Nada cell |
On May 6, 1996 shortly after 9:00, Nada cell, used twenty-five of Chiavari, is found in dying, in the office on Via Marsala, where he worked for almost five years from his employer, accountant Mark Soracco. The emergency hospitalization at the intensive care unit of the San Martino is useless: the girl died after six hours. The coroner is aware that the head injuries were not caused by an accident, as initially seemed, but from an aggression. Taking surveys, but the road is uphill because they are committed blunders. Nobody cares to freeze the scene of the crime that is disrupted. Before the ambulance to help the dying girl, then the first investigators arrived in the office on Via Marsala, which allow family members to Soracco permission to clean the bloodstains in the room of the secretary, and to polish the marble corridor and scales, erasing all traces of bleach with any left by the murderer.
Nada had arrived that day in the office much before 9.00, its regular hours. The evening had offered to accompany her mother into the car to work, because it was late, then came home, took his red bicycle and, just before of 8.00, had gone to Via Marsala. Since then, more than the murderer, no one can say with certainty what happened. No one sees it go, nobody says that they heard between 8 and 8.30, at which time presumably was killed, noises or cries. The murderess is entered in the office, maybe he played and was brought in, perhaps had the keys. In any case, for some reason, prevailed upon the girl shot in the head with a blunt instrument that will never be found.
The investigations are moving in two directions at once: the environment and the past of the victim on the one hand, and the employer of Nada, Marco Soracco. Nada is descritta, da chi la conosceva, come una ragazza per bene, molto tranquilla, riservata. La prima stranezza riguarda l’ultimo week-end della ragazza. Solitamente la giovane era solita trascorrerlo con la famiglia fuori Chiavari, ad Alpepiana di Rezzoaglio. Quel fine settimana però Nada aveva deciso di rimanere a Chiavari. Sabato 4 maggio aveva sbrigato in mattinata alcune commissioni, poi si era vista con la mamma ed aveva riferito alla cugina di essere passata in un'agenzia di viaggi. La seconda stranezza sta nel fatto che non si trova alcuna conferma di un passaggio della ragazza in una delle agenzie della zona. Ma non è finita. La signora Soracco sostiene di averla incontrata nello studio commercialista del figlio. Nada le avrebbe riferito di essere dovuta go to the office to make phone calls and attend to urgent work on the computer. In five years had never happened that the girl svolgesse work during the weekend.
Marco Soracco, thirty-four years old, graduated in economics and business, private, bachelor and "very Catholic", he lives with his mother and aunt on the first floor in the office. His father, a former director of the duty and then of the registration office of the City of Chiavari, died a couple of years. The study that has opened is well underway. On May 7, is subjected to an interrogation of fourteen hours. It is the beginning of a troubled and difficult path which will end only a anno dopo. Si sospetta che il movente possa essere passionale e il timido commercialista, un po’ impacciato, sembra il candidato più probabile al ruolo di colpevole. L’8 maggio viene perquisita la sua casa di campagna, a Mezzanego con l’intento di trovare l’arma del delitto. Il 12 maggio, Soracco viene iscritto nel registro degli indagati. Nel frattempo vengono verificate le posizioni della madre e della zia, anche perché è stata proprio la signora Soracco a pulire le macchie di sangue sulle scale. Il commercialista spiega al pubblico ministero di non sapere perché Nada sia tornata in ufficio quel sabato. A suo dire non c’era alcuna urgenza di fare telefonate, o di compiere operazioni al computer. La signora Soracco sostiene Nada that, again this Saturday, would leave after putting a floppy disk in his bag, straight from the computer. Investigators can not determine what disk it was, and what it contained.
On 30 September the media attention again. Soracco of a neighbor, a mentally unstable girl who is suspected of having seen something ends up on the register of suspects. A few days later another woman who appears to have had ambitions to double Soracco is entered in the register. Both tracks will be lost in the void for the contrasts between the magistrate Philip Gebbia and men of the squad of Genoa believe in that old building with walls of cardboard, there is someone he has heard. The prosecutor denied them permission to intercept the conversations of the condominiums. Other paradoxical situations. DNA sample is not granted to quibble, resentments between prosecutors and investigators. At the end of the investigation you can not find even a hypothesis of motive.
In April 1997, after a year of investigations, the sister of Nada, wrote to the then Justice Minister Giovanni Maria Flick, as we read in the archives of the Courier:
The family of Nadia Cella, launches the 'nth call (...). In about one year after death of girl still do not know the name of 'murderess. The woman's sister, Danielle Cella, and 'decided, "I condemn the' inefficiency of the judiciary to Chiavari and the police, my family and 'destroyed, my mother is not talking about Nadia and decided to bind them to court . It 's a shame, I wonder why' these investigations have stalled. We have hired private investigators 'cause we want the truth', the whole truth ', the murder of my sister can not' go unpunished. There are a lot of 'cause no response, we want to know who killed Nadia. " A crime for the time being unanswered, but the family cell does not lose 'soul. Adds Daniel Cell: "We feel presi in giro, ho scritto al ministro Flick, che venga a Chiavari a vedere come non funziona la Giustizia”.Il 18 luglio 1997 la posizione di Marco Soracco viene archiviata. Dopo la sua uscita di scena le indagini non riescono a far emergere altre piste significative. Viene interrogato il proprietario di un’auto di colore scuro, vista più volte sotto l’ufficio di Nada. Si tratta di un ragazzo che intratteneva con la vittima un rapporto burrascoso, caratterizzato da frequenti liti per motivi banali. Un altro “candidato” naturale al ruolo di colpevole. Per sua fortuna ha un alibi inattaccabile.
Il 10 settembre 1998 i genitori di Nada, rivolgono un appello al Papa in visita a Chiavari. They are convinced that there were false leads and silence around the murder of his daughter, in order to protect a secret hidden in the small provincial world of the small town of the east. On July 27, 1999 Bruno Cella, Nada's father, died of a heart attack back from the cemetery where he buried his daughter. The body was found three days later.
In November of that year investigation venture on track Sergio Truglio, the murderess of a prostitute. It turns out that Truglio knew Nada. But it is another hole in the water.
In 2001, when the reporters come to town for the events of the Countess Agusta, people only ask: "But that cell Nada do not know anything anymore? They do not do anything anymore? ". In 2002 he was the prosecutor in Chiavari Carli. Shortly after taking office visits him a small woman. She is the mother of Nada. She asks him to reopen the 'investigation, wants to know why her daughter was killed. Carli gets to work in great secrecy, a group of policemen. Grooming diaries Nada Cell. In 1996 no one bothered to read through. These agendas Smemoranda "covering three years, from 1994 to the date of death. It follows the outline of a girl with few friends, very shy and closed. Something emerges from the diaries. The girl had become nervous, morose, almost keep it a secret or support a weight.
"The turning point in the investigation - said in an article in Il Secolo XIX signed by Simone Schiaffino - Via Marsala in crime seems to come in 2004. When the police commissariat of Chiavari begins to investigate some neighbors of cell Nada. This is a group of aliens of Albanian mafia already involved in the investigation of the Kanun, which was conducted on the sidewalks of East Tigullio girls for forced prostitution, forced them under torture and threats. The track turns out to be unfounded, and the name of the murderer of the secretary chiavarese remains an enigma. "
Finally the last gasp in recent days.
" The Deputy Public Prosecutor of Chiavari, Francesco Brancaccio - continues in Il Secolo XIX - asked the squad Genoa, which once took care of the investigation, the investigation of certain acts 96. There are new elements? Maybe a witness who had not yet come forward? No. But there is the possibility that the same evidence found in it 15 years ago may, in light of modern investigative technologies, say something new. Each year, the public prosecutors take back the unsolved cases. And decide what is appropriate to return to work. For investigating the case Chiavari cell is one of those. There, the crime of the Levant, another unsolved murder dating back to 1987. What Gabriella Bisi, a Milanese architect of 35 years who was strangled in a forest and then dumped in a landfill near the Via Aurelia, in Chiavari. Although this crime was never solved, and it is possible - according to the attorney Chiavari - Bisi that the case be reopened, a day. What is certain is that the request to dust off the documents at the time, refers only to the murder of cell Nada ".
Nada cell's murder is still unsolved murder.
di Igor Patruno
Carlo Lucarelli racconta le analogie tra il delitto di Nada Cella e quello di Simonetta Cesaroni
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