra la statale Adriatica e l’area del lungomare Trieste. La regolazione semaforizzata del nodo di confluenza su via National leads in the summer months, a low quality of service it is therefore considered appropriate to suggest the arrangement with the roundabout junction concerned, given the lack of space it is proposed the installation of the roundabout junction with surmountable compact, circular ring, characterized by ray Underpass Via Emilia to maneuver large for trajectories crossing the Via Nazionale, and small turning radius for maneuvering input - output from Via Emilia, in fact, given the geometry of the railway underpass, the secondary road system is intended to be covered only by light vehicles, characterized by turning-ray content. The single-lane roundabout ring has an inner radius of 3.00 m and exterior of 11.5 m.
5.2.7 Intersection Via Nazionale - via Via Palermo Palermo is the first useful link from the main road towards the seafront for vehicles coming from Giulianova, whereas in the estimates of the municipal administration, is included in the development of the hotel offer 'area near the underpass, it is considered appropriate to strengthen the connection node via Palermo on Via Nazionale. This intersection, immediately adjacent to the bridge over the river Borsacchio, also represents a sort of "northern gate of the city: the layout of the node through the roundabout is able to provide the opportunity, through the creation of a significant intervention in urban, to give recognition to the intersection, and allow drivers to "take" immediate entry into the urban center of Roseto. Given the characteristics of "mixed" intersection, between urban and suburban node, the dimensions of the roundabout were chosen with reference to the average values \u200b\u200bused in two configurations: the ring rotation semisormontabile, single-lane, has an inner radius of 7.25 m to 16.75 m and outside, the branches of exit and entrance, single lane, have a minimum width of 3 m plus 1 m of quay, and on the main roads, both on the secondary.
5.2.8 Assumptions of accommodation for the subdivision road north of Cologne and Roseto (Borsacchio) The subdivision covers an area over which the current PRG provided for making a variant of the SP road to Cologne country and this road joins today on the SS16 Adriatica at a point to poor visibility and safety, as coincident with a bump. Immediately south of the graft is placed in a road network of PRG, the connection between the SS 16 and the sea. In relation to the situation described, and the need for action to the safety of SP for Cologne, were evaluated two alternatives:
exceeded viability of PRG in variant of Cologne and the SP - the strengthening of the final stretch of the same on the current path;
confirmation of the viability of PRG, which covers the area of \u200b\u200bhousing development, with - the possible detection of an alternative route to that provided in the planning instrument. The first alternative is not actually practical, since the coupling of the SP to Cologne on the SS 16 presents critical elements and are difficult to overcome poor security and the presence of a ditch in the vicinity of the crossing and, consequently, a hill SS 16, drastically reduces the scope of assistance applicable to the safety of the intersection: the realization of a roundabout, in fact, contrasts with the reduced visibility, resulting in unsatisfactory levels of security.
It is therefore necessary to implement a variant of the SP itself, the path of this variant, according to the characteristics of the road project, can be studied by developing alternative solutions to that of PRG. Essential for the proper design of the intervention is the distinction and functional separation of the main roads from those of the sector, noting in the study of knots roads the conditions of existing legislation, which recognizes the connection between traffic levels immediately after, avoiding the direct link between String functions are very distant from each other (eg viability of the sector Traffic interquartiere etc.). In the final stretch of variation, the SP for Cologne is called to play a dual role: that of interurban road system, for relations attested in Cologne, and the collector distributor road system to the sector, for access to the building of housing development and this road does not act as the subdivision road, but is the means for connecting roads to the main roads of the same subdivision. It is therefore necessary that the variant maintains the SP, for all development, distinct characteristics of the roads sector, adhering as far as possible to the types of urban and rural secondary roads, in line with le indicazioni del D.M. 5/2001, ed in relazione al traffico previsto, si ritiene che una sezione a due corsie di larghezza non inferiore a 3 m possa risultare soddisfacente al fine della regolarità circolatoria; la carreggiata stradale sarà completata con marciapiedi di larghezza minima 1.5 m; in relazione alla funzione di collegamento extraurbano, non è da prevedere la possibilità di sosta su strada, che riduce drasticamente la fluidità circolatoria.
Rispetto alla soluzione di PRG, che taglia in diagonale l'area di lottizzazione, sono state individuate ulteriori possibili soluzioni per il tracciato della variante alla S.P.; le soluzioni proposte, non esaustive rispetto al quadro dei tracciati potenziali, mirano a ridurre interference of the main roads with the sector itself. The solutions are characterized by the presence of a spoke pattern with planimetric axis in not less than 50 m, so that the design speed and the corresponding level of security are maintained in line with the norms.
The study of the subdivision may propose additional solutions provided in line with the guidelines set forth herein. The viability of the sector will be connected to the main roads with intersections T, preferably at right angles and points of good visibility. The coupling of the variation of the SS 16 will be achieved by means of a roundabout, whose location will allow the future inclusion of PRG road towards the seafront, the proposed solution involves the construction of a circulatory loop of 7.5 m, with docks on both sides of a width of 0.5, the inner radius of the ring is 10 m, while the outer one is 17.5 m; these values \u200b\u200bwere considered suitable for Local Authorities, including in relation to the small percentage of heavy traffic making turning movements from the SS 16 to the SP to Cologne.
The current path terminal of SP for cologne, after the realization of the variant, will be devoted solely to local reports, given the presence in a roundabout, you can rearrange the connections to the SS 16 and the viability of the project so to allow the sun maneuvers right turn, significantly increased levels of security than the current situation. As for the variation in path, shown in the table to follow, we chose the idea of \u200b\u200bless impact of sull'assetto urban sector, subject to the mobility needs of the area.
5.2.9 Solutions for the traffic junction of Via Galliani in the graft, the intersection between the SS 150 and SS 150 Via Galliani, situated in the locality of Saint Lucia in the town of Roseto degli Abruzzi, is a critical point by point of view of movement due to its configuration at grade. In fact, the coupling to the SS 150 (Via Moretti) is characterized by Via Galliani by poor visibility due to the presence of buildings and intersections SS 150 - Via Galliani fences near the intersection. The study aims to fluidization of the intersection is currently controlled by traffic light area the subject of intervention by proposing three possible solutions:
- - immediate solution through reorganization of the node always regulated by traffic light;
- - mid-term solution with the redesign critical intersection roundabout and the establishment of one-way streets that define routes required;
- - long-term solution that takes into account the large-scale reconfiguration of the entire area adjacent intersection.
In detail, the immediate solution provides an immediate solution, as shown in the table followed by the reorganization of the intersection by placing the enlargement of the SS150 Via Galliani. There are two lanes, with radii of 7 and 10 m, both for those coming from Roseto degli Abruzzi you enter in Via Galliani, both for those coming from the latter are entered in the SS 150 in the direction of Teramo. The intersection of Via Galliani will still be regulated by traffic light. To make this arrangement will be required to demolish an abandoned building west of the intersection and expropriation a portion of land to the east is also leading to the displacement of a small votive altar.
Derelict building to be demolished on the SS 150 tracts of land to be expropriated a result of implementation of lane dedicated for home Via Galliani, the building area of \u200b\u200bproperty subject of expropriation will be far from the same lane of 1.18 m side Via Galliani, and 8.75 m, side SS150. Since the current lane width on the SS 150 is equal to 4 meters, one could assume the insertion, near the intersection of storage lanes for left turn to a width of 2.70 meters. Solution The solution provides mid-term the inclusion in
intersection, a roundabout and compact surmountable for the regulation and the smooth flow of traffic. The three branches of access, a single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation of 7.5 ring me docks SS 150 direction Roseto degli Abruzzi 0.25 m. The inner radius of the ring is 1.75 m, the outer one is 9.25 m for a total diameter of 18.50 m (table below). The radii are in the south of the intersection of 25 m, while the rays in correspondence Via Galliani 15 but varies from 9.5 m.
The implementation of the roundabout will require, as the immediate solution, the demolition of the abandoned building west of the intersection. The portion of land to be expropriated to the east of the intersection will be less than that necessary for the immediate implementation of the intervention leading to greater distances of the building owned by Chambers Street Delfico road (at least 2 m). You may need to avoid creating problems for the proper functioning of the roundabout, delete access Delfico Street (currently a two-way traffic) to the SS 150 by establishing a unique way to get out. The current long-term solution requires the General Plan in a southerly direction parallel to the existing path, a variant of the SS 150 for ANAS which is seeking financial sources. Role of intervention in the state will be affected by flows much smaller, substantially easing the intersection in this study. As a long-term solution extract PRG (2001): variant proposal may therefore be proposed the establishment of a sudden variation in the north in order to remove traffic from the SS 150 Via Galliani also in anticipation of housing development that will affect the area.
The three proposed solutions are of a degree of difficulty and increasing financial commitment. From the feasibility of rapid solution that provides for the demolition of the building still occupation of a strip of private land, you get to the possible inclusion of a roundabout and compact surmountable that thins the node to avoid the queues and pollution at the intersection. The solution of the roundabout should nevertheless provide a share of ANAS as the SS 150 is to be managed by this session after a period in the province of Teramo.
5.2.10 Accommodation traffic area ex Autogas and graft on the SP 150 SS 16 Following a request received by the Town Council of this Society in Roseto degli Abruzzi to express an opinion on the technical feasibility of
demands made by the Building Commission all’Impresa Felicione – Di Febo & C. S.n.c. che attualmente sta realizzando il complesso alberghiero nell’area ex Autogas e sulla fattibilità tecnica della rotatoria da realizzare su progetto della Provincia di Teramo, sull’innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16, è stato effettuato, in data 11-05-2006, un sopralluogo sulle aree interessate dagli interventi suddetti, che ha portato alle seguenti considerazioni. Sistemazione viabilità area ex AUTOGAS La Commissione Edilizia, nella pratica n. 48/2004, richiede all’impresa:
- “1) La strada (proseguimento di via N.Sauro) senza parcheggi laterali, avente la possibilità della doppia corsia;
- 2) La creazione a small roundabout (junction of confluence) for roads and access points provided.
At present access to the complex Access to the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro seafront hotel is from Trieste and the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro, currently one-way down towards the seafront. It is believed that this organization circulatory one-way should be maintained. The inclusion of a roundabout, as suggested by the Building Commission, not only contributes to improved smooth flow of traffic in the vicinity of access to the complex, but also a redesign and a regulation of internal roads in the area between the hotel complex and the building intended for residential housing on the south of the area.
Access to the Lungomare Trieste (southbound) Access to the Lungomare Trieste (North) The solution prepared from Syntagma involves the insertion of a roundabout to regulate access while maintaining the current one-way down the continuation of Via Nazario Sauro and parking along the street. In the solution presented, the four branches of access, single lane, are affected by the roundabout which has a circulation loop of 8 m, including 0.5 m of quays on both sides. The inner radius of the ring is 4.5 m, the outer one of 12,5 m per un diametro complessivo di 25 m . Nell' ipotesi progettuale è garantita la continuità del percorso pedonale sul Lungomare. La realizzazione della rotatoria richiede l’abbattimento del muretto in mattoni posto a confine dell’area, nonché la rimozione delle alberature poste sul marciapiede.
Area interessata dall’inserimento della rotatoria Area compresa tra l’edificio destinato a civile abitazione fotografata dall’interno del parcheggio del complesso (nella foto) e il complesso alberghiero, interessata da una alberghiero nuova viabilità interna a seguito della realizzazione della rotatoria Nuova rotatoria della Provincia di Teramo - innesto della S.P. 150 sulla S.S. 16 L’intersezione tra Via Nazionale and Via Salaria is one of the most congested of the city, as street Salara is the director access to the city center for both coming from Rome, and for those highway.
The Province of Teramo has prepared the final draft of a new roundabout at the intersection of
SS 150 (Via Salaria) and SS 16 (Via Nazionale) to solve the criticality of the node. The roundabout is characterized by a ring of circulatory inner radius of 12 m (measured at the edge of the lane) and an outer radius of 20 m (including shore side) of the three branches are all within easy access lane. This configuration provides a capacity of top node a 2500 veicoli/h e pertanto adeguata ai flussi circolanti. Sia le isole divisionali sia l’isola centrale non sono sormontabili.
Allo stato attuale, lungo il ramo di confluenza costituito da via Salara, a ridosso della futura rotatoria, sono presenti due accessi, uno su via Mazzola e l’altro sull’area di proprietà confinante con Piazza Olimpia. Per il corretto funzionamento della rotatoria risulta oltremodo opportuno eliminare gli accessi o, se questo risultasse di difficile attuazione, impedire, mediante cordolatura insormontabile lungo l’asse di via Salara, la svolta a sinistra nell’area di proprietà per le provenienza da Pescara e Ancona e la svolta a sinistra in via Mazzola per la provenienza da via Salara. The release and / or removal of access areas, in the vicinity 'of roundabouts should be kept at a distance of at least 50 to 60 meters. Grafts in the vicinity 'of the roundabout are dangerous and likely to affect the fluidity of the node.
5.2.1 a solution for the junction between Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Via Oglio The intersection of Viale Europa, Via Tronto, Oglio has a critical path for those who come from Europe Avenue, turn right into via Tronto. The reduced radius of curvature (R = 5 m), in fact, leads people along Viale Europa to widen the path and invade the opposite lane. The design solution involves the insertion of a cordolatura that by reducing the road section near the intersection from 7.75 to 6 meters, allows for an increase in the range of up to 7 meters for the continuous right turn. For coming from via Tronto, it offers the obligatory right turn without crossing the intersection. Those who wish to go to Europe must take the Ring boulevard adjacent circulation consists of street and alley Oglio Europe. The table below shows the design scheme proposed for the intersection.
5.3 access for heavy vehicles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront access for heavy vehicles and higher than 3.5 m area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfront, until the abolition of level crossings, were of transport by Emilia and Marche, the elimination of crossings at grade, determined by the FS in the context of development interventions of the Adriatic, determines the need to identify alternative routes for the movement of heavy vehicles.
The underpass in the Piazza Marco Polo is the only permeability suitable for the movement of heavy vehicles, the traffic-related graft is placed in proximity of Via Salaria Via Nazionale, and is therefore instrumental to the traffic flow from the south and highway. In the Philippines, and promenades and squares Ponno would for a vehicle "entered" in the promenades through the underpass Via Marco Polo, of reversing the march and "exit" from the same underpass. For the waterfront Trento is necessary to make a point for the reversal of direction of heavy vehicles at the end of the promenade Trento, as close as possible to the area via Palermo.
5.4 Arranging promenades of the town of Roseto launched a competition of ideas on the arrangement of promenades, whose proposal won a path of re-extended from the mouth of the river Vomano (south) and the stream Borsacchio (a north). The project involves, in terms of transport, vehicular circulation, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
The system of promenades is divided into three areas:
- 1. the south, between the pier and Vomano;
- 2. the downtown area, to the gardens of the Villa Comunale
- 3. the north, up the creek Borsacchio.
In Zone 2 the circulatory system involves the use of waterfronts Rome / Celommi and parallel via C. Colombo, the system is located along the path C. Colombo, in adherence to the railways; pedestrian connections, cut the two vehicle axles at several points, according to a direction from the railroad to the sea.
In zone 3 are provided by PRG new hotel establishments along the coast, while the road network is developed in the space between the resorts and the Lungomare Trieste railway; connections to the national team are represented by the two underpasses in via Palermo and Via Makarska, the system runs in adherence to the path home station.
the stretch of waterfront Celommi Rome and were developed over time, different assumptions of accommodation. Among the proposals, and 'has also been suggested the transformation of the waterfront, and in particular, via Roma, in pedestrian axis, introducing a circulatory one-way loop through and via the promenade Celommi C. Colombo, on the stretch between Genzano and off via the Philippines. The seafront promenade Celommi Lungomare Roma Celommi was reduced to one-way in square Filippone - Ponno square, and reorganized with the introduction of a lane and a parking area to plug the sea side. Then, with custody of the executive planning were, in fact, pass the options discussed and to date has been made a new arrangement which comprises:
- - in the creation of a pedestrian trail within the waterfront promenade including ;
- - in the maintenance of two-way traffic on Via Celommi;
- - the arrangement of Green, a horse via Roma, with the provision of some parking lots;
- - in the preservation of the existing Via Roma.
The following is a summary of entries made by technicians, including a site plan and a series of typological sections aimed at understanding the intervention and its integration within the plan of mobility '.
5.5 Conflict Resolution circulatory
5.5.1 area via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni is considered possible, the disposal at the traffic light junction via Mezzopreti - via Manzoni through the creation of a movement roundabout way through Tuscany and Piedmont, this arrangement provides for the transformation of one-way movement of the stretch of road between Mezzopreti Via Manzoni and Via Toscana, Via Piemonte Toscana of Via Manzoni and Via, and the reversal of the one way traffic in Via Manzoni, one of the nodes via Mezzopreti and Via Piemonte.
5.5.2 Area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale The circulatory system in force in the city center (compact city), bordered by the Via Nazionale (not included), Adriatica (not included), Mazzini (included) Rosselli (not included), now provides a system of one-way streets with the presence of numerous points of conflict to the point of conflict is defined a point where you have the intersection of vehicle trajectories. The points of conflict can be reduced or eliminated by a suitable reorganization of the circulatory system, which limits the nodes where it is possible to "cut" of the current vehicle, returning the intersection maneuvers confluences and divergences.
The reorganization of the circulatory system is functional in other interventions in the areas of movement and mobility of pedestrians and cyclists: the rationalization of the entry points on Via Nazionale, where the operations of crossing and turning left from the secondary road network is concentrated in nodes arranged with roundabouts or traffic lights, undertaking pedestrian and bicycle corridors of protected, serving schools in the area between the hill and via Manzoni.
5.6 Systems hectometres
In view of the bank of the town of Roseto location between the sea and the mountains, is an important opportunity for the inclusion of alternative mobility systems hectometres and fully automatic systems to integrate with vehicle mobility and cycle - pedestrian. In particular, the plan proposes a system that connects via hectometres Latin, and more generally the city center, parking area and roads adjacent to the modal shift of the "ancient furnaces" (Project) and a system to link with the sea Monte Pagano (see table "Interventions in the field of movement").
6. PROJECTS new road infrastructure in the town of Roseto
The development project's context in terms of mobility ', the city planning and structural assumptions of new roads' by the Province of Teramo and Anas, allowed to develop, feasibility ', specific studies on new interventions in the roads infrastructure of the whole area. I am therefore resulting hypotheses, new roads interventions relating to:
- - option north of the building of Roseto degli Abruzzi also called Osterreich ' of the ancient furnaces (City of Roseto)
- - feasibility 'of the variant to the former SS 150, Via Salaria (province of Teramo);
- - feasibility variant of the SS 16 (Anas).
The plans below show the routes and / or corridors project developed for each of the three measures mentioned above. The analysis of the path, referred to the SS 150, were conducted on the basis of the projects provided by the province of Teramo and as identified in the General Variation of PRG - PRG 2001 in table " components structuring the area and identification of strategic actions ".
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