Thursday, March 10, 2011

Caring For A Sugar Glider


Il corpo

Rilievi della scientifica

È l’8 di marzo, festa della donna, quando un cadavere viene notato, a pochi metri dal ciglio della strada, in un campo sull'Ardeatina a Castel di Leva (Roma), da un camionista di passaggio. “ Un lavoro da macellaio, ma eseguito con la precisione chirurgica di un sadico professionista ”, commenta qualcuno alla vista del corpo mutilato con una motosega.

Il proprietario del terreno,  intervistato da  Erica Della Pasqua ,  è rimasto scioccato dalla visione del cadavere: “ Erano circa le 15 di martedì, quando ho notato la polizia nel mio podere. Mi sono avvicinato e ho visto il corpo. Raccapricciante: senza testa, senza gambe, il petto squarciato e dentro vuoto, sembrava un manichino. Impossibile riconoscere anche solo se si trattava di un uomo o una donna. Purtroppo, a differenza di altre aziende agricole del posto, noi non abbiamo telecamere e non abbiamo visto nulla ”.
I poveri resti finiscono all’istituto di medicina legale e vengono sottoposti ad autopsia il 9 marzo. Si tratta di un corpo femminile privato della testa e delle gambe, ridotto a macabra valigia. L’assassino dopo le mutilazioni ha agganciato una estremità del tronco ad un cavo di ferro, probabilmente per trasportarlo più agevolmente. La woman with white skin and caucasian ethnicity, may have between 20 and 40 years. His physique is "normolineo. According to medical examiners would have been killed several days ago with a knife. But the more chilling discovery about the internal organs. They were all removed by an expert hand. The sex is completely torn, while the breasts were removed. The woman's hands were bloody. But if there are no trail of him will only be known in coming days. We are looking for hair or other organic fragments remained under fingernails and samples were collected for submission to such genetic testing. The investigators hope to isolate a DNA different from that of the victim.
She is currently without an identity. The examination of fingerprints, compared with those in the Italian database, did not give any correspondence. The forensic science is also being explored black jacket and gray shirt still on the corpse. Among the finds a ring of steel to the middle finger of his right hand and a lighter in his pocket.
On March 10, investigators with the assistance of departmental staff on horseback and a helicopter, have returned sull'Ardeatina and have scoured the area looking for other remains of the corpse. No track is included, but according to rumors leaked The crime is not ripe in the world of prostitution or to crime. Some commentators suggest the possibility of a satanic ritual.
a different opinion is the criminologist Francesco Bruno, interviewed by Time . "It is a ritual murder - he says - satanic sects do not act so in Italy. As it happened, the crime has elements pathological, can only be the result of a sick mind. It is an alarming crime, carried out recently. The murderess is alive and active and may kill again, will not stop here. Probably acted alone: \u200b\u200bit has identified the victim somewhere, killed her, he defiled his body and threw it on the sidelines. The murderess is impulsive and is organized. Probably has an isolated place in which to do these things, and could have a car or van. The fact that he left his body suit that makes sense to have serious sexual problems. It is likely that the victim is a young foreign prostitute and whose disappearance may not have been reported. Not far from where the corpse was found, the pieces may also be removed. In any case, the party will be more difficult to find his head could have it thrown in a dumpster or in a stream. I'm worried. The methods del delitto mi hanno fatto tornare alla mente l’efferatezza del Mostro di Firenze ”.

di Igor Patruno


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