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work Caramel - The crime of Via Poma |
C onosco Carmelo work for meeting him and some television programs dedicated to the story of the murder of street Poma, both inside Rebibbia bunker, where he held the trial Raniero Busco. Like me, he culpability of the former boyfriend of Simonetta Cesaroni there has never believed in these years and continued to think and to investigate the crime with the tools of his profession, or with the tools of the criminologist.
work has just published the second edition of a book called: The crime Via Poma, on the trail of . A second edition which is actually very different from the first. As the lawyer said Nino Marazzita presentation: "work has refined its investigation, has entered the circle, has identified a track that has not been beaten as he would have done."
However you think the book should be read because of the criminologist Roman asks the questions that open up a real glimpse at a brand new scenario that would be worthwhile to look into. Here below the last short chapter of the book, which summarizes the meaning of his work approach and raises his questions (Igor Patruno).
L each other in Via Poma contains, in addition to the ruthless logic and Machiavellian character of the plot of Agatha Christie and mysteries of the rhizome of metaphysical detective stories by Edgar Allan Poe, including complications, the inextricable absurdity piran delliane, the puzzles at the faces of most cases of Sherlock Holmes, the jungle logic of the intrigues of the works of Alfred Hitchcock, the 'cunning and perfidy of the low blows of foul play, the apparent insolubility dei cold cases.
E in più c'è la presenza silenziosa, incombente e passiva del "convitato di pietra" Pietrino Vanacore, che sempre e comunque sovrasta e pervade ogni cosa.
L'impianto accusatorio contro Raniero Busco non regge, è basa to su elementi incerti, improbabili, se non addirittura impossibili. Nemmeno regge che Busco sia l'assassino e sia fuggito lasciando the door open, or holding that has passed for Vanacore case (but how do you go to the event on the third floor of a building when is much more simple and logical to use the elevator?), Has discovered body and warned "fellow snacks" that his fellow were not, or "clique" that he had little to do.
Raniero Busco The trial is only a small segment enormous, complicated and tangled skein of this smi surato intrigue. However, can help to shed light on the mystery of Via Poma if you will frame a determined and resolute, without com promised and false conceit, the black hole of silence and empty dell'AIAG, as suggested in this book and how he wants the "common sense and logic of things."
screening, staging, alterations and omissions have been us: we need to decrypt and systematize rationally understand the which prodest, who had the characteristics of cone knowledge, opportunity and capacity to implement them.
It is possible that you are in front of the palace plot against the usurper, the spy or traitor, or the alien or the other because he was young, beautiful and desirable choice. O only against a girl who did not put my feet on his head. affect one or more women, detecting one or more men, women and men ni are competing to alter the scene, to manipulate it, set it to ras . In several investigations pollute and destroy the evidence.
On the other canto, nulla esclude che sia stato invece un uomo a colpire Simonetta sino a ucciderla, e che una donna abbia poi ras settato e pulito, e che più persone abbiano depistato. Un uomo respinto, deriso o soltanto voglioso, sicuramente frustrato e ven dicativo.
Nulla toglie che il portiere Vanacore abbia potuto coprire qual cuno dopo le ore 20.00, ma questo punto dev'essere inserito nel giu sto contesto e sistema di circostanze, situazioni, comportamenti, dinamiche e interrelazioni, non nel semplice scenario della "porta aperta" sostenuto dalla famosa "agendina fantasma".
It is certain that the murderess is a regional environmental office where he worked Simonetta, the murderess he used his left hand to hit the temple Simonetta and then spearing, which the OMIC idiopathic occurred before 16.30 , more people have de trample the investigation and destroyed the evidence that chain the four phone calls, has at least two of the great fruits that are good bluff, that there were at least thirty big mistakes investigative , that the considerations and observations at the crime scene, the chronology of events and criminal profile should be set out in this book valued knowledge and belief, defined and systematised with the judicial logic.
It is essential to find the answers to two questions, just because the solution of the yellow Via Poma is played on these two aspects :
1. Le quattro telefonate ci sono state realmente? Se sì, chi si è spacciata per Simonetta Cesaroni? Se sono state soltanto due, chi e perché mente? Se non ci sono state, come mai si è verific ata tale filiera di menzogne?
2. Perché il tagliacarte è stato disposto sopra il tavolinetto accanto alla macchina da scrivere di Maria Luisa Sibilia, il posto dove avrebbe dovuto essere se… l'assassino non lo avesse usato per colpire Simonetta? Chi sapeva che il posto del opener was just the room of Maria Luisa Seville, but he did not know who had disappeared from room and was making a mistake to put it back in its place?
Via Poma's case can be resolved because there are still traces situational and behavior likely to fit the subject unknown and his "clique" of skilled detecting, even if someone has made it Simonetta Cesaroni was nothing but an invisible entity within dell'AIAG in via Poma, "this girl" o la ragazza senza nome, che doveva essere obliata (tanto che l'appartamento venne ripulito da cima a fondo solo quattro giorni dopo il delitto), anche se sono stati commessi numerosi errori investigativi, metodologici, ideologici e procedurali.
Le tracce dell'assassino ci dicono di guardare laddove io ho guar dato, dove il lettore mi ha seguito, dove la logica, l'analisi criminale e la scienza contro il crimine ci dicono di guardare, dove chi doveva guardare... non ha guardato e continua a non guardare!
Carmelo work
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