What is the PUT?
Fabrizio Fornaciari
The PUT (Urban Traffic Plan) is a tool available to local authorities to regulate the sector of transportation in terms of structure of the flow of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian and cycle, for construction of new infrastructure for the roads (roundabouts, bicycle lanes, etc ...) for the identification of areas devoted exclusively to pedestrian traffic, to create various types of parking, etc. ...
The adoption of the PUT is laid down. 36 of the New Highway Code (Legislative Decree No. 285/92) for "Municipalities with population over 30,000 inhabitants and for those people who have less significant issues related to the movement and where it is found, even in limited periods year, a special tourist numbers "as in our Rose Garden. The town of Roseto
with Council Resolution No. 103 of 25.03.1998 has given the responsibility for the preparation of the company PUT Syntagma srl \u200b\u200bin Perugia.
The bureaucratic process that led the City Council to get the adoption of the PUT was very long considering the numerose discussioni nelle riunioni di Giunta e nella Commissione Edilizia Urbanistica ( vedi testo delibera Giunta Comunale N° 146 del 05.12.2008 ).
Arriviamo quindi alla presentazione del P.U.T. che si è tenuta al Palazzo del Mare in data 14.03.09, al successivo deposito di trenta giorni presso gli uffici comunali per consentire ad ogni singolo cittadino di presentare eventuali osservazioni atte ad emendare il P.U.T. Il 15 aprile è decorso il termine dei trenta giorni, il prossimo passo sarà la discussione in Consiglio Comunale che dovrà procedere alla approvazione definitiva, con la possibilità però di rinvio in sede tecnica per le modifiche necessarie.
L’amministrazione comunale published on the official website of the City ( www.comune.roseto.te.it ) a "general report " which outline the objectives to be carried out and actions (http://www.comune. roseto.te.it - \u200b\u200b report in PDF format).
criticisms and proposals of the New Rose Garden.
New Roseto We have studied the draft submitted by the municipal PUT and we found a number of problems that would arise if certain actions were made and have, within the six observations, formulated interesting proposals.
Administration has divided the areas of intervention in different areas and we have submitted comments regarding the same issue: the actions in the "staging area" (parking ), "industry issue - the compact city area to the west of Via Nazionale" ( movement " inland "area between Via Nazionale and Via Adriatica, Via Mazzini and Via Rosselli )," quality of life "(the nterventi acts to improve the quality of life in the road here requesting assistance for the improvement of the Ancients pathways and their integration into PUT) "sector-movement downtown area" ( variation of the directions of the so-called "inland" ) and finally we have also formulated a "general comment" that includes both the car parks, and the connection between capital and Roseto Montepagano populated localities of the country and Cologne.
In our view, as shown in the exposure of each individual observation, the PUT is a serious lack of well planned and malicious: does not solve the basic necessities of our city, parking: There are new parking areas of the furnace but without ex- has indicated any type of agreement with private owners of those areas, then remain mere hypotheses on paper. Provides for the partial change of direction of so-called "inland" resulting in serious inconvenience to citizens, to suppliers of retailers who have to unload their goods at the various businesses of the "inland" includes the inability to take the secondary road ( area between the railway line Via Nazionale and ) to the left in Via Nazionale from going south, provides for the construction of seven roundabouts still, after eleven years of bureaucratic procedures, feasibility study, so far from being realized.
We are involving a national, well informed and listening to their opinions, to avoid the work envisaged within plan: a strong penalty in the center of our city, instead of being relaunched as attractive commercial, cultural and social is going backwards and could deteriorate even more because of wrong choices.
Help us, please send an e-mail with your contribution, suggestion, criticism, let us know your opinion nuovaroseto@gmail.com
Report (html)
attended to submit comments:
Fabrizio Fornaciari
The PUT (Urban Traffic Plan) is a tool available to local authorities to regulate the sector of transportation in terms of structure of the flow of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian and cycle, for construction of new infrastructure for the roads (roundabouts, bicycle lanes, etc ...) for the identification of areas devoted exclusively to pedestrian traffic, to create various types of parking, etc. ...
The adoption of the PUT is laid down. 36 of the New Highway Code (Legislative Decree No. 285/92) for "Municipalities with population over 30,000 inhabitants and for those people who have less significant issues related to the movement and where it is found, even in limited periods year, a special tourist numbers "as in our Rose Garden. The town of Roseto
with Council Resolution No. 103 of 25.03.1998 has given the responsibility for the preparation of the company PUT Syntagma srl \u200b\u200bin Perugia.
The bureaucratic process that led the City Council to get the adoption of the PUT was very long considering the numerose discussioni nelle riunioni di Giunta e nella Commissione Edilizia Urbanistica ( vedi testo delibera Giunta Comunale N° 146 del 05.12.2008 ).
Arriviamo quindi alla presentazione del P.U.T. che si è tenuta al Palazzo del Mare in data 14.03.09, al successivo deposito di trenta giorni presso gli uffici comunali per consentire ad ogni singolo cittadino di presentare eventuali osservazioni atte ad emendare il P.U.T. Il 15 aprile è decorso il termine dei trenta giorni, il prossimo passo sarà la discussione in Consiglio Comunale che dovrà procedere alla approvazione definitiva, con la possibilità però di rinvio in sede tecnica per le modifiche necessarie.
L’amministrazione comunale published on the official website of the City ( www.comune.roseto.te.it ) a "general report " which outline the objectives to be carried out and actions (http://www.comune. roseto.te.it - \u200b\u200b report in PDF format).
criticisms and proposals of the New Rose Garden.
New Roseto We have studied the draft submitted by the municipal PUT and we found a number of problems that would arise if certain actions were made and have, within the six observations, formulated interesting proposals.
Administration has divided the areas of intervention in different areas and we have submitted comments regarding the same issue: the actions in the "staging area" (parking ), "industry issue - the compact city area to the west of Via Nazionale" ( movement " inland "area between Via Nazionale and Via Adriatica, Via Mazzini and Via Rosselli )," quality of life "(the nterventi acts to improve the quality of life in the road here requesting assistance for the improvement of the Ancients pathways and their integration into PUT) "sector-movement downtown area" ( variation of the directions of the so-called "inland" ) and finally we have also formulated a "general comment" that includes both the car parks, and the connection between capital and Roseto Montepagano populated localities of the country and Cologne.
In our view, as shown in the exposure of each individual observation, the PUT is a serious lack of well planned and malicious: does not solve the basic necessities of our city, parking: There are new parking areas of the furnace but without ex- has indicated any type of agreement with private owners of those areas, then remain mere hypotheses on paper. Provides for the partial change of direction of so-called "inland" resulting in serious inconvenience to citizens, to suppliers of retailers who have to unload their goods at the various businesses of the "inland" includes the inability to take the secondary road ( area between the railway line Via Nazionale and ) to the left in Via Nazionale from going south, provides for the construction of seven roundabouts still, after eleven years of bureaucratic procedures, feasibility study, so far from being realized.
We are involving a national, well informed and listening to their opinions, to avoid the work envisaged within plan: a strong penalty in the center of our city, instead of being relaunched as attractive commercial, cultural and social is going backwards and could deteriorate even more because of wrong choices.
Help us, please send an e-mail with your contribution, suggestion, criticism, let us know your opinion nuovaroseto@gmail.com
Report (html)
- Observation: isettore circulation area center
- Note: interventions in the area stop
- Comment: measures of urban quality
- observation: general observation
- Note: the rationalization of the entry points on the Via Nazionale
- Note: area of \u200b\u200bthe compact city to the west of Via Nazionale
attended to submit comments:
- Paolo Antonelli,
- Davide Di Bonaventura, Raffaele Di Bonaventura
- ,
- Francesco Di Giuseppe, Fabrizio
- Fornaciari,
- Liberatore Merlitti.
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