Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gallbladder Polyps In Adolescents

Interventi di qualità urbana a Roseto degli Abruzzi


La locuzione “qualita’ urbana” racchiude molti significati che si riferiscono in parte alla citta’ costruita (l’area storica, il continuo urbano, le periferie) ed in parte ai cittadini-utenti che nella citta’ lavorano, si incontrano, si muovono.

Per quanto attiene all’ambiente costruito, la ri-qualificazione di parti di citta’ ben determinate ed il rapporto citta’-periferia, sostituitosi to the historic city-country opposition need to be addressed in terms of quality 'urban redesign through targeted public parks, the location of particular street furniture, the quality' of building structures, to involve the infrastructure of mobility ' , both public and private.

For citizens, however, the quality 'urban, more' generally better quality 'of life, is achieved through a strategic organization of the times of the city' accessibility and a 'balanced response to different functions and services.

The minute that you can save a citizen to go to a party another of the city 'or to bring, in time, the suburbs to area attractions contribute to recovery of the' urban. The quality 'urban, however, is not' just that. It is 'an opportunity, a behavioral style that must be the base of the various actions that an administration can' put in place to become the main goal.

Even when you do not speak openly of those actions re-qualification of which it was said previously, and 'to search quality' in urban planning any action. As we 'mentioned above, the action that is described here di seguito sono stati divisi in diversi paragrafi. Quelli di qualita’ urbana sono, tuttavia, interventi che tagliano trasversalmente tutte le categorie di intervento.

4) Per esempio, la proposta relativa all’istituzione di corone rotatorie in corrispondenza delle intersezioni piu’ difficili, non solo risolve problemi dal punto di vista della circolazione ma diventa occasione per dotare la citta’ di Roseto degli Abruzzi di nuove porte (all’esterno) e di nuovi nodi (all’interno) che contribuiscano a rafforzare l’identita’ della citta’. Lo stesso ragionamento si puo’ fare per gli interventi di moderazione del traffico che, mentre risolvono i problemi causati dalla eccessiva velocita’ vehicles and the loss of certain roads on the recognizability 'of mixed use - pedestrian and vehicular - enrich the city' of new furniture and new scenarios of quality '.

Before moving on to the next paragraph, which describes an operation of quality 'urban, one relating to the detection of cyclo-protected pedestrian corridors, particularly significant for the city' of Roseto degli Abruzzi because of its orographic and needs expressed by citizens and tourists interviewed, attention is drawn on the assumption of advanced design for Piazza della Liberta '.

The proposal was' to put a square system Della Liberta '(up to the front of the station) and the stretch of waterfront between the square and square Ponno Filippone (formerly' pedestrian currently made during the summer evenings), connecting the plaza to the waterfront through the existing pedestrian underpass of the railway .

This 'would lead to the definition of a significant area from Piazza Ponno to pedestrians, set in the heart of downtown and that overcomes the limitations normally imposed by the presence of the railroad, the structure of these cities' built along the Adriatic Sea.

2.1 cycling and pedestrian corridors protected

scenario planning, which aims, mainly oriented to alternative modes of mobility ', research and evaluate the modulation of a new organization of the center resulting in the identification of protected routes to be allocated to pedestrians and bicycles. The goal 'that, in fact, to balance the allocation of modal shifts in city and especially in the urban area, which is currently biased towards the private car. Please note that the cycle routes are classified in relation to different degrees of separation to be achieved between bicycles and other vehicles in three categories, which can be associated with standards features and functionality. The first category

achieves complete separation of vehicular traffic than motor bicycles, the main features are: separate roadway (curb of minimum width 70 cm), and possibly paving particular care of characteristic color, signage. The second set of routes is placed at a level slightly lower, with the following features: lane reserved for bicycles on the roadway, bounded by horizontal bar, floor any color
distinctive signage.

The third category of courses, then, does not offer a specific space set aside for bicycles, which must then travel to promiscuity with other vehicles. Along these routes established which is adequate signage that warn other traffic components of the presence of bicycles and imposes a discipline of movement (low speed limits', etc.). which safeguards the safety of cyclists.

intervention project that aims - to be considered in detail in the detailed plan - identifies a cycle route, serving the waterfront. In particular, the path connecting the two sections of the waterfront Trento (Piazza Ponno internal path to the "Mion Grand Hotel") and Trieste (Piazza path internal to the Philippines "Marina") through the stretch of waterfront known as Roma, in the inner reality to the line of the coast. The cycle

that runs along the waterfront, connecting each part of the city on the opposite side of the railroad through the underpass via Marche, with cycle path, it is believed, therefore, for greater protection for cyclists, crossing the Via Nazionale (via intersection Marche - Via Nazionale), keep the traffic controller, modulating a phase of protected green (possibly named) for the crossing of pedestrians and bicycles.

The system of cycle routes is completed through the arc via Thaulero - Via Latina, which provided for pedestrian should not, however, exclude the passage of bicycles. This stretch, as well as the waterfront Rome provides for the total separation of traffic flows from those paths (first category); bicycle crossings with traffic lights can not be detected by an appropriate color of the paving, where the cycle track is raised above street level, it is suggested to treat the intersections with vehicular traffic with the construction of raised pedestrian crossings and narrowing the carriageway and this action is part of traffic calming schemes, and is described in the section dedicated to that theme. In sections where the bike paths share the roadway must be provided with a curb of separation, beveled corners and a height not exceeding 10 cm, the paving of the bike path will take a characteristic color.

The width of bicycle lanes should not be less than 150 for a one-way tracks and 200 cm for two-way tracks, the cycle paths should have a width not less than 300 cm, and these dimensional requirements, which stem from considerations about the bulk of cyclists, the maneuvering space required to keep your balance and avoid obstacles to the free ones, can not always be met, especially in the case of inclusion of cycle routes on existing road. In any case, the minimum width of the runway should not be less than 150 cm, the restrictions will be properly marked. Other operations on cycling: the establishment of a route between the node SS 16 - SS 150 and the "Factory Rolli" and a marginal route, "the path of the furnaces, which links the three furnaces beads, catarrh and Diodorus.

have also proposed two lanes outside the town of Roseto that line the river courses and the Tordino Vomano. The bicycle is not ', however, the only alternative way to dwell on which the design point of view. The city 'of Roseto degli Abruzzi has shown, in fact, through interviews, to devote special attention to the pedestrian. However, not 'always possible areas reserved for pedestrians, and then completely off-limits to any kind of traffic. The interventions that are proposed are intended to "limit" the use of private vehicles in areas that are allowed access only to residents and authorized personnel. Should therefore distinguish between the pedestrian areas from those that are modulated with limited traffic, as regards extension and hours of operation, according to the needs of citizens, tourists and traders without losing sight of the main objective and that 'what, you repeats, the means of protecting individual generators of pollutants audible, visual and exhaust most urban areas' congested. Inside

intervention for the promotion of mobility 'alternative pedestrian, and a special attention' was reserved for that user so-called "weak" (the elderly, subject to capacity 'motor impairments), with particular reference to children. "Environmentalists are using environmental indicators, that 'phenomena, those organizations that help us to monitor the health or degradation of our environment. Lichens, for example, change their properties if the environment is being polluted, the fireflies do not come back, so 'the swallows as well and so' on. For the City 'the child may' be regarded as a sensitive environmental indicator: if in the city 'meet children playing, walking alone means that the city 'and' sound, if in the city 'means that children do not meet the City' and 'sick. "(from Francesco Tonucci, The City' children, Laterza Roma-Bari ).

intervention is proposed that moves from the identification of a route along which enable children to move safely, with respect to motor vehicles, and with the ability 'to do without adult accompaniment. In particular, it refers to routes from home to school and, therefore, that portion of the city 'to the west of the Via Alessandro Manzoni, which are located in all schools of the city'. The draft outlines a network service to schools, a path (see table below), which also has two slots on the Via Nazionale, which covers almost entirely via Manzoni putting in
connection in terms of pedestrian protection, with the parallel Via Puglia, and so
Napoleon. In relation to the will of the municipal administration to proceed with the pedestrian street of Via Latina Thaulero - via Latin, these traits can be a valuable service to the pedestrian system connecting schools with the Via Nazionale and the waterfront.

Along the roads that provide protected pedestrian routes, you will need to make raised platforms (difference from the road surface of the roadway to 15 cm) to prevent the misuse of car parking suitably large (1.2 m minimum, any narrowing can be admitted only locally, and in the event that the sidewalk exists on both sides), and treated with floors that make a recognizable itinerario1 drawing attention of all citizens, especially motorists, to the fact of being near a corridor used by children. At the road crossing the usual pedestrian crossing will be replaced by a different treatment of the road surface breaking the continuity of the driveway to put the driver seat in terms of feeling like someone is going through and forces, therefore, proceed with extreme caution.

2.2 The new pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bVia Garibaldi

In the frame of the planned measures are also part of the pedestrian area of \u200b\u200bVia Garibaldi and Via Napoli, route linking the Piazza della Repubblica, the Villa Comunale, home of the library and several Filippone and cultural boulevard, road link with the Waterfront. The project encourages pedestrian movements to improve safety, offering the ability to easily stop in Via Garibaldi facility dedicated to the Republic Square (phase 1)

In this regard could be made in the corridors of pedestrian "logos" on the ground can of evidenziare la sicurezza del percorso: simbolo verde per corridoi in sicurezza totale, arancio per caratterizzare l'attenzione dell'utente e rosso per situazione di pericolo. 10 di ultimazione), e costituisce, unitamente a quelli sopra elencati, una rete continua ed attrezzata per gli spostamenti a piedi. L’amministrazione comunale sta già sviluppando delle ipotesi progettuali mirate ad approfondire questo tema. Pedonalizzazione di via Garibaldi e di via Napoli

2.3 Il Piano del Traffico e il D.P.R. n.503 del 1996

Garantire la mobilità e l’accessibilità del territorio non è un fattore esclusivamente legato al mezzo di locomozione o all’offerta infrastrutturale ma ha anzi una componente Qualitative made the killing grounds of physical or functional commonly referred to as "architectural barriers" to protect, in particular, weak user.

will pass the physical obstacles that limit a source of distress or preventing the fluid use of space or equipment to anyone in particular for those who, for whatever reason, have a reduced or impaired mobility, there is a strategic goal of PGTU of Roseto. 11 The design choices, therefore, are in harmony with the instructions contained in the Decree of the President of the Republic n.503 of 24 July 1996. In particular, the proposed pedestrian Via Garibaldi and Via Napoli that legislation provides] ... at least one accessible path that could allow the use of lifting equipment where necessary, the use of services, social, environmental and use even for people with reduced or impaired mobility or sensory impairment.

characteristics of the routing, paving, in particular, shall be construed consistent with the rules contained in paragraphs 4.2.1, 4.2.2., 8.2.1, and 8.2.2. Decree of the Minister of Public Works June 14, 1989, n.236, for which:
  • (4.2.1.) - In the outdoor areas until the access of buildings should preferably be at least one path in plan with such characteristics to allow the mobility of persons with reduced or impaired motor skills, and allowing them the direct usability of equipment and services of the parking spaces outside, where required. The courses must submit a performance as simple as possible and adjust in relation to the main access and be free of bottlenecks, furniture, barriers of any kind that will reduce the width of passage or that may cause injury. Their width should be sufficient to ensure the mobility and, in places not too far apart, even the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair. Where a footpath is adjacent to areas not paved, it is necessary un ciglio da realizzare con materiale atto ad assicurare l'immediata percezione visiva nonché acustica se percorso con bastone. Le eventuali variazioni di livello dei percorsi devono essere raccordate con lievi pendenze ovvero superate mediante rampe in presenza o meno di eventuali gradini ed evidenziate con variazioni cromatiche. In particolare, ogni qualvolta il 12 percorso pedonale si raccorda con il livello stradale, o è interrotto da un passo carrabile, devono predisporsi rampe di pendenza contenute e raccordate in maniera continua col piano carrabile, che consentano il passaggio di una sedia a ruote. Le intersezioni tra percorsi pedonali e zone carrabili devono essere opportunamente segnalate anche ai non vedenti.
  • (4.2.2.) - La pavimentazione the pedestrian path must be non-slip. Any difference in level between the constituent elements of a pavement must be contained so as not to hinder the transit of a person in a wheelchair. The gratings used in the pavement must have a mesh with gaps that do not impede or danger, as compared to the wheels, the support of clubs and the like.
  • (8.2.1.) - The pedestrian route must have a minimum width of 90 cm and have, to allow the U-turn by a person in a wheelchair, enlargements of the route, to be implemented at least in plan, each 10 m of linear development (see Section 8.0.2 for the size room to maneuver). Any change of direction from the path rettilineo deve avvenire in piano; ove sia indispensabile effettuare svolte ortogonali al verso di marcia, la zona interessata alla svolta, per almeno 1,70 m su ciascun lato a partire dal vertice più esterno, deve risultare in piano e priva di qualsiasi interruzione. Ove sia necessario prevedere un ciglio, questo deve essere sopraelevato di 10 cm dal calpestio, essere differenziato per materiale e colore dalla pavimentazione del percorso, non essere a spigoli vivi ed essere interrotto, almeno ogni 10 m da varchi che consentano l'accesso alle zone adiacenti non pavimentate. La pendenza longitudinale non deve superare di norma il 5%; ove ciò non sia possibile, sono ammesse pendenze superiori, purché realizzate in conformità a quanto previsto al punto 8.1.11.. Per pendenze del 5% è necessario prevedere un ripiano orizzontale di sosta, di profondità di 13 almeno 1,50 m, ogni 15 m di lunghezza del percorso; per pendenze superiori tale lunghezza deve proporzionalmente ridursi fino alla misura di 10 m per una pendenza dell'8%. La pendenza trasversale massima ammissibile è dell'1%. In presenza di contropendenze al termine di un percorso inclinato o di un raccordo tra percorso e livello stradale, la somma delle due pendenze rispetto al piano orizzontale deve essere inferiore al 22%. Il dislivello ottimale tra il piano di percorso ed il piano del terreno o delle zone carrabili ad esso adiacenti è di 2,5 cm. Allorquando il percorso si raccorda con il livello stradale o è interrotto da un passo carrabile, sono ammesse brevi rampe di pendenza non superiore al 15% per un dislivello massimo di 15 cm. Fino ad un'altezza minima di 2,10 m dal calpestio, non devono esistere ostacoli di nessun genere, quali tabelle segnaletiche o elementi sporgenti dai fabbricati, che possono essere causa di infortunio ad una persona in movimento.
  • (8.2.2.) - Per pavimentazione antisdrucciolevole si intende una pavimentazione realizzata con materiali il cui coefficiente di attrito, misurato secondo il metodo della British Ceramic Research Association Ltd. (B.C.R.A.) Rep. CEC.6/81, sia superiore ai seguenti valori di 0.40 per elemento scivolante cuoio su pavimentazione asciutta e 0.40 per elemento scivolante gomma dura standard su pavimentazione bagnata. I valori predicted friction must not be modified dall'apposizione topcoat polishing or protection, if any, should be applied on the materials before the test. The assumptions of the pavement condition (dry or wet) should be taken according to the normal conditions of the place where it is placed in work. The layers support the flooring must be fit to endure over time and overload the floor and laid down to ensure the long-term locking of the elements constituting the floor itself. The constituent elements of a pavement joints must be less than 5 mm, prepared with durable materials, be flat with 14 ribs any thickness greater than 2 mm. Gratings inseriti nella pavimentazione devono essere realizzati con maglie non attraversabili da una sfera di 2 cm di diametro; i grigliati ed elementi paralleli devono comunque essere posti con gli elementi ortogonali al verso di marcia.



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