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Raymond Davis |
Knowing you are in trouble, Davis phoned to seek reinforcements, but before they arrived, the local Pakistani blocked his escape and secured his arrest.
At the police station, Davis said that he had been robbed and that he acted in self-defense. Pakistani police searched his car found a kit to camouflage, long-range radio, a GPRS and a mobile phone containing photographs of places sensitive targets. He was a CIA agent.
Obama said that Davis is a American diplomat who enjoys immunity. However, the U.S. has so awkward compromise their story from the beginning, first arguing that Davis was a " employee of the United States Consulate General in Lahore " and then a member of administrative and technical staff of the American .
Following Davis claimed to have worked for a security firm called Hyperion LLC, under contract with the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan . But the BBC reported that the site exists only as Hyperion web, and its offices in Orlando have been vacant for several years.I numbers are not listed on the website, it is that is a CIA front company.
Gli uomini che ha ucciso si sono poi rivelati essere agenti ISI che stavano cercando di arrestare Davis. Davis li uccisi piuttosto che arrendersi.
Il Pakistan è in subbuglio. L’incidente è visto come un omicidio intenzionale a sangue freddo di innocenti. Fuori dal carcere folle enormi si sono riunite per chiedere giustizia,bruciando anche alcune sue foto.
Ad infiammare maggiormente il sentimento pubblico, una vedova di uno degli uomini uccisi si è suicidata mangiando veleno per topi. Prima di morire ha detto ai giornalisti: “ Non mi aspetto alcuna giustizia da questo government. This is why I want to kill . His last recorded words were: "I want blood for blood".
The desire for justice by the people is so strong that many fear that the already fragile Pakistani government will be torn to pieces by his own people if Davis were to go back in American hands.
We are told that we must intervene in Afghanistan and Pakistan to fight terrorists. This story has the potential to destroy this paradigm. Davis was working with the same terrorist groups that it believes are fighting le forze occidentali .
Il Daily Telegraph ha riferito che Davis è il “capo ad interim della Cia in Pakistan”. Lui ha affermato che uno dei suoi compiti principali era quello di mantenere intatta la rete della Cia nelle zone tribali dove operano i militanti di al-Qaeda e che era in possesso di una buona conoscenza delle loro lingue locali.
Le registrazioni telefoniche suggeriscono che era in contatto con il Lashkar-e-Jhangvi e i talebani del Pakistan nel Waziristan South.
The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi committed a long list of heinous crimes. In 2002, two members of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombed the Protestant International Church in Islamabad during a church, killing five people and wounding 40.
The Pakistani government claimed that the assassination of Pakistani President Benazir Bhutto in 2007, along with the killing of 20 others in Rawalpindi had been orchestrated by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
Pakistan is an Islamic nation with nuclear weapons so designated for la distruzione e il disarmo da parte dell’élite di potere globale. Organizzazioni come Lashkar-e-Jhangvi sono progettate per creare il caos in Pakistan, fratturare il paese in piccoli pezzi che rendano cosi più facile l’ integrazione del Pakistan nel NWO.
E ‘anche probabile che Davis fosse alla ricerca di obiettivi per attacchi drone . Dal 2004, i militari Usa hanno inviato aerei senza pilota a bombardare punti strategici in Pakistan. I droni sono sempre più controllati dai giovani-maghi dei computers reclutati nell’esercito.
I droni attacano avversari military operations in Afghanistan. They also attacked the conservative regions of Pakistan, which are resistant to change.
If you search the listings of the goals of the drone, an area that emerges repeatedly is the South Waziristan. Wikipedia describes the social life of this region:
'The tribes are divided into sub-tribes governed by elders of the village men who meet in a tribal jirga. Socially and religiously, Waziristan is an extremely conservative. The women are carefully protected and every family should be guided by a male figure .. ' The tribal cohesion is very strong through so-called Acts of collective responsibility in the Frontier Crimes Regulation '
Illuminati Satanists are fighting a war on Islam. The men of the South Waziristan are warriors and they refuse to allow the destruction of their culture. Their leaders are murdered and our media we describe them as 'Al-Qaeda leader'.
Raymond Davis's future is uncertain. The Pakistani government does not want to irritate the U.S. tried and executed, because Pakistan receives a package of 3 billion dollars in aid every year by the United States, which will undoubtedly fill the pockets of the leaders Government.
However, an outraged public may make it politically impossible for the delivery of the Davis USA.Inoltre the Pakistani government also has the pressure of its own intelligence, the ISI, who do not want to let go of the American spy.
The reason for the ISI is caused by the recent fractures with CIA.Un example is the fury of 'CIA to the ISI, who was Pakistan's involvement in the Mumbai attacks. The Washington Post recently reported that the ISI is ready to separate from the CIA.
Probably the case will be brought for long, until public anger will have subsided and Davis can be safely brought home.
This story is huge in Pakistan, but was almost unmentioned in the West, because it is dangerous.
understand this story tears the mask from the face of American government. Our defenders are also the sponsors and organizers of the terrorists (...).
TRANSLATION: In Cori Tempesta
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