Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dumping Syndrome In Babies


Elisa Claps

" The news that the mesh Elisa è stato trovato dna di Danilo Restivo – ha detto il legale della famiglia Claps, Giuliana Scarpetta – non ci ha sorpreso. Tutte le parti processuali coinvolte ne erano a conoscenza da almeno tre mesi. Avvocati e periti tanto della famiglia Claps quanto della famiglia dell'indagato lo sapevano. Ma l'uscita della notizia sui media ci ha colto di sorpresa. Noi l'avevamo tenuta segreta per rispetto di chi stava lavorando e avremmo atteso la consegna della perizia alla Procura per renderla nota. Non è la prima volta che si verificano indiscrezioni in questo caso: anche quando fu diffusa la notizia che su un materasso che si trovava nel sottotetto della chiesa della Trinità (dove è stato trovato il body of Elisa Claps, nda) had not found the DNA of all, was an indiscretion. For us the picture of evidence against Restivo is clear for some time, this is just the closing of the circle .
In fact, the detection of DNA by the Ris Restivo was preceded by a controversy born around the previous survey carried out by Professor Vincenzo Pascali. Let us try to reconstruct the various stages of this strange affair.
March 17 in the attic of the church of the Holy Trinity of Power are found the remains of Elisa. The findings of the forensic science are lengthy and detailed. Nothing is left to chance. The premises shall be kept and have implemented all feasible precautions to avoid contaminating the crime scene. Even the church is placed under seizure and relief extended to the whole building.
The task of determining whether the remains found in the attic of the Most Holy Trinity, particularly on a sweater handmade by the mother of the girl and the one worn by Elisa 12 September 1993, there is organic material due a profile is assigned to specific genotypic Vincenzo Pascali, professor of forensic medicine at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Rome. Of course, to make recording evidence, in addition to the organic material found on clothing Elisa, you need the DNA of Restivo. But the prosecutor does not have his DNA, Vincenzo Pascali then dispatched a dozen pieces " presumably attributable to the suspect." The expert analyzes only four, and three of these men identified two genetic profiles. At this point Pascali assume that one of the two profiles belong to Restivo and fails to analyze other, and then proceed to debate and concludes that the clothing Elisa there is no trace of DNA of the suspect. He added that the findings were not scanned is not possible to draw reliable genetic profiles.
The Public Prosecutor of Salerno, but the family does not accept the Claps response.
Patrizia Stefanoni, the forensic service, said the expert would use kit insensitive and largely overcome by new technologies.
" The only certainty of expertise Vincenzo Pascali - said Julian Scarpetta on behalf of the family of Elisa - is that the objects analyzed were not used to Danilo Restivo, then we have no certainty either on its DNA. At this point we must again take the DNA of the suspect and conduct a new evidentiary accident. "
Prosecutors Salerno Luigi D'Alessio e Rosa Volpe asked and obtained by the investigating magistrate Attilio Franco Orio A new assessment expert. This time the task is assigned to Lieutenant Colonel Giampietro Lago, commander of the Ris di Parma and Andrea Berti of the Major of Rome Res. Unlike Vincenzo Pascali, RIS relies on DNA extracted from the database of the British police, dating from the time of his arrest in May 2010. This is a levy made without the consent of rest, but the attribution is uncertain. In addition, the RIS uses different kits, able to amplify the "signal". Some artifacts discarded by Vincenzo Pascali with this "method" becomes significant. On October 18 The second incident takes place orders. Same time, the magistrate shall appoint one of the experts also an entomologist (insect expert in the study) that will accompany Professor Cristina Cattaneo, already charged with carrying out investigations trichological Elisa's hair, " in order to better differentiate the lesions from those caused by sharp instrument potentially attributable to insects . According to the indictment of murderess he would cut the net in the phase immediately following deadly attack.
program Chi l'ha visto? in the episode of March 9 reveals that the organic material found on the sweater of Elisa is commisto blood. Blood and Elisa Danilo. It is located on the right shoulder. He probably hurt himself while he was stabbing.
Now there are no more doubts. Danilo Restivo killed Elisa Claps, and has left the body in a place where he hoped no one would have found.
But Daniel did not act alone.
Now all the responsibility should emerge.

Igor Patruno


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