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Vi siete accorte che c'era un lavoro inedito?
Eh si, febbraio (influenza compresa) è stato proficuo
mi ha ispirata anche questa busta beauty-case...
(cucito per un'amichetta della Generale)
stoffa ikea all'esterno
cloth checkered pink / white inside.
model I got a beauty that I already had,
took the measure and set the parts on card:
front, behind, the two sides (just a figure) and the bottom.
I placed the card on the fabric (reverse)
scoring with a pen the various parts
(will then serve as a guideline for the seams) and then
I have cut out, taking a cm margins more for the seams.
Per la parte esterna, la stoffa sarà a dritto verso l'esterno... invece...
per la parte interna, la parte dritta della stoffa sarà al contrario, cioè verso l'interno.
(Sembra scontato, ma non lo è dato che dobbiamo lavorare i due contenitori separatamente e andranno ad unirsi solo una volta finiti, rovescio contro rovescio)
Iniziamo dalla...
fodera interna (stoffa a quadretti)
1- ritagliare un rettangolo di stoffa lungo come l'interno ma più basso di almeno 1/3 e appoggiarlo, spillandolo, all'interno, sulla stoffa del davanti - rovescio (della striscia) contro dritto del lato;
2- cucire a metà la tasca che si viene a creare, in modo da formare due tasche separate;
3- unire al rettangolo, dove abbiamo appena cucito la tasca, i due lati corti, uno a dx e uno a sx (posizionando le pezze di stoffa dritto contro dritto e cucendo sul segno fatto a penna in precedenza);
4- sull'altro lato lungo ho creato una tasca a rete (riutilizzando una retina della verdura): con la stoffa a quadretti ho creato uno sbieco per rifinire il lato superiore. Ho spillato la retina sulla parte dritta della fabric and I sewed all around (with a straight seam).
With a narrow zig-zag I sewed the center of the pocket so formed, to divide into two pockets;
5 - I also joined this side already sewn to 3 (always put the fabric right sides together), creating a box. Turn right side top edge toward the inside and make a zig-zag stitch to finish it and to avoid fraying of the fabric;
6 - position the fund within the four sides have sewn (as straight up with 'above), and pin or baste the margins that must go together (the lower edge of the box already sewn, will be pushed outward to match up with the edge of the bottom). Stapling all around.
For the outside, I followed the same procedure, always working right sides together, after applying a small pocket on the long side in front (to handling a bit ', but contains a fine package of tissues).
I finished the top in the same way, turned back inside and sewed a zig-zag, trying to keep the same height as the inner lining.
At this point I added a long zipper at the top, between the two "covers".
starting to follow, tenedola shut, placing the two ends of the terminals at the center of a narrow side.
Open it and insert making it bend slightly to insert along the inside of the two fabrics.
Continuing to pin (or placed on trial), go to insert, up to about the middle of the other side, do the same thing the other side.
Now, gently make sure that the zipper is closed and reopened without a catch (in-phase input / tapping, you should have kept the same voltage).
reopen, and if all is well, proceed with a straight stitch to secure it to beauty.
The end, well leave a little 'longer, to allow the bag to open fully ... (If you zoom in the collage below should be more clear).
Sew a small rectangle (or any other form) where insert the end of the hinge so as to facilitate the grip and make it pretty.
I decided to apply two studs at the sides, so as to fold the excess part of the envelope has been closed, so better keep the rectangular shape.
do not deny it, is not perfect ...
the seams of the sides do not match perfectly, but being the first
and having understood as the work proceeded as do
I'm not complaining ...
is still nice, colorful and very large ...
certainly be useful to the recipient to hold all his little things beauty.
The thing I liked most? The idea of \u200b\u200bthe big pocket
I find it cute and at the same time, I
recycled material that otherwise would have been thrown ...
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