Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ingredients In Bontrail


Bombs on Ras Lanuf
" I ask you: let me see the traces of air raids on Tripoli! And where would the mercenaries? (...) ' Italy has to change its position, must understand that what she heard two weeks ago is false! You remained silent in the face of these terrorists who killed our policemen in cold blood. Do not you've seen movies on TV? These Criminals have ripped the heart from the dead. And what they do, however, the Italians? support terrorists against the Libyan people! "

He said Saif al Islam Gaddafi , clean the face of the family, the son Muammar Gaddafi sends around giving interviews and smiling shake the hands of terrorists. Saif al Islam also threatened Italy spoke of "retaliation."

Meanwhile bounce messages on the Internet scary use of chemical weapons. Al Jazeera broadcast images of Libyans died as a result of paralysis of vital functions, while some doctors, having recognized the toxic effects of biological substances, have required the government to know its type in order to deal with intoxicated joints in hospitals.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Pilladas En La Calle Gratis


frame of the mysterious van
frame of the mysterious van

frame of the mysterious van
Le novità sull’omicidio di Yara Gambirasio sono arrivate dall’Istituto di Medicina legale di Milano. Gli elementi emersi dalle analisi condotte dall’anatomopatologa Cristina Cattaneo hanno iniziato a fare luce su alcuni aspetti della terribile vicenda in cui la ragazzina di Brembate si è trovata coinvolta il 26 novembre del 2010.  Le evidenze anatomopatologiche hanno indicato la presenza di lesività differenti, attribuibili ad almeno due oggetti diversi: una lama ed una pietra, o qualcosa di simile. Sul corpo ci sono ferite da taglio, inferte con un cacciavite o un punteruolo, e un trauma cranico, forse letale, provocato da un oggetto contundente. Quindi due armi diverse. La notizia has been confirmed by intelligence sources.
In recent days the news was leaked a track genetic isolation on the remains of young men corresponding to a profile. Now, according to the same intelligence sources, it would appear a second DNA has been detected, this time women. The murder then it may have been committed by two people. If so you could give an explanation to the absence of lacerations on his clothes. Probably someone has held raised while the other was raging.
on the meat of thirteen, in addition to the injuries that you caused in an attempt to defend themselves, were left X-shaped signs, engraved lightly with a "punch". But these signs of "random", or wanted a drawing of a symbol? To interpret the investigators involved and cult experts, both scholars of symbols. There is no definitive evidence, however, the hypothesis that it may be a "symbol" of ritual magic is still being studied by investigators. And then there's still the soil in which Yara has tried to stick in a desperate attempt to escape death. That soil may tell another piece of yellow Brembate.
Meanwhile the attention of investigators has focused on un video registrato dalla telecamera di sicurezza di una banca. Se Yara non fosse stata uccisa nessuno avrebbe prestato attenzione a quei fotogrammi. “Sono le 18.28 del 26 novembre scorso, proprio il giorno e l'ora in cui la ragazzina è scomparsa. Siamo a Brembate di sopra. Nel video si intravede un furgone proveniente da via Rampinelli, in direzione opposta sia rispetto all’abitazione della ragazzina, sia alla palestra. Pochi minuti più tardi, alle 18.32, lo stesso furgone percorre di nuovo la strade e la telecamera lo filma di nuovo. Stavolta però proviene da sinistra, dall'incrocio con via Gotti, e compie una rapida manovra prima di immettersi sulla strada principale. Tra l’altro la sera del 26 di novembre una testimone notò the presence of a white van.
The video in possession of the investigators and handed over the program fourth grade, led by Salvo Sottile , has already helped identify some people from 18.00 and 19.00 on November 26 that passes between Rono and way off Rampinelli Gotti.
scenarios are delineated so far very different from those foreshadowed. It had been thought to attack from a monster, aimed violent abuse of the small Yara. In short, he had thought about a "lone predator". Today we can not exclude the possibility that the thirteen year old was killed by two people: one man and one woman.

Igor Patruno

Word Whomp Games, Absolutely Free


Two earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 8.9, la più potente mai registrata nel Sol Levante, hanno colpito il Giappone e provocato uno tsunami con onde alte dieci metri. Ancora non si conosce il numero delle vittime, le informazioni sono frammentarie

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Caring For A Sugar Glider


Il corpo

Rilievi della scientifica

È l’8 di marzo, festa della donna, quando un cadavere viene notato, a pochi metri dal ciglio della strada, in un campo sull'Ardeatina a Castel di Leva (Roma), da un camionista di passaggio. “ Un lavoro da macellaio, ma eseguito con la precisione chirurgica di un sadico professionista ”, commenta qualcuno alla vista del corpo mutilato con una motosega.

Il proprietario del terreno,  intervistato da  Erica Della Pasqua ,  è rimasto scioccato dalla visione del cadavere: “ Erano circa le 15 di martedì, quando ho notato la polizia nel mio podere. Mi sono avvicinato e ho visto il corpo. Raccapricciante: senza testa, senza gambe, il petto squarciato e dentro vuoto, sembrava un manichino. Impossibile riconoscere anche solo se si trattava di un uomo o una donna. Purtroppo, a differenza di altre aziende agricole del posto, noi non abbiamo telecamere e non abbiamo visto nulla ”.
I poveri resti finiscono all’istituto di medicina legale e vengono sottoposti ad autopsia il 9 marzo. Si tratta di un corpo femminile privato della testa e delle gambe, ridotto a macabra valigia. L’assassino dopo le mutilazioni ha agganciato una estremità del tronco ad un cavo di ferro, probabilmente per trasportarlo più agevolmente. La woman with white skin and caucasian ethnicity, may have between 20 and 40 years. His physique is "normolineo. According to medical examiners would have been killed several days ago with a knife. But the more chilling discovery about the internal organs. They were all removed by an expert hand. The sex is completely torn, while the breasts were removed. The woman's hands were bloody. But if there are no trail of him will only be known in coming days. We are looking for hair or other organic fragments remained under fingernails and samples were collected for submission to such genetic testing. The investigators hope to isolate a DNA different from that of the victim.
She is currently without an identity. The examination of fingerprints, compared with those in the Italian database, did not give any correspondence. The forensic science is also being explored black jacket and gray shirt still on the corpse. Among the finds a ring of steel to the middle finger of his right hand and a lighter in his pocket.
On March 10, investigators with the assistance of departmental staff on horseback and a helicopter, have returned sull'Ardeatina and have scoured the area looking for other remains of the corpse. No track is included, but according to rumors leaked The crime is not ripe in the world of prostitution or to crime. Some commentators suggest the possibility of a satanic ritual.
a different opinion is the criminologist Francesco Bruno, interviewed by Time . "It is a ritual murder - he says - satanic sects do not act so in Italy. As it happened, the crime has elements pathological, can only be the result of a sick mind. It is an alarming crime, carried out recently. The murderess is alive and active and may kill again, will not stop here. Probably acted alone: \u200b\u200bit has identified the victim somewhere, killed her, he defiled his body and threw it on the sidelines. The murderess is impulsive and is organized. Probably has an isolated place in which to do these things, and could have a car or van. The fact that he left his body suit that makes sense to have serious sexual problems. It is likely that the victim is a young foreign prostitute and whose disappearance may not have been reported. Not far from where the corpse was found, the pieces may also be removed. In any case, the party will be more difficult to find his head could have it thrown in a dumpster or in a stream. I'm worried. The methods del delitto mi hanno fatto tornare alla mente l’efferatezza del Mostro di Firenze ”.

di Igor Patruno

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Creative World exclusive invitation leaving ... Snapshots

In less than a month I will be proud to " Creative World" in Bologna ... you remember it?

What you might not know yet is that related to the initiative ABC-Blog (and our role as a reporter) will have the chance of a rally Creative Blogger ...

In what consist?
will be an area dedicated to bloggers
(but also to those who did not have a blog, but
read our blog, comments
but no,
look passes and go ... )
a place only to us,
a meeting place where you can learn,
relax, make two or chitchat, exchange curiosity,
rest your weary limbs ...

How will the area?
The area will be an exclusive area for you and, therefore, to access, you have a pass / identification card .

How to get the pass?
a comment to this post (with your email address) , or write an email with the subject "Pass Gathering Blogger", I will soon send you the invitation .
so you just need save it to your PC and print it.
In the days of the Fair (8-9-10 April) will take it with you and present it to the entrance to the Rally, this ensures the right of access ... and finally we will review and / or know! !

Ah, of course not forget to print the ticket at a reduced fee (€ 2 discount), click on the poster at the head of this post and print it, or click on the link under the header of the blog (banner), or go here (s approffittatene well to reread the post on the last edition)!

And in the coming weeks, come back soon ... we will start to soak up the atmosphere of the fair with some pictures and report unusual autumn edition ... and why not, with some more details on that spring!

then I expect you to Creative World!! Beta

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Steaming Welcome To Watch Southpark Free


Danilo Restivo
Nel corso del programma Chi l’ha visto? del 9 marzo è stato mandato in onda un frammento della registrazione effettuata durante il processo a Danilo Restivo, processo terminato with a conviction for perjury, but in fact an acquittal of murder.
Restivo, during the examination of the case, says he has a complex relationship with blood. In front of his view he happens to pass out. According to him unconscious when he injures himself, or when to have it taken for analysis. The boy also said the reason for this emotional situation. Adolescent had undergone an operation for adenoids without anesthesia. Also according to Restivo there could be a risk of serious side effects, and so the mother would decide to do so subject to the intervention without falling asleep. Danilo remembers seeing a steady stream uscirgli of blood from his mouth and being passed out. At that point, however, a voice-over, probably that of the prosecutor asking him to account for why, despite the idiosyncrasy to the sight of blood, he then chose to enroll in dentistry. The boy remains forbidden for a moment then stutters a reply. He says he joined the faculty because he hoped to "follow" to overcome the problem, perhaps with the aid of a "psychologist or another."
Earlier, in another piece of the process had already spoken of his blood. He admitted that he injured his left hand following an accidental fall that occurred in a construction site where it happened by chance. After went to the emergency room to be healed came home and had changed clothes. That evening there was a "dinner" for his mother's birthday and never participated in that event covered in blood.
Danilo Restivo articulates his reasoning, giving the impression of always being able to overcome the times when it seems wrapped. There are brief moments where the words are interrupted and overlapped. The eyelids slam shut and remain little more than usual. Then the conversation starts to flow smoothly until the end. The impression is lying is very strong and one wonders how it was possible that they let go.
Federica Sciarelli recalls the role played by the Advocate Claps of the family, Giuliana Scarpetta and calls for the preparation of the phone call.
The lawyer, however, does not realize he's talking about live and let out another article: "It's not just blood. There is also rising."
The rumor must be true because the lawyer has participated in recording evidence at the site of the Ris of Rome, together with the technical adviser of the family Restivo.
Gildo Claps, before the connection to the RAI of Power, where he is with his mother, to be interrupted, reveals that there is an ongoing mediation with the diocese to bring out the role played by one of the priests in the case. He added that patience the family has reached the limit and that time is running out of mediation. At that point, the brother of Elisa formalize the accusations without bothering to further safeguard the Diocese of Potenza.
comes a call from an anonymous listener who is outraged and says the accusations raised to "priests" of the Holy Trinity. Claims that the church is desecrated.

Igor Patruno

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travel ... waiting for the guide!

Traveling ...
pleasure, relaxation, tranquility,
away from the usual stuff ...

free to fly
encounter flocks of birds frolicking ...

osservando le stelle di giorno...

un infuocato tramonto...

la luna, prima che nasca...

osservando con occhi che non sono i nostri...
attraverso vetri, schermi, mani a dita aperte...

dolphins play forever in the sea ...

children and confetti shoot ...

the ghosts of the old city are trying to avoid ...

We stop to think ...
to the 100,000
and current values, and so obsolete ...

and then her thoughts run to
and all you ...

Good night!
soon with more photos and other
linked to our emotions we in Friuli ...


Dumping Syndrome In Babies


Elisa Claps

" The news that the mesh Elisa è stato trovato dna di Danilo Restivo – ha detto il legale della famiglia Claps, Giuliana Scarpetta – non ci ha sorpreso. Tutte le parti processuali coinvolte ne erano a conoscenza da almeno tre mesi. Avvocati e periti tanto della famiglia Claps quanto della famiglia dell'indagato lo sapevano. Ma l'uscita della notizia sui media ci ha colto di sorpresa. Noi l'avevamo tenuta segreta per rispetto di chi stava lavorando e avremmo atteso la consegna della perizia alla Procura per renderla nota. Non è la prima volta che si verificano indiscrezioni in questo caso: anche quando fu diffusa la notizia che su un materasso che si trovava nel sottotetto della chiesa della Trinità (dove è stato trovato il body of Elisa Claps, nda) had not found the DNA of all, was an indiscretion. For us the picture of evidence against Restivo is clear for some time, this is just the closing of the circle .
In fact, the detection of DNA by the Ris Restivo was preceded by a controversy born around the previous survey carried out by Professor Vincenzo Pascali. Let us try to reconstruct the various stages of this strange affair.
March 17 in the attic of the church of the Holy Trinity of Power are found the remains of Elisa. The findings of the forensic science are lengthy and detailed. Nothing is left to chance. The premises shall be kept and have implemented all feasible precautions to avoid contaminating the crime scene. Even the church is placed under seizure and relief extended to the whole building.
The task of determining whether the remains found in the attic of the Most Holy Trinity, particularly on a sweater handmade by the mother of the girl and the one worn by Elisa 12 September 1993, there is organic material due a profile is assigned to specific genotypic Vincenzo Pascali, professor of forensic medicine at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Rome. Of course, to make recording evidence, in addition to the organic material found on clothing Elisa, you need the DNA of Restivo. But the prosecutor does not have his DNA, Vincenzo Pascali then dispatched a dozen pieces " presumably attributable to the suspect." The expert analyzes only four, and three of these men identified two genetic profiles. At this point Pascali assume that one of the two profiles belong to Restivo and fails to analyze other, and then proceed to debate and concludes that the clothing Elisa there is no trace of DNA of the suspect. He added that the findings were not scanned is not possible to draw reliable genetic profiles.
The Public Prosecutor of Salerno, but the family does not accept the Claps response.
Patrizia Stefanoni, the forensic service, said the expert would use kit insensitive and largely overcome by new technologies.
" The only certainty of expertise Vincenzo Pascali - said Julian Scarpetta on behalf of the family of Elisa - is that the objects analyzed were not used to Danilo Restivo, then we have no certainty either on its DNA. At this point we must again take the DNA of the suspect and conduct a new evidentiary accident. "
Prosecutors Salerno Luigi D'Alessio e Rosa Volpe asked and obtained by the investigating magistrate Attilio Franco Orio A new assessment expert. This time the task is assigned to Lieutenant Colonel Giampietro Lago, commander of the Ris di Parma and Andrea Berti of the Major of Rome Res. Unlike Vincenzo Pascali, RIS relies on DNA extracted from the database of the British police, dating from the time of his arrest in May 2010. This is a levy made without the consent of rest, but the attribution is uncertain. In addition, the RIS uses different kits, able to amplify the "signal". Some artifacts discarded by Vincenzo Pascali with this "method" becomes significant. On October 18 The second incident takes place orders. Same time, the magistrate shall appoint one of the experts also an entomologist (insect expert in the study) that will accompany Professor Cristina Cattaneo, already charged with carrying out investigations trichological Elisa's hair, " in order to better differentiate the lesions from those caused by sharp instrument potentially attributable to insects . According to the indictment of murderess he would cut the net in the phase immediately following deadly attack.
program Chi l'ha visto? in the episode of March 9 reveals that the organic material found on the sweater of Elisa is commisto blood. Blood and Elisa Danilo. It is located on the right shoulder. He probably hurt himself while he was stabbing.
Now there are no more doubts. Danilo Restivo killed Elisa Claps, and has left the body in a place where he hoped no one would have found.
But Daniel did not act alone.
Now all the responsibility should emerge.

Igor Patruno

Pain Kidney Infection


The February 24 The Judiciary of Salerno had acquired in Britain, international letters rogatory, the DNA of Danilo Restivo. The family lawyer Claps, Giuliana Scarpetta felt by some commentators had explained that it was the''DNA profile of Danilo Restivo, extracted from database''in possession of the British. The DNA was collected by investigators at the time of the British Potenza, last May 20, 2010, when investigating the murder of Heather Burnett.

Restivo, therefore, would not consent to the collection: " On the occasion of the arrest for the murder of the English tailor, said the lawyer, was charged a trace of saliva. In Britain, in fact, non è previsto che per ottenere il Dna si debba avere prima il consenso della persona che si sottopone all'esame ". Il Dna di Restivo è stato quindi confrontato con quelli già isolati tra i reperti del sottotetto della Chiesa, nel corso della perizia sui profili genetici affidata l'8 ottobre 2010 dal gip di Salerno Attilio Franco Orio a due ufficiali dei carabinieri, il tenente colonnello Giampietro Lago, comandante del Ris di Parma, e il maggiore Andrea Berti, comandante della sezione biologica del Ris di Roma.

Dopo la prima perizia genetica affidata il gip ne aveva disposto una nuova, accogliendo la richiesta dei pubblici ministeri di Salerno Luigi D'Alessio e Rosa Volpe, conferendo l'incarico al Ris dei carabinieri.

During the night of the transmission line TG3 envoy and author of "Chi l'ha visto?" Giuseppe Rinaldi has announced that traces of DNA found on the jersey of Elisa Claps belong to Danilo Restivo
( Chi l'ha visto? ).

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The March 8 Marisol

Marisol García Valles

In November last year, Marisol García Valles made quite a stir. She, 20 years, a student in Criminology had just accepted the appointment as police chief Praxedia-Guerrero. A desperate decision in an area fully controlled by cartels of drug dealers. His predecessors, non-corrupt, had deserted in response to threats or were killed by the killer of the finite number of signs.
Praxedia-Guerrero, which is located in Valle de Juárez, continued to be crossed by waves of violence without precedent. Marisol But his work has attempted to do so to the best of its ability, earning it the nickname of "most courageous woman of Mexico."
On 1 March, when the threats against his family became unbearable he decided to resign. Currently, few know where it went. It is said that you are in Texas and has applied for asylum in United States.

Marisol García Valles

I think Marisol García Valles is a woman symbol. Certainly courageous, but also able to do what men with much more aggressive than she was unable, or scare off drug dealers.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Patrisia Manterola .com


work Caramel - The crime of Via Poma

C onosco Carmelo work for meeting him and some television programs dedicated to the story of the murder of street Poma, both inside Rebibbia bunker, where he held the trial Raniero Busco. Like me, he culpability of the former boyfriend of Simonetta Cesaroni there has never believed in these years and continued to think and to investigate the crime with the tools of his profession, or with the tools of the criminologist.
work has just published the second edition of a book called: The crime Via Poma, on the trail of . A second edition which is actually very different from the first. As the lawyer said Nino Marazzita presentation: "work has refined its investigation, has entered the circle, has identified a track that has not been beaten as he would have done."
However you think the book should be read because of the criminologist Roman asks the questions that open up a real glimpse at a brand new scenario that would be worthwhile to look into. Here below the last short chapter of the book, which summarizes the meaning of his work approach and raises his questions (Igor Patruno).

L each other in Via Poma contains, in addition to the ruthless logic and Machiavellian character of the plot of Agatha Christie and mysteries of the rhizome of metaphysical detective stories by Edgar Allan Poe, including complications, the inextricable absurdity piran delliane, the puzzles at the faces of most cases of Sherlock Holmes, the jungle logic of the intrigues of the works of Alfred Hitchcock, the 'cunning and perfidy of the low blows of foul play, the apparent insolubility dei cold cases.
E in più c'è la presenza silenziosa, incombente e passiva del "convitato di pietra" Pietrino Vanacore, che sempre e comunque sovrasta e pervade ogni cosa.
L'impianto accusatorio contro Raniero Busco non regge, è basa­ to su elementi incerti, improbabili, se non addirittura impossibili. Nemmeno regge che Busco sia l'assassino e sia fuggito lasciando the door open, or holding that has passed for Vanacore case (but how do you go to the event on the third floor of a building when is much more simple and logical to use the elevator?), Has discovered body and warned "fellow snacks" that his fellow were not, or "clique" that he had little to do.
Raniero Busco The trial is only a small segment enormous, complicated and tangled skein of this smi surato intrigue. However, can help to shed light on the mystery of Via Poma if you will frame a determined and resolute, without com promised and false conceit, the black hole of silence and empty dell'AIAG, as suggested in this book and how he wants the "common sense and logic of things."
screening, staging, alterations and omissions have been us: we need to decrypt and systematize rationally understand the which prodest, who had the characteristics of cone knowledge, opportunity and capacity to implement them.
It is possible that you are in front of the palace plot against the usurper, the spy or traitor, or the alien or the other because he was young, beautiful and desirable choice. O only against a girl who did not put my feet on his head. affect one or more women, detecting one or more men, women and men ni are competing to alter the scene, to manipulate it, set it to ras . In several investigations pollute and destroy the evidence.
On the other canto, nulla esclude che sia stato invece un uomo a colpire Simonetta sino a ucciderla, e che una donna abbia poi ras settato e pulito, e che più persone abbiano depistato. Un uomo respinto, deriso o soltanto voglioso, sicuramente frustrato e ven dicativo.
Nulla toglie che il portiere Vanacore abbia potuto coprire qual cuno dopo le ore 20.00, ma questo punto dev'essere inserito nel giu sto contesto e sistema di circostanze, situazioni, comportamenti, dinamiche e interrelazioni, non nel semplice scenario della "porta aperta" sostenuto dalla famosa "agendina fantasma".
It is certain that the murderess is a regional environmental office where he worked Simonetta, the murderess he used his left hand to hit the temple Simonetta and then spearing, which the OMIC idiopathic occurred before 16.30 , more people have de trample the investigation and destroyed the evidence that chain the four phone calls, has at least two of the great fruits that are good bluff, that there were at least thirty big mistakes investigative , that the considerations and observations at the crime scene, the chronology of events and criminal profile should be set out in this book valued knowledge and belief, defined and systematised with the judicial logic.
It is essential to find the answers to two questions, just because the solution of the yellow Via Poma is played on these two aspects :
1. Le quattro telefonate ci sono state realmente? Se sì, chi si è spacciata per Simonetta Cesaroni? Se sono state soltanto due, chi e perché mente? Se non ci sono state, come mai si è verific ata tale filiera di menzogne?
2. Perché il tagliacarte è stato disposto sopra il tavolinetto accanto alla macchina da scrivere di Maria Luisa Sibilia, il posto dove avrebbe dovuto essere se…  l'assassino non lo avesse usato per colpire Simonetta? Chi sapeva che il posto del opener was just the room of Maria Luisa Seville, but he did not know who had disappeared from room and was making a mistake to put it back in its place?
Via Poma's case can be resolved because there are still traces situational and behavior likely to fit the subject unknown and his "clique" of skilled detecting, even if someone has made it Simonetta Cesaroni was nothing but an invisible entity within dell'AIAG in via Poma, "this girl" o la ragazza senza nome, che doveva essere obliata (tanto che l'appartamento venne ripulito da cima a fondo solo quattro giorni dopo il delitto), anche se sono stati commessi numerosi errori investigativi, metodologici, ideologici e procedurali.
Le tracce dell'assassino ci dicono di guardare laddove io ho guar dato, dove il lettore mi ha seguito, dove la logica, l'analisi criminale e la scienza contro il crimine ci dicono di guardare, dove chi doveva guardare... non ha guardato e continua a non guardare!

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Stuxnet on TV

Sergey Ulasen is the head of the "Anti-Virus Kernel " VirusBlokAda of a small computer company specializing in information security in Belarus. On June 17 Ulasen was at work in his office in Minsk when he received a strange email from a customer in Iran: il suo computer continuava a riavviarsi e non c’era verso di fermarlo . L’esperto di sicurezza si mise al lavoro e insieme a un collega identificò un virus informatico, ancora sconosciuto, che aveva infettato la copia di Windows del cliente iraniano. La storia la racconta Michael Joseph Gross in un lungo articolo su Vanity Fair dove si ipotizza che il virus fosse alla base di un atto di guerra vero e proprio, seppur virtuale, contro il programma nucleare di Teheran.

Il virus impostore
Il virus sfruttava una falla “zero day”, come dicono gli esperti di informatica: una Microsoft operating system vulnerabilities not yet known. The discovery of such a malfunction, which potentially puts at risk the safety of millions of computers, is approached with great care by the companies that produce anti-virus and Microsoft itself, which always tries to run for cover as quickly as possible.
The virus was discovered by Ulasen particular used as a way to spread previously unknown . Put a USB stick containing the virus in a laptop and smuggled the virus enters into, loading two files: a rootkit dropper (which allows the virus to do what he wants on the computer, as explained by a hacker, "" Root " means that you are God ") and a system to spread the malicious code so as to be encrypted, for Ulasen, indecipherable.
well thought out, the virus had managed to hide the customer's computer using a digital signature of Ulasen reliable, making it difficult to find. Put simply: Each program uses a digital signature, a sign of recognition, to prove his reliability to the operating system. Sometimes those who program viruses use fake signatures to fool security systems, but for the first time a malicious program used an authentic digital signature obtained in some way from Realtek, one of the largest manufacturers of computer components.
Having no idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of the virus, Ulasen July 5 to send the report to a friend in Germany , who gave him a coat to prepare a quick guide to send to the Microsoft Security Response Center. The next day the company confirmed it had received the alert and to be working to resolve this problem, so July 12 Ulasen decided to share his discovery on a forum of security experts. In a couple of days, a German computer was able to discover that the ultimate goal of the virus were the programmable logic controllers (PLCs), computers used in industry to manage processes in industrial plants, both in production and control.
On July 15th Microsoft released a first set of solutions to solve the problem on Windows and make harmless the action of the virus. At the time of publication of the solution, but the virus had already infected at least 15 thousand computers with significant peaks in Asia, especially India and Indonesia, and especially abnormal volumes in Iran. The malicious program was named for convenience "Stuxnet", an anagram of some letters in its code.
The problem was not, however, completely resolved. The day before Microsoft releases its recommendations, the authors of the virus changed the digital signature of Realtek, now discovered, with a new certificate always true of another company. This gave the system a week longer to spread, before the new sign was stolen identified and withdrawn from circulation. The developers of the virus did not react this time, avoiding a third time to update their malicious program, which allows Microsoft and other companies that deal with computer security to stem the spread of the virus.

Arriva Kaspersky
Microsoft had come to resolve this issue even with the help of Kaspersky Lab, a company russa specializzata nella produzione di antivirus fondata da Eugene Kaspersky nel 1997. Nato nel 1965 a Novorossijsk, il principale porto russo sul Mar Nero, Kaspersky si è laureato in Crittografia, Telecomunicazioni e Scienze Informatiche a Mosca, in un istituto sostenuto dal ministero della Difesa e dal KGB nel 1987. È appassionato di automobili, guida una Ferrari e sponsorizza un team di Formula 1, ed è un fan dell’attore Jackie Chan, tanto da averlo scelto come testimonial della propria società.
Insieme ai propri colleghi, Kaspersky rimase sorpreso dalle informazioni fornite da Microsoft su Stuxnet. Il virus non era come tutti gli altri e apriva un nuovo capitolo nella lotta contro i programmi malevolent, a chapter very profitable for companies such as Kaspersky working to combat the virus, if necessary in an instrumental way to make money on the concerns of those who use computers and the fear of losing valuable data and information.
aided by Symantec, the largest security company in the world (that of Norton Antivirus) and Kaspersky Microsoft discovered that in order to function Stuxnet not only exploited a flaw "zero day", but even four . Something unprecedented, a virus that makes Stuxnet unique.
As they began to accumulate the "zero day" Kaspersky says, was born on suspicion that behind Stuxnet there could be the work of a government, they find all these flaws without access to Windows source code would be so difficult and challenging time for a single person. Kaspersky then lowers his voice, smiles and says, "We're coming to a seriously dangerous. The next step, if we speak in these terms if we are discussing in this way, the next step would be to think that there has been a call from Washington in Seattle [where are the offices of Microsoft, ed] to have a hand in tinkering with the source code. "
Stuxnet The story was very interesting, but the lack of clear objective of this virus apparently born to sabotage some industrial machines made the story journalistically little expendable. In mid-July one of Kaspersky tried to convince a reporter for the New York Times to write, but without success, despite the insistence and reporting that such a virus would take at least six months of work to be developed and that it was spread in three waves starting in the early months of 2010.

Iran. Natanz uranium enrichment complex
A cosa mirava Stuxnet
A metà settembre, quando il problema di Stuxnet sembrava essere superato, la segnalazione di un impresario di Amburgo riportò l’attenzione degli esperti sul virus. Ralph Langner, il proprietario di una società che produce sistemi di sicurezza per i PLC che usano i programmi della Siemens, aveva studiato per settimane il virus arrivando a una conclusione: era stato programmato per sabotare il programma nucleare iraniano.
Da tempo le autorità iraniane vengono accusate di essere al lavoro per costruire armi nucleari e nel 2003 l’Iran non ha fornito informazioni precise all’Agenzia Internazionale Atomic Energy Agency, the UN organization that promotes the peaceful use of nuclear-related technologies. The limited information on actual programs Iranians disturbing much of the West, especially Israel, are often subjected to threats by the government in Tehran. According to Langner and other computer experts, Stuxnet sought to sabotage the plans of Iran.
Stuxnet When it infects a computer, try to be propagated to all devices connected to the network of the same computer trying to find out if any of these are using the Siemens software. If the answer is no, Stuxnet become a function entirely useless and inert in the network. If the answer is yes, the virus will try to determine whether or not the given device is connected to a PC or wait it will be. Then analyzes the PLC and equipment which is connected to the search for a particular machine. If found, verify that is working under certain conditions. And if so, Stuxnet introduces new portions of code to change the way the machinery works.
Similar schemes to sabotage the operation of industrial devices were previously used in the past, but never remotely as in the case of Stuxnet says Langner, who towards the end of September last year he got a bit 'of vision When its discovery was reported Gadgetwise from one of the most popular tech blog of The New York Times. According to Langner, the virus was spread to hit Iran's Bushehr plant, which in fact was stopped for almost a month after some technical problems during the summer.
In the months following the publication of news on the website of the New York Times, an analyst at Symantec continued to work on Stuxnet to identify which is the target of the virus. With the help of a Dutch expert, it turned out that the virus had been created in order to sabotage a special type of equipment: centrifuges used in enriching uranium for nuclear power plants. Stuxnet was programmato per identificare un particolare tipo di centrifuga creato da una società iraniana in collaborazione con una azienda finlandese, misurarne alcuni parametri e modificarne la velocità, danneggiando così irreparabilmente i macchinari.

Gli americani e il Mossad
Altre verifiche condotte dall’espero di informatica tedesco Frank Rieger portarono, però, a ipotizzare che l’obiettivo del virus non fosse l’impianto di Bushehr, ma quello di Natanz. Rieger arrivò a questa conclusione dopo essersi consultato con gli analisti di sei diversi paesi europei che si erano occupati of Stuxnet. Thanks to their knowledge in these three countries, managed to talk with some members believe that the intelligence operation of sabotage had been organized by the United States in cooperation with Israel.
According to Rieger, the virus was developed by U.S. intelligence and was then released by the Mossad, the Israeli secret services. Cases of sabotage of this nature existed in the past by the secret services, but if you really Stuxnet fell within the category we would find ourselves in front of a very different scenario, where a program sent remotely can cause damage and make it virtually impossible to identify degli autori del virus. Un indizio che sembra indicare la presenza di un sistema molto raffinato, creato dai servizi, è dato anche dalla “scadenza” di Stuxnet. Il virus dovrebbe automaticamente disattivarsi e scomparire il 24 giugno del 2012, ma molti informatici sono scettici sull’effettiva capacità del programma malevolo di eliminarsi automaticamente.
Quella di un coinvolgimento dei servizi degli Stati Uniti e di Israele è un’ipotesi molto dibattuta da mesi, ma non sono naturalmente mai arrivate conferme da parte delle organizzazioni che potrebbero essere coinvolte. A gennaio, il capo uscente del Mossad, Meir Dagan, ha ammesso che alcune “misure adottate contro” Iran's nuclear plans have caused a slowdown of years in the development of technologies needed to build atomic weapons. The head of service has not, however, made reference to Stuxnet, but according to The New York Times, the Israelis have experienced a virus in their systems with some simulations to propagate and affect Iran's nuclear facilities.
The time evolution of Stuxnet seem to confirm the suspicions regarding the move to sabotage the Iranian nuclear issue. In January 2010, Iran refused the IAEA proposal to enrich its uranium abroad, under control, and a few weeks later began to circulate early versions of the virus. In February, the IAEA confirmed that the Iranian authorities were working to produce nuclear weapons and, again, just weeks after Stuxnet became even more advanced and able to spread the knowledge on the USB stick users. In April, Iran confirmed to be working to build a new plant for uranium enrichment and in the same month appeared the third evolution of Stuxnet. Then came the UN sanctions, the European Union and the United States.
The virus was therefore made plans to slow down Iran, a solution to use the same sanctions adopted by the international community. It is unclear whether Stuxnet actually had the desired effect, but instead allowed Ahmadinejad to make propaganda, claiming to have suffered a cyber attack against nuclear installations in his country.
Regardless of how it worked, no doubt Stuxnet is something new under the sun. At worst, it is a project for a new way of attacking the control systems of industrial production. Moreover, the most important thing now known publicly about Stuxnet Stuxnet is that it is now known publicly. [...] Stuxnet is the Hiroshima of information warfare. This is the its true meaning, and all the speculation about its objectives and its origin should not distract us from the greater truth. We had a border and not turning back.

SOURCE ( The Post )