Saturday, March 5, 2011

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(John Moore / Getty Images)

(John Moore / Getty Images)
will also be an Arab country in the dynamic Middle East, but until proven otherwise, Libya is in Africa . And then, while in the Mediterranean winds of war and United States , European Union, Russia China and rewrite their agendas, putting on top of the Libyan crisis, it is natural wonder where she is the African Union . And the answer is simple: not reached. While in the northern part of the continent winds of democracy and illiberal regimes are challenged and overturned maximum continental political organization is not . If you go on his website, the opening page under the header "What's happening?", Brings a series of news about the EU but there is no sign of Libya. You then need to open the section Peace & Security and, after the mission in Cotonou, the Djibouti Process for the Somali crisis, the statement of 263esima meeting of the Peace and Security and the ratio of the same body on his mission in Sudan, it turns out that "the African Union is highly concerned about the situation in Libya". E' un comunicato datato 23 febbraio . Due paragrafi, 10 righe in tutto, in cui l'organizzazione "condanna  l'uso spoporzionato della forza contro i civili  e deplora la perdita di vite umane", "sottolinea che solo il dialogo e il confronto consentiranno al popolo libico di trovare le giuste soluzioni" e "incoraggia tutti gli attori a favorire il dialogo". Tutto qui.  Prima e dopo non c'è nulla .
Di  "silenzio allarmante"  ha parlato il primo marzo, ripreso dalla Cnn, un alto funzionario della Comissione economica per l'Africa delle Nazione Unite,  Okey Onyekwe , former head of governance, which said he was "surprised and embarrassed by the fact that the African Union and the states of the continent are remained fairly silent in the face of events North Africa and Libya in particular ... If Africa wants to become a global player and be taken seriously by the other powers in matters like this we must raise our voice. " To express what position? The silence of the Union (also) reflects the lack of a common position . The problem is that too. More than critical, even harsh, the President of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh , which condemned "the unacceptable silence before the brutal repression of demonstrators." "It 'a shocking reality that the face of what happened in Tunisia, Egypt and now in Libya, the African Union leadership has made statements and took action in spite of these upheavals have a heavy impact on some member countries," he Gambian leader said in a speech broadcast on state television. It 's a matter of incontrovertible fact that, except for a freeze in diplomatic relations with Libya fears, Botswana - whose geopolitical weight is almost zero - Africa in the Libyan crisis we entered the wrong door , ; the mercenaries, and maybe even the regular troops, to come from Chad, Niger , Kenya and Zimbabwe to help Gaddafi to suppress the rebellion in blood.
There remains the question of why this lack at a time when Africa is looking for a role on the international stage. The assumptions are different. First, as has been strong progress in terms of democracy and respect for human rights, many leaders are much closer to the model that Gaddafi to that of Western democracies that they would like out of the game. There came a  in Guinea,  un presidente golpista in Costa d'Avorio, e regimi illiberali in  Ruanda ,  Uganda  e  Zimbabwe , giusto per fare qualche esempio. E' vero, poi, che Gheddafi ha comprato fedeltà politiche pagandole a peso d'oro, soprattutto negli anni del suo ultimo travestimento da  nume del panafricanismo . In realtà, molti Paesi africani si sono mostrati molto meno sensibili di fronte alle lusinghe del denaro libico di tanti stati, e soprattuto molto più consapevoli della sua inaffidabilità politica. Lo dimostra la fine burrascosa della presidenza di Gheddafi African Union in January 2010, ending a troubled relationship, that between the colonel and Africa, which deserves a separate discussion. Very simply, the African Union is an organization too young (was founded in 2002, Ed) and just tried and tested that had to be complemented by regional organizations such as ECOWAS (West Africa), IGAD (East Africa ) and SADC (Southern Africa) who often have mechanisms oiled and follow strategic objectives on which there is a greater consensus. In the Ivorian crisis and in Somalia, there were large discrepancies between the regional strategies of ECOWAS and IGAD, and the continental rappresentata dall'Unione Africana. Per questo, la  proposta della Lega Araba di imporre una  no fly zone sulla Libia  e di affidarne il monitoraggio all'Ua, suona come uno sfregio per un'organizzazione che nelle ultime settimane ha fatto finta di non esserci. L'Unione Africana è già impantanata in Costa d'Avorio  e  Somalia . Difficile che possa gestire la crisi libica.

di Alberto Tundo per PeaceReporter


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